Aune T1 USB Tube DAC+ SS Amp Discussion Thread ***See first post for FAQ--Updated on 02/14/15***
Dec 14, 2013 at 9:41 AM Post #3,541 of 8,309
  First of all I want to say thank you to those encouraging me to get Amperex instead of Bugle Boy that offered locally. I get a better deal, threesomes tube but just a tad higher than the local BB. And thank you for providing me the link. I'd been spoon feed or tube feed by this thread member.
Amperex 6DJ8/E88CC is here. Just spend 1 hour testing them all but with short time, noticeable upgrade from EH6922 would be:

1) No more ear piercing sound.
2) Music becoming less thin, add a little body.
3) Better bass impact.
4) Larger soundstage.
5) Suitable for metalhead music. (I'm a metalhead but at the same time listen to other genre.)
6) Not just metalhead, improve music in EDM and R&B too. In other word, universal improvement.
However, the bass less rumbling inside my ear but I'm okay with that since I'm not a bass head. Plus, no more ear piercing bright. IMO, it's still bright but it's more like polite bright, better than Beyer bright. I tested EH6922 with Xduoo TA-01 amp before and it's warmer than T1 with 6DJ8 and stock tube along. But again, HD600 is a neutral headphone and some considered as bright.
Now I waiting for Crack. Let's see how Aune T1 pair with Crack will do. My current aim is looking for mid entry tube DAC, I love tube!
BTW, I bought my tube from ebay, took me 3 weeks. Well, about 5 weeks. 3 weeks to arrive at my country, 2 weeks stuck at post office.
I can't here any obvious different between these 3 tubes.

It seems you managed to get 1 single leg GAC coded also! This should be best out of them.
Dec 14, 2013 at 9:45 AM Post #3,542 of 8,309
  It seems you managed to get 1 single leg GAC coded also! This should be best out of them.

Which one is it sir? The best means different sound?
Dec 14, 2013 at 10:52 AM Post #3,543 of 8,309
eeemmh... I already told that it has single support leg and GAC code (should be)... but I`ll make it easier for you - it`s the 1st from right side on the pic ;D Does it have disc getter or O-ring getter? If it`s with dimpled disc then it should be GAC coded. If that`s the case then it has tinybit smoother highs and it`s more dynamical sounding. I have talked lot about this tube already, use thread search :wink:
Dec 14, 2013 at 12:15 PM Post #3,544 of 8,309
Dec 14, 2013 at 5:03 PM Post #3,545 of 8,309
I just picked up an Aune T1 and have a couple questions.  I've connected it via USB to an iMac to drive both headphones (via the T1 headphone jack) and Adam A3x powered monitors (via the T1 RCA outputs).  From what I've read in this thread, I believe the headphone output is using the T1 internal amp and the monitor RCA outputs are bypassing the T1 internal amp.
My questions:
1. Is it correct that the internal T1 amp is bypassed when I use the RCA outputs for the monitors?
2. If the T1 amp is bypassed for the monitor output, why do the iMac keyboard volume controls work for the monitors?  (I'm happy that they work, I just don't understand why -- I would have expected iMac keyboard volume controls to have no effect since the only connection between the Mac and T1 is digital USB)
Dec 14, 2013 at 7:02 PM Post #3,546 of 8,309
1. Yes
2. Probably your iMac output isn`t set to pure digital out without going through OS software mixer. For windows you can use WASAPI, ASIO or KSP, for linux ALSA. For iMac (if it uses OSX) I owe you an answer because I don`t have experience setting that software audio output properly. But if you are able to control volume with your iMac then it refers signal is going through OS software mixer.
Dec 15, 2013 at 6:15 AM Post #3,547 of 8,309
some tube sales going here at quartz for a good price.. at least better than what I paid for! especially the Siemens...

but since then, is nothing but enjoyable.. hah..
Dec 15, 2013 at 8:12 AM Post #3,548 of 8,309
  eeemmh... I already told that it has single support leg and GAC code (should be)... but I`ll make it easier for you - it`s the 1st from right side on the pic ;D Does it have disc getter or O-ring getter? If it`s with dimpled disc then it should be GAC coded. If that`s the case then it has tinybit smoother highs and it`s more dynamical sounding. I have talked lot about this tube already, use thread search :wink:

Hi, yeah I read about the sound but sorry, I was sleepy while typing. 3 pages search result of "GAC code" really helpful. :D BTW, how to know if its support leg and GAC code? I did some google and not really help me. :D What to look at disc getter, o-ring getter or dimpled disc.
Dec 15, 2013 at 8:22 AM Post #3,549 of 8,309
oh my... please read the first post for useful information by Salvatore.
Dec 15, 2013 at 8:25 AM Post #3,550 of 8,309
  oh my... please read the first post for useful information by Salvatore.

Oh my... Why do I always miss that?

Dec 15, 2013 at 11:03 AM Post #3,551 of 8,309
Below is another angle of the tubes:

From Salvatore post, my founding as below. Left to right:
1) A-frame dimpled disc, GAG 3G5
2) PQ A-frame dimpled disc, GAG 4G1.
3) Single leg dimpled disc, GAC 914
Correct me if I'm wrong and kindly add me if something missing. Forgive my slow learning capabilities.
Edit: I knew somehow I will make mistake and confuse.

Dec 15, 2013 at 12:20 PM Post #3,553 of 8,309
  1. Yes
2. Probably your iMac output isn`t set to pure digital out without going through OS software mixer. For windows you can use WASAPI, ASIO or KSP, for linux ALSA. For iMac (if it uses OSX) I owe you an answer because I don`t have experience setting that software audio output properly. But if you are able to control volume with your iMac then it refers signal is going through OS software mixer.

Thanks for the feedback.  I guess that means that it is still using the iMac internal DAC for that OS mixer and that I need to get that out of the loop to get any real benefit from the T1 DAC.  I searched for Mac setup for an external DAC, but can't find anything to disable it.  My search did point a Mac applications/utilities/midi program to set up the Aune device.  I used the midi tool to change the default 16-bit/44.1k to 24-bit/44.1k (I didn't get any sound when I set it to 24/96k, only 24/44.1k).  Even after the midi changes, the volume control still works so I think the internal software OS mixer still seems to be in loop.   
Dec 15, 2013 at 1:23 PM Post #3,554 of 8,309
  Below is another angle of the tubes:

From Salvatore post, my founding as below. Left to right:
1) A-frame getter halo, GAG 3G5
2) PQ A-frame getter halo, GAG 4G1.
3) Single leg getter halo, GAC 914
Correct me if I'm wrong and kindly add me if something missing. Forgive my slow learning capabilities.

Usually those A-frames have dimpled disc getter and single legs have halo getter. Dimpled disc is a solid disc with small dimples on it and halo getter is just a metallic ring. In my understanding the A-frames are more modern invention (late 60's / early 70's). They were designed to provide stronger support and make the tubes less susceptible to microphonics. The single legs should be older and rarer. According to Coil's impressions the single legs are also superior in sound. PQ = premium quality = longer life.
Dec 15, 2013 at 4:12 PM Post #3,555 of 8,309
Got the Hifiman he 400's to equip with my Aune. Coming in soon :p. Unfortunately my dad thinks it's a waste of money to purchase an upgraded tube and doesn't really understand.. so for now I hope the 6922 EH will be fine.

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