Apr 10, 2023 at 4:10 PM Post #692 of 3,709
I have ordered a Aure at 09th March
I am also waiting patiently for Aure and appreciate the transparency from @Joeypang75, Abel and Nicholas about ETA. Good things are worth waiting for!
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Apr 10, 2023 at 5:41 PM Post #693 of 3,709
I am also waiting patiently for Aure and appreciate the transparency from @Joeypang75. Abel and Nicholas about ETA. Good things are worth waiting for!
Transparency is always key to any good business (if you ask me). So far, even though the wait is killing me (LOL), they have done things in such a way that it makes it all worth the while. And, if the end product is as good as everyone is saying it is (which I am totally sure it is), it is just that much better.

The status on my delivery as of last friday was for today (Monday) by 4:30PM, but changed early this morning to Tuesday (at the same time). Then, at about noon tracking showed (again) that it would be here by today by 4:30PM. It is now past 4:30PM, and the status has changed, one more time to "by the end of day" (which is 8PM for FedEx). Sheesh, when are these delivery places going to get their stuff together... ROFL Needless to say because of all of this, I have been biting my fingernails since Friday. :smile:
Apr 10, 2023 at 5:49 PM Post #694 of 3,709
Transparency is always key to any good business (if you ask me). So far, even though the wait is killing me (LOL), they have done things in such a way that it makes it all worth the while. And, if the end product is as good as everyone is saying it is (which I am totally sure it is), it is just that much better.

The status on my delivery as of last friday was for today (Monday) by 4:30PM, but changed early this morning to Tuesday (at the same time). Then, at about noon tracking showed (again) that it would be here by today by 4:30PM. It is now past 4:30PM, and the status has changed, one more time to "by the end of day" (which is 8PM for FedEx). Sheesh, when are these delivery places going to get their stuff together... ROFL Needless to say because of all of this, I have been biting my fingernails since Friday. :smile:
Well the end is near though... Enjoy yours when they finally arrive.

I am lucky enough to have a pair of NP already which makes it a lot easier to wait patiently for the Aure...

The harder part is to resist to pull the trigger on the Alita too :)
Apr 10, 2023 at 5:53 PM Post #695 of 3,709
Well the end is near though... Enjoy yours when they finally arrive.

I am lucky enough to have a pair of NP already which makes it a lot easier to wait patiently for the Aure...

The harder part is to resist to pull the trigger on the Alita too :)
Thank you! :)

I am completely sure that I will be VERY tempted once I hear these... (I just know me). :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :thumbsup:

From the reports, yours aren't too far away either.... I wonder who will get the ACTUAL last set? That would be kind of neat to hear about. Normally that isn't something that is easily tracked, but I bet it is someone from here that will be getting the last set... :wink: And normally that wouldn't be a big deal at all, but since these are now collectables, it would be cool to know (and also who got the very first pair).
Apr 10, 2023 at 5:55 PM Post #696 of 3,709
Transparency is always key to any good business (if you ask me). So far, even though the wait is killing me (LOL), they have done things in such a way that it makes it all worth the while. And, if the end product is as good as everyone is saying it is (which I am totally sure it is), it is just that much better.

The status on my delivery as of last friday was for today (Monday) by 4:30PM, but changed early this morning to Tuesday (at the same time). Then, at about noon tracking showed (again) that it would be here by today by 4:30PM. It is now past 4:30PM, and the status has changed, one more time to "by the end of day" (which is 8PM for FedEx). Sheesh, when are these delivery places going to get their stuff together... ROFL Needless to say because of all of this, I have been biting my fingernails since Friday. :smile:
I envy you @samandhi, I've not yet received notice that mine are shipping. But I choose not to inquire but rather just allow them to do their work at the pace they need to. I do look forward to your receipt of the Aure and impressions, will enjoy vicariously for now! :ksc75smile:
Apr 10, 2023 at 6:06 PM Post #697 of 3,709
I envy you @samandhi, I've not yet received notice that mine are shipping. But I choose not to inquire but rather just allow them to do their work at the pace they need to. I do look forward to your receipt of the Aure and impressions, will enjoy vicariously for now! :ksc75smile:
Thank you, and I'll do my best to share my honest thoughts on them (even though I lack the eloquence of some of the major reviewers that have put into words that which I might not be able to).

When did you order yours (if you don't mind me asking)? I also didn't inquire about them for the same reasons; at least not with Aur, only on here, and only then just asking others about their order date, and comparing to mine... :sunglasses: Hopefully you will get yours soon as well, and then there will be no need to live vicariously through others... LOL
Apr 10, 2023 at 7:26 PM Post #698 of 3,709
Thank you, and I'll do my best to share my honest thoughts on them (even though I lack the eloquence of some of the major reviewers that have put into words that which I might not be able to).

When did you order yours (if you don't mind me asking)? I also didn't inquire about them for the same reasons; at least not with Aur, only on here, and only then just asking others about their order date, and comparing to mine... :sunglasses: Hopefully you will get yours soon as well, and then there will be no need to live vicariously through others... LOL
I ordered mine 3/8/23, similar place in queue to @hepatus1234 who ordered 3/9/23 per above! It's ok, handmade, wonderful sounding IEM's at an affordable price take time, and patience in this instance will be rewarded I am quite confident.
Apr 10, 2023 at 8:55 PM Post #699 of 3,709
I ordered mine 3/8/23, similar place in queue to @hepatus1234 who ordered 3/9/23 per above! It's ok, handmade, wonderful sounding IEM's at an affordable price take time, and patience in this instance will be rewarded I am quite confident.
Well, since my last post, I have finally received mine (Aure). I have only listened to them for less than an hour, but I can already tell you these are detail monsters..... :) To my ears, I have to agree with all the things I have heard about them to this point. The bass is pretty linear, and sub bass is boosted over mid bass (as exhibited in songs that reveal this), mids are up front and clear, and the top end has a ton of air....

