Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2
Sep 4, 2011 at 2:11 AM Post #3,736 of 9,210
I'm currently using the Woo audio wa5 and the schiit lyr. They are both great amps, the woo having gorgeous mids with the lcd 2s and the lyr bringing great dynamic punch. Will probably be getting one of the upcoming Schiit Balanced Amps and Dac combos so will post impressions on those when I get them.
Sep 4, 2011 at 8:31 AM Post #3,737 of 9,210
 Hey guys
 Im at a bind right now and it'll be great if anyone could help me out. I have had the lcd2 r2 for about 2 weeks now and its been driven by my Lehmann audio BCL amp.
 The sound Im hearing is good as I like BCL but wasnt sure if I was getting the full benefit of lcd2 as I havent heard it with another amp. So Im very tempted to buy Schiit Lyr as its been getting great support in this looong forum (read nearly all) but not sure if it would be an upgrade to the BCL. Couldnt find many people with the lcd2 BCL/Lyr combo but
if anyone is out there regarding this matter it'll be greatfull// 
Sep 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM Post #3,738 of 9,210
Ok, don't laugh.
I've a Little Dot MKIII and I was wondering if any of you had tried it with the lcd 2s. It is currently driving a pair of HD600s and doing a great job with them. So, if I were to buy the lcd2, what should I expect from the LDIII? is there a good sinergy between them that makes up for the lack of power? At least, can I get a decent sound out of them before I save enough money to get a Lyr?
Sep 5, 2011 at 8:34 AM Post #3,739 of 9,210
I had an MKIII for a little while.  It drove the LCD-2 to good fun listening levels but not to very loud levels.  They paired up "ok", definitely not the worst combo I've heard but not the best either.  They LD MKIII did better with my 250+ impedance dynamic headphones.
Sep 5, 2011 at 9:12 AM Post #3,740 of 9,210
Thanks for the input.
Will keep the LD III for a while longer until I raise the funds for what seems to be the FOTM LCD-2s Amp, the Lyr.

Sep 5, 2011 at 7:38 PM Post #3,741 of 9,210

Thanks for the input.
Will keep the LD III for a while longer until I raise the funds for what seems to be the FOTM LCD-2s Amp, the Lyr.


FYI...the Lyr has been around since February.
Sep 5, 2011 at 8:13 PM Post #3,743 of 9,210


This amp has impressed me for several months now driving both my orthos. Rob (Skylab) has just updated his Tube Amp Ranking thread and you'll see that it's highly well placed (and deservedly so IMO).
Sep 5, 2011 at 9:06 PM Post #3,746 of 9,210

Indeed. I was not disagreeing with you, merely laughing at your statement (in agreement).

I know, I was just adding some more information for those who thought the Lyr was still FOTM.

Sep 5, 2011 at 9:54 PM Post #3,748 of 9,210
I had to look up FOTM. 

OK here in this thread for Amps for LCD's someone list the most popular tubes for the Lyr.   I'm interested but my head is swirling from the tube rolling thread for the Lyr and to make matters worse that thread includes all other headphones and is not specific to the LCD's.
Sep 5, 2011 at 10:00 PM Post #3,749 of 9,210

I had to look up FOTM. 

OK here in this thread for Amps for LCD's someone list the most popular tubes for the Lyr.   I'm interested but my head is swirling from the tube rolling thread for the Lyr and to make matters worse that thread includes all other headphones and is not specific to the LCD's.

To keep things simple, the GE and Sylvania 6BZ7s are amongst the best tubes I've heard with my LCD-2s and HE-6s. Darn rolling doesn't all have to happen on one weekend. But with the stock GE 6BZ7s, you are starting off on a pretty good first step IMO.
Sep 5, 2011 at 10:06 PM Post #3,750 of 9,210

To keep things simple, the GE and Sylvania 6BZ7s are amongst the best tubes I've heard with my LCD-2s and HE-6s. Darn rolling doesn't all have to happen on one weekend. But with the stock GE 6BZ7s, you are starting off on a pretty good first step IMO.

Thanks.  I've seen a lot of chatter about  the Siemens tubes for the Lyr but being a tube novice  I lost track.  

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