Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?
Jan 16, 2015 at 10:47 AM Post #316 of 841
I joined February 2002 and went to one of the first meets at grado labs soon after

I look forward to staying active and listening to music!
Jan 24, 2015 at 11:00 AM Post #317 of 841
Stopped in again as part of the upgrade process for my portable system and to further investigate hi-res digital's progress.  

Jan 24, 2015 at 11:29 AM Post #318 of 841
I joined February 2002 and went to one of the first meets at grado labs soon after


What about the first Headphone Tour done by HeadRoom who traveled across the country in that white van carrying all those early HeadRoom amplifiers and the array of headphones available at the time.  The ring leader was none other than Tyll.  I think they had the BlockHead along with a highend Wadia CD Player.  
In the Chicago area, it was head at the Shure facilities.  I still have my HeadRoom mug from that event. :)
Jan 24, 2015 at 2:02 PM Post #319 of 841
In the Chicago area, it was head at the Shure facilities.  I still have my HeadRoom mug from that event. :)

I was the MN sponsor for both of HeadRoom's first two Twin Cities shows.  For the second, my co-sponsor was the Minnesota Audio Society and we held it at the Pavlek Radio Museum.  I still have and wear both of my HeadRoom tee shirts, although they are both too big for me these days.  
Jan 25, 2015 at 7:42 AM Post #320 of 841
What about the first Headphone Tour done by HeadRoom who traveled across the country in that white van carrying all those early HeadRoom amplifiers and the array of headphones available at the time.  The ring leader was none other than Tyll.  I think they had the BlockHead along with a highend Wadia CD Player.  
In the Chicago area, it was head at the Shure facilities.  I still have my HeadRoom mug from that event. :)

 Funny .....I signed up at the end of 05 and I remember that.
Jan 26, 2015 at 5:43 AM Post #323 of 841
Not an old fart but I have been pestering people here for advice since 2004 :D . I do have a speaker based audio background but cans are weird so far as value is concerned. They seem to kill speakers in terms of fidelity/quality when comparing same price cans vs same price speakers when under the 700 dollar region but going up in price it seems no headphone can be as musical to me as a good speaker in the same price range.
Jan 26, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #324 of 841

Well, bangraman, please, tell us how you really feel :) You are spot on though. Journalistic integrity is nearly non-existent, especially within the last ten years or so. While I have never been a fan of the media to begin with, I can barely stomach them now. And in regard to reviewing gear, I have a few people who I listen to. The others are simply talking heads.

What I really hate about this current situation is that it's just handed power back to those who are best at selling.

We've got these guys now who head up the shiniest blogs which are undoubtedly influential, which are staffed by unexceptional people in their field who happen to write well and are good at getting noticed for one reason or another... the kind of people I used to deride as the 'lifestyle press' now also rule pretty much all elements of tech too. And the problem is that while they may have airs about being the new journalists, they're basically puppets for those who're expert marketeers because they're too self-absorbed.

The internet didn't free us from the flim-flam guys. It actually made them stronger. Which is kind of depressing.

The first generation of internet elites made their fortune by making the internet accessible to the "flim-flam guys", as you put it. It must have been like the nerd collective collectively selling their golden goose :xf_eek:
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Feb 2, 2015 at 5:48 PM Post #328 of 841
  I still have an AKG shirt from a big meet 8-9 years ago.  Snapped this pic a week ago for my FB page.

The great thing is you still fit in that shirt quite comfortably.  I've outgrown the shirt from 9 years ago sadly. 

Feb 4, 2015 at 3:19 AM Post #330 of 841
  Here's a blast from the past: 


Wonder where he is now.  Sadly I still own the same tubes that Mikahail is holding in the picture.  What a loss to the community really.  He can voice amps like no one else despite questionable build quality.

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