AKG1000 Best Bang for the Buck!
Jul 15, 2004 at 3:14 PM Post #16 of 38
My Cary 300sei is modified to be a headphone amp only,speaker outputs are defeated. The K1000s don't work well out of the headphone jack.
The Krell seems to work extremely well with The K1000s,I could hook up the K1000s to my Cj premier 12s 140 watt monoblocks if I want to add Tubes to the Mix.I have done that in the past with excellant results.
Jul 15, 2004 at 3:46 PM Post #17 of 38

I could hook up the K1000s to my Cj premier 12s 140 watt monoblocks if I want to add Tubes to the Mix.I have done that in the past with excellant results.

Oh yeah. Daddy like

(although, not exactly a 'budget' system anymore when you do that
Aug 23, 2004 at 3:19 PM Post #18 of 38
why did you sell the nOrh se9 integrated amp? i was just about to get one to work with the akg 1000.
has there been an upgrade on the agk 1000? the lastest brochure said it uses a newly developed VLD magnet system.
Aug 23, 2004 at 3:54 PM Post #19 of 38
I too have come back (after a brief rest) to my K1000's. My problem is more a practical one - my main rig is in the living room, and that's where the kids and the wife watch TV. So I've been doing a lot of closed phone or secondary (basement - computer rig) listening lately.

However, I've stayed up late the last few nights to do some listening, and I'm glad that I did!! I also listened to the EXCELLENT Alison Krauss live discs, as well as most of my Diana Krall collection (saw her in concert on Saturday, highly recommended). I'm using an ASL MG-Head DT-32/OTL lately, which does a decent job driving them...but I really need/want something with more umph. Note to self - finish rebuilding that damn Fisher amp!!
Aug 23, 2004 at 11:46 PM Post #20 of 38
Don't stop with female vocals, though. I've been cranking some serious hard rock, hip-hop, dance music lately through K1000, and it CAN be made into a groovalizer.

Anyone else experience crunching bass lines through K1000? I didnt' think it was possible myself until I ran them "nude" off of my VAC Renaissance 30 watt 300B push-pull amp, using AVVT 32B tubes. UNbelievable.
Aug 23, 2004 at 11:56 PM Post #21 of 38

Originally Posted by lan
The headphones may be best bang for the buck but um.... not really the associated equipment to run them

LOL, yes. That is painfully true.

Yeah, I'm stilling working on it........

But in the hot weather, you really can't beat the K1000's, they don't touch your ears. Occassionally, I catch the side of my glasses with the ear speakers. Damn, cheesegraters.

Aug 23, 2004 at 11:58 PM Post #22 of 38

Originally Posted by Jon L
Don't stop with female vocals, though. I've been cranking some serious hard rock, hip-hop, dance music lately through K1000, and it CAN be made into a groovalizer.

Anyone else experience crunching bass lines through K1000? I didnt' think it was possible myself until I ran them "nude" off of my VAC Renaissance 30 watt 300B push-pull amp, using AVVT 32B tubes. UNbelievable.

LOL. Dude, you keep pimping that absurd "nude" mod. Post some pics of it being worn on an actual head of a human being.

Aug 24, 2004 at 12:21 AM Post #23 of 38
This nude mod is without the headband right?
Aug 24, 2004 at 12:46 PM Post #26 of 38

Originally Posted by Jon L
Another view when it's off my head. It's hard to see, but the ends of the wire (clothing hanger) is bent at a specific angle to catch K1000 at a set angle, perfectly adjustable to your earlobes.

You're right, it's hard to see. The stock headband allows you full adjustability in terms of angle, which is critical to the spatial presentation of the headphone. In the shot on your head, the earspeakers appear to be pressed flat against your ears. If that's how you use the K-1000, you're missing what it can really do with spatial presentation.
Aug 24, 2004 at 5:39 PM Post #27 of 38
I think that's what he's saying.
You give up on the spatial qualities and you gain a fuller sound.
The same thing can (as you must know) be heard if you set the earpieces
to be parallel to your ears.

What I wonder is what is the gain from hanging them against your ears.
What's the difference between that en the 'parallel position' ?
It's only about 1 cm closer to the ears the 'naked way' , or do I have
gigantic ears ?
Aug 24, 2004 at 5:46 PM Post #28 of 38
Well, you're right. The "nude" mod the K1000 to sit flush on your earlobes, no space in between.

As a consequence, the spatial presentation does change from "normal" K1000 mode. When K1000 is used normally, adjusted to give the best spatial presentation (usually sitting quite a bit away from the ears), I felt the tonal balance, detail retrieval, bass was not to my satisfaction. I still preferred it as close to possible to my ears, which I felt gave better tonality and bass without sacrificing the soundstage too much.

The "nude" mod takes it further. The tone is now "correct" IMO with much more dense/richer lower midrange/upper bass/mid-bass balance. Bass is unbelievably improved in quantity and quality. But the entire frequency range is better detailed and clearer at the same time, likely due to less distortion b/c the driver has to move less to produce same perceived volume.

Even with the "nude" mod, the sides of the K1000 are open, and you do get cross-feed from the other side. I really do not feel I get a less spatial presentation at all. If I want a soundstage like speakers, well I use my speakers. You do realize that I used to use K1000 in "normal" mode for a long time before the nude mod. I do not miss the normal mode AT ALL, spatial or otherwise, and I will never go back since I now know what K1000 is really capable of in terms of musical satisfaction.

As far as comfort, the nude mod is an order of magnitude more comfortable than the Grado HP-2 or Sennheiser 580. It's much lighter without the headband, and the wire over top of head carries most of the (light) weight, and the earspeakers can gently sit on top of your ears with adjustable pressure.
Aug 24, 2004 at 5:51 PM Post #29 of 38
You know you have money when your best bang for the buck headphones costs $900. :p

Aug 24, 2004 at 6:20 PM Post #30 of 38

Originally Posted by NotoriousBIG_PJ
You know you have money when your best bang for the buck headphones costs $900. :p


You know no one buys the K1000 for $900. There are places you can buy them new for a LOT less.

And I bought mine used, I think for about $240...

Which is why I still haven't pulled the trigger on Ety 4P for my 4G iPod. I just can't swallow paying that much $ for them when I got my K1000 for so little...

Also, even if one gets K1000 for $900, it would still be bargain of the century as it is directly competitive with my actively bi-amped custom speaker setup (probably like $20K in speaker costs only...)

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