Apr 2, 2024 at 12:21 PM Post #3,332 of 3,713
I also just got the chance to listen and agree that if you want to have a subbass monster Aur this is the one to get.

I appreciate it's hard to comment with only short listens but how about the stage dimensions and imaging ability? I'm all together confident Abel can tune a good tonality but the intangible aspects are difficult to get right.
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:22 PM Post #3,333 of 3,713
I also just got the chance to listen to Aehta and agree that if you want to have a subbass monster Aur this is the one to get.
Did you have a chance to try it on different sources? If you did, do you find the signature change drastic?
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:27 PM Post #3,334 of 3,713
I appreciate it's hard to comment with only short listens but how about the stage dimensions and imaging ability? I'm all together confident Abel can tune a good tonality but the intangible aspects are difficult to get right.
It's big and the imaging is as precise as any good multi kilobuck IEM. You can hear the violinist swaying as he/she is playing. It is not Sony Z1R, or Canpur 622B big. However, the Canpur is so big there is coherence issues. This is based on the iBasso DX260. Another source might render it different.
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #3,335 of 3,713
It's big and the imaging is as precise as any good multi kilobuck IEM. You can hear the violinist swaying as he/she is playing. It is not Sony Z1R, or Canpur 622B big. However, the Canpur is so big there is coherence issues. This is based on the iBasso DX260. Another source might render it different.

If the rated impedance on the product page is correct it's another incredibly low impedance from AuR, ala NP, so output impedance will change things, likewise depending on the impedance curve, power and sources will probably make a drastic change to presentation.

The stage, would you say it was larger than Ascension?
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #3,336 of 3,713
I appreciate it's hard to comment with only short listens but how about the stage dimensions and imaging ability? I'm all together confident Abel can tune a good tonality but the intangible aspects are difficult to get right.

Did you have a chance to try it on different sources? If you did, do you find the signature change drastic?
Not yet now. Will get back
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #3,337 of 3,713
If I have to recommend one. I will go with the Ascension first. It is IMHO priced too low. Aur's loss, your gain.

BTW. You have anything to use in the meantime? I can send you something to tide over.
I got other IEMs to use, so no worries there but I appreciate the help tho. Just waiting on Nicholas to notify me when the new batch for Ascension is ready then I can send back my faulty one.

So far the only issues I have with Ascension are the left side rattling when given a light tap. And occasional channel imbalance unless that's how the song is meant to be played idk lol. Apparently FedEx was being rough with the packaging according to Nicholas and Abel, at least it's reassuring in a way that the Ascension still sounded great despite what has happened.

Again I appreciate the help @DingDongMonster . Looking forward to yours and everyone else's complete review on the Aehta. And hopefully the new batch sent doesn't have the same issues or create new issues (I probably jinxed myself there haha).
Apr 2, 2024 at 12:42 PM Post #3,338 of 3,713
If the rated impedance on the product page is correct it's another incredibly low impedance from AuR, ala NP, so output impedance will change things, likewise depending on the impedance curve, power and sources will probably make a drastic change to presentation.

The stage, would you say it was larger than Ascension?
It is very easy to drive. Staging is comparable at the least. The switches and source change the signature a lot. I need more time to figure out the nuances.

I have other amps and DAPs I will test it on. It's almost 1 am here. Playtime is over. Wife is growling. Got to run.
Apr 2, 2024 at 1:18 PM Post #3,339 of 3,713
The first Aehta statement

NOTE: The IEM has never been used, so no burn in. Stock tips and stock cable.

This is a bassy IEM. Unlike the other offerings. It is a very mids and lows centric IEM.

What switches to throw on depends on the source.

On the XD05 Pro, having the bass and mids on, but the treble switched off is the best setting for my ears. The treble never hits the extended ranges I often get on the Ascension and Neon Pro. Like a warm headphone. Hard hitting bass, forward vocals, but no treble extension. Perfect for western taste and treble sensitivity.

On the iBasso DX260, All the switches on is very engaging. This source is bright and clinical. The staging is big and the treble with the switch on hits pretty high and airy. Bass is tamed down. For those familiar with the Elysian style tuning. Spacious, vocals centric, and airy treble. At 1/4 the price. This is my preference.

At certain frequencies, you can hear the texture of the BC. Mostly in the mids. It's subtle. Not fatiguing like the Mest. Male vocals, acoustic and bass guitars are very engaging. Kick drums are particularly nice.

Female vocals are more normal. It's not bad. Just not as engaging as the male one.

It is bassy, but not so big it's bleeding into the mids. At least not on my sources so far.

Rock, metal, modern pop, EDM. From Metallica to Taylor Swift. Everything sounds great.

I have yet to find it incoherent. Though having so many types of drivers, at some point I will surely make that comment. Maybe on the DX260 the treble does sound a wee bit disconnected on certain tracks if I am nitpicking. It's not even Monarch III levels, so no need for alarm.