I can also see why others said that these might not be the best for metal because the 3K region is a bit hot (OOTB for my ears), but I had the same thoughts about my iBasso IT-07 until they were conditioned. After that they no longer sounded boosted in that area (that peak smoothed out). I suspect these will be the same way once I have some time on them.

I have done 0 A/Bing yet so I am going by memory only here, and I reserve the right to change my thoughts later, but these are actually VERY close to the IT-07 in their overall tuning; except there is more air up top making them more of an overall bright signature, and the bass quantity is a bit less, which also lends to a bit more brightness in the signature. Oh, and the IT-07 has a bit more of a V signature (not huge though), where the Aure are more mid forward. This is not a bad thing though because I have always claimed that iBasso tuned those JUST for my ears... :wink: and thankfully these are different enough to not be considered the same, but more complimentary. The fact that I am comparing these to $1K IEMs should tell more than my words do... LOL

Bottom line (for now) is simply, WOW! Fantastic job Aur Audio! No regrets right OOTB for me at all.

But, I am also leaving out another big reason I got these. They are absolutely gorgeous in every light. It is QUITE obvious that they (Aur Audio) spent a lot of time in the making, rather than simply throwing them together. And you can tell this because there is no place to hide any foibles or mess-ups.... Quality is TOP NOTCH! And it was a really gutsy move to make them completely transparent (that also shows their confidence in their own work IMO).


Edit: Looks like I REALLY need to get a new glass screen protector on my DX300 (and/or get rid of my stupid cat that keeps pulling it off the table onto the floor). :upside_down:
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Apr 10, 2023 at 9:06 PM Post #700 of 3,709
Well, since my last post, I have finally received mine (Aure). I have only listened to them for less than an hour, but I can already tell you these are detail monsters..... :) To my ears, I have to agree with all the things I have heard about them to this point. The bass is pretty linear, and sub bass is boosted over mid bass (as exhibited in songs that reveal this), mids are up front and clear, and the top end has a ton of air....

I can also see why others said that these might not be the best for metal because the 3K region is a bit hot (OOTB for my ears), but I had the same thoughts about my iBasso IT-07 until they were conditioned. After that they no longer sounded boosted in that area (that peak smoothed out). I suspect these will be the same way once I have some time on them.

I have done 0 A/Bing yet so I am going by memory only here, and I reserve the right to change my thoughts later, but these are actually VERY close to the IT-07 in their overall tuning; except there is more air up top making them more of an overall bright signature, and the bass quantity is a bit less, which also lends to a bit more brightness in the signature. Oh, and the IT-07 has a bit more of a V signature (not huge though), where the Aure are more mid forward. This is not a bad thing though because I have always claimed that iBasso tuned those JUST for my ears... :wink: and thankfully these are different enough to not be considered the same, but more complimentary. The fact that I am comparing these to $1K IEMs should tell more than my words do... LOL

Bottom line (for now) is simply, WOW! Fantastic job Aur Audio! No regrets right OOTB for me at all.

But, I am also leaving out another big reason I got these. They are absolutely gorgeous in every light. It is QUITE obvious that they (Aur Audio) spent a lot of time in the making, rather than simply throwing them together. And you can tell this because there is no place to hide any foibles or mess-ups.... Quality is TOP NOTCH! And it was a really gutsy move to make them completely transparent (that also shows their confidence in their own work IMO).

Edit: Looks like I REALLY need to get a new glass screen protector on my DX300 (and/or get rid of my stupid cat that keeps pulling it off the table onto the floor). :upside_down:
Congrats and thank you for the impressions. Is that green-hued cable stock? Matches the aesthetics beautifully!
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:13 PM Post #701 of 3,709
Congrats and thank you for the impressions. Is that green-hued cable stock? Matches the aesthetics beautifully!
Thanks very much! :)

It is not, nor are the tips... :) The cable is the stock cable from the Raptgo Hook-X, and the tips are from the DUNU DK2001 (green version). :) Ironically, I chose them because they synergize aesthetically, but so far they also sound wonderful with this combination...
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:30 PM Post #702 of 3,709
Thanks very much! :)

It is not, nor are the tips... :) The cable is the stock cable from the Raptgo Hook-X, and the tips are from the DUNU DK2001 (green version). :) Ironically, I chose them because they synergize aesthetically, but so far they also sound wonderful with this combination...
That is one well-dressed IEM!!!
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:45 PM Post #703 of 3,709
I always tell people pick 2 of the 3.
Fast, Quality, Cheap.

Right now its Cheap & Quality when it comes to the Aure. It'll take time as I'm in the same boat as everyone. I moved my order down the queue in order for others to get theirs first.

It'll be worth the wait guys. And dont forgot to burn them in 50-100 hours for full sonic performance.
Apr 10, 2023 at 9:48 PM Post #704 of 3,709
That is one well-dressed IEM!!!
Another reason it