Audeze LCD-4
Nov 9, 2015 at 4:24 AM Post #1,486 of 12,047
  But this does not mean it is not secure on the head, right? More flexible, less clamping force, still secure and stable when worn ... sounds good so far.
Will you consider using the Woo-style stand where the headphones simply balance on it and doesn't clamp on side surfaces like Omegas

Not at all. It is very secure on my head. Most headbands use spring steel which creates more pressure the further you spread it apart. The bigger your head is, the greater the clamping force. The carbon fiber headband doesn't seem to exponentially increase the clamping force as much as a spring steel headband. The pressure still increases the further you spread it apart but, not as quickly. It is also very flexible in all directions (you can twist it quite a bit). Its rigidity is not fixed in one position like steel. You really have to hold these headphones in your hands to understand and appreciate this. I was a little skeptical of carbon fiber being used as a spring but, as it turns out its a great choice.  
I have a Just Mobile aluminum stand that works fine with Audeze headphones. It also lets your headphones hang like the Woo Audio stand. I just got the Omega stand though, so I have to use it!
Nov 9, 2015 at 11:13 AM Post #1,487 of 12,047
I notice from your signature, your chain is similar to  mine PC -> HA-1 -> LCD3F, now trying to decide between LCD-4 and HE1K. Never heard HE1K,  I am borrowing a HE1K so I can compare before I make a decision.

Guess I should update my signature, I'm actually using the HA-1 solely as my desktop amp now. My main rig is Auralic Aries Mini->Schiit Yggy->ALO Audio Studio Six-> HE1000 & LCD-3F.
My main reason for commenting on the potential similarity of the HE1000 & LCD-4 is because while it may be a better overall headphone compared to the LCD-3, if it becomes more like the HE1000 (bigger soundstage, better detail retrieval, etc.) then it may not be worth the extra $$$ for me. I think if you've got an HE1000 then you've got that sound covered, whereas I like the LCD-3 for it's intimacy and attack that gives music a different feel from something like the HE1000. If the LCD-4 moves the Audeze lineup closer to something like the HE1000 then for me the LCD-3 that I've already got may be the best option to keep even if the LCD-4 is the better overall headphones.
Anyway, just my thoughts on it, but I am glad to finally hear some impressions rolling in, even if they convince me to stay put with the LCD-3's for now.
Nov 9, 2015 at 11:45 AM Post #1,488 of 12,047
Is it possible the carbon fiber starts to crack with age?  I am not aware what are the 'spring' properties of carbon fiber and epoxy and does it maintain it's spring behavior with age or perhaps gets looser with time?
Nov 9, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #1,489 of 12,047
  Is it possible the carbon fiber starts to crack with age?  I am not aware what are the 'spring' properties of carbon fiber and epoxy and does it maintain it's spring behavior with age or perhaps gets looser with time?

Carbon fiber should not crack or change tension levels over time.   It's a highly durable and resilient material - there's a reason that F1 car driver safety cells are largely carbon fiber and carbon epoxy.
Carbon fiber is somewhat directional in strength, though that shouldn't impact the headband in any kind of normal use case.
Nov 9, 2015 at 12:10 PM Post #1,490 of 12,047
I am sorry for your wallet in this regard. The 3Fs are my favorite headphones too and I am still under shock as I cannot go back to the 3Fs after listening to LCD4s. Two things that strike me the most (and matter to me a lot) are the presentation and detail retrieval.
Going from the 3Fs to 4s, the soundstage gets wider and deeper, but I want to say it gets  wider than it gets deeper, This may be because it is easier to perceive width than depth, so my opinion on depth is  likely change once my brain gets used to the 4s. But this is only half the story. What makes the 4s a winner for me is the layering. The vocals are clearly separated from the instruments even if they are directly behind. Going from the 4s to the 3Fs makes this space squished! The midrange is lush and realistic, I can feel the flesh behind the snap of the fingers, it is easier to notice subtle change in voice or when the artist pauses a little for breath, little details. Compared to 3Fs the trebble is accentuated, yet realistic and delicate making it sound more airy, like the shimmer of the cymbals after the attack.

Thanks for the thoughts. Sigh. Back to cup of noodles for awhile LOL.
Nov 9, 2015 at 1:18 PM Post #1,491 of 12,047
Any problem with the leather pads being squished because of clamping on wooden stands then the user's ears touch the Fazor elements? 

I think with the new fluxor magnets, they have been molded into the shape of the fazor so there is no additional bolted on fazor unit allowing for more space for the ear, but I could be wrong. At least that is what it looked like from diagrams of the EL-8.

So who is going to be the first to disassemble their LCD4 and take pictures of the driver?

Nov 9, 2015 at 1:25 PM Post #1,492 of 12,047
Thanks for the thoughts. Sigh. Back to cup of noodles for awhile LOL.