The sound signature changes with the source. A lot. Like another IEM altogether.

Bass and mids centric. But not bass so big, it recesses everything else.

No bass bleed.

Works great with many genres.

Don't expect the BC to vibrate like a sex toy.

Last Comments

I guess all Aur IEMs are good IEMs. This one is going to be another winner. Those who are less concerned with dollars and nagging wives will want this one. The sound connoisseurs will need it in the collection. If you never owned an Aur. The Ascension is a great place to start. If your life is all about the bass. Then you definitely want this one, but it will be less of a general purpose compared to the Ascension.
Happy I didn't jump on the train. That's not the type of sound I am looking for now
Apr 2, 2024 at 2:57 PM Post #3,340 of 3,713
Just waiting on Nicholas to notify me when the new batch for Ascension is ready then I can send back my faulty one.
How was the warranty process? I have been listening to other sets and going back to the ascension things sound off to me. Nothing changed with them either so it might have been like the last from the get go as I thought they sounded off the first time listening to them but I quickly adapted. I plan on reaching out today about it so this was pretty timely
Apr 2, 2024 at 3:06 PM Post #3,341 of 3,713
How was the warranty process? I have been listening to other sets and going back to the ascension things sound off to me. Nothing changed with them either so it might have been like the last from the get go as I thought they sounded off the first time listening to them but I quickly adapted. I plan on reaching out today about it so this was pretty timely
'Sounds off' in what way if you don't mind sharing?
Apr 2, 2024 at 3:08 PM Post #3,342 of 3,713
How was the warranty process? I have been listening to other sets and going back to the ascension things sound off to me. Nothing changed with them either so it might have been like the last from the get go as I thought they sounded off the first time listening to them but I quickly adapted. I plan on reaching out today about it so this was pretty timely
Pretty smooth, showed Nicholas and Abel video evidence of the left side rattle. Nicholas told me to send my faulty unit back although I assume the wait for the new Ascension batch is going to take a while because Abel is making Aehtas according to recent pics. So I won't be sending it back anytime soon and hopefully I still got time left before the 6 month warranty expires.

Also, I recently I think I heard some channel imbalance unless the songs is meant to be like that idk tbh, harder to make a complaint in that case.

So yeah, that's how my warranty process went. Pretty smooth overall, now I just gotta wait for Nicholas to notify me about the new Ascension batch.

@ssantan2 glad I'm not the only one having issues. Thought I was the crazy one lol. Although I may have jinxed myself saying that haha.
Last edited:
Apr 2, 2024 at 3:29 PM Post #3,343 of 3,713
Also, I recently I think I heard some channel imbalance unless the songs is meant to be like that idk tbh, harder to make a complaint in that case.

Go on You Tube and search for things like "headphone balance test" "headphone bass balance test" "headphone bass test" ..... stuff like that.

There are numerous test audio tracks to test this stuff out.

I had a set from a different brand that I kept hearing what sounded like an imbalance only in the bass frequencies. I tracked down a bass test with different bass frequencies played in mono for several seconds at a time. That confirmed that the set had a very different sound in one DD than the other. A hum in one versus a vibration in the other. I cleaned a vent which helped then end ended up blowing and sucking into the IEM (OK no jokes please) which helped some more. Unfortunately I overdid it and apparently turned the DD diaphragm inside out because one side ended up with only 4BA and no DD which isn't a very interesting listen. They ended up in the bin.

I have several songs on a play list that are not good listens on IEM or headphones due to parts of the recording having a skew to one channel over the other which is really disconcerting. It isn't hard panned it is just off a bit but in a manner that sounds strange, probably fine on speakers.

A test audio like that might help track down if there is an issue at all.
Apr 2, 2024 at 3:31 PM Post #3,344 of 3,713
'Sounds off' in what way if you don't mind sharing?
Best way to describe is that it sounds like the lower mids are recessed cause it sounds a bit incoherent with thin and distant vocals which seems to not be what others are hearing or what I would imagine based on the graph. I also only started noticing today that everything is a right leaning so I think there is some channel imbalance.

I really only noticed this today since I have been listening to the Aure's nonstop for the last 1-2 months. I don't think this is new though cause when I first got them and heard them they sounded way different than anything I had heard before and not necessarily in a good way. However as I tip rolled and listened more I think my brain just adapted to everything. when I listen to something else and come back to them I can easily notice those things above now.
Apr 2, 2024 at 3:38 PM Post #3,345 of 3,713
Go on You Tube and search for things like "headphone balance test" "headphone bass balance test" "headphone bass test" ..... stuff like that.

There are numerous test audio tracks to test this stuff out.
this was a great idea. There is definitely something going on in the left, it does sound quieter, more distant, and less "complete" than the right. like certain frequencies are recessed

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