And here I thought I was done with the dynamic/planar game for now too heh.  Might have to look into the LCD4 before I step out into electrostat.  IMO it's probably apparent the 4 bests the 3/3f but fro the feedback I'm hearing though....I don't think it's a night and day step up.  Just goes to show how good the 3 is and it's the law of diminishing returns playing hard with the big $$ tag on the lcd-4.
Nov 9, 2015 at 1:42 PM Post #1,493 of 12,047
And here I thought I was done with the dynamic/planar game for now too heh.  Might have to look into the LCD4 before I step out into electrostat.  IMO it's probably apparent the 4 bests the 3/3f but fro the feedback I'm hearing though....I don't think it's a night and day step up.  Just goes to show how good the 3 is and it's the law of diminishing returns playing hard with the big $$ tag on the lcd-4.

For sure about diminishing returns. I think its not only that its better but its that special feel you probably get knowing they were made to order, etc. I think your paying for some of that experience as well. The 4s are going to be a demo for me first and foremost. I wonder how long they take to make once you order, I'd order them and demo and take advantage of their 30 day return. I don't think it's something you'll learn to appreciate at a meet for 20 minutes.
Nov 9, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #1,494 of 12,047
I don't think it's something you'll learn to appreciate at a meet for 20 minutes.

This is definitely true. I have a hard time going back to any of my other headphones, Audeze or not. Even the HD800. Of course, normal disclaimers apply -- my opinion, my biases, my ears, my gears.
Nov 9, 2015 at 5:45 PM Post #1,495 of 12,047
Has anyone (properly) compared these to the HE1000 yet?
Not been able to keep up with this thread due to work!
Nov 9, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #1,496 of 12,047
  Has anyone (properly) compared these to the HE1000 yet?
Not been able to keep up with this thread due to work!

Here's one:
  Ok here we go ... damn I feel the pressure :)
HE1K: Right off the bat these headphones were amazingly musical no matter what genre I threw at it. The soundstage was very impressive, almost as good as the HD800s. But unlike the 800s the sound wasn't analytical but more on the musical/enjoyable side. In summary it sounded like I was listening to hifi speakers 10 times the price of these headphones. Soundstage, musicality, instrument separation are some of the keywords here.
LCD-4: In comparison, the soundstage on the LCD-4s was significantly narrow. Also the treble sounded a bit muffled, I guess that's the Audeze house sound in action. Which I used be a fan of, but after listening to the HE1K it opened my ears and muffled was the thought that came to me as I was listening. LCD-4s are surely a notch above the LCD-3 but I don't think I can justify the price difference.
The Obvious: HE1K was super comfortable, after few mins you don't even feel them in your head. On the other hand LCD-4s are as hefty as usual. The new headbands seems to help with the comfort. But I can't comment how much better they are because I didn't have them on for hours.
And finally, here is how I would rank them:
  1) HE1K
  2) LCD-4     
  2.5) MrSpeakers ETHER
  4) LCD-3
  1. I didn't include the HD-800 in that list, because I've not heard them with the any kind of mods. I've only heard them in their stock form.
  2. The LCD-4 and ETHER are pretty close. Maybe if I had compared them using another genre the order might have been different. Since my primary goal was to compare HE1K and LCD-4 I didn't spend too much time comparing LCD-4 vs ETHER.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've already placed an order for the HE1K (a headphone that wasn't even on my radar - that's how good they sounded). I don't think I've ever been completely blown away listening to a headphone before (just in the first few minutes).
If you got this far congratulations and sorry I am not very articulate. If you've very specific questions please ask I'll try to answer them.

Nov 9, 2015 at 6:56 PM Post #1,497 of 12,047

No insult to the author, but I wouldn't consider that a comprehensive comparison. The headphones were auditioned for fairly brief periods and it isn't clear if the writer was familiar wth the rest of the chain.

A few posters in this thread have stated they will have the HEK and LCD4 in house for extended comparisons soon, so hopefully there will be more evaluations in the next few weeks with music and Amps/DACs familiar to the listeners and enough time in a quiet environment to get a handle on two excellent headphones.
Nov 9, 2015 at 7:55 PM Post #1,498 of 12,047
i have the LCD-3 and the HEK...I cannot comment on the LCD-4 but i can say the HEK is the best headphone I have yet heard....simply wonderful
Nov 9, 2015 at 8:02 PM Post #1,499 of 12,047
I think with the new fluxor magnets, they have been molded into the shape of the fazor so there is no additional bolted on fazor unit allowing for more space for the ear, but I could be wrong. At least that is what it looked like from diagrams of the EL-8.
So who is going to be the first to disassemble their LCD4 and take pictures of the driver?

Just afraid that since the 4 has double fluxor (on both sides) that it would somehow reduce the distance between the inner Fazor and the ear, the EL-8 as I recall only has one sided Fluxor

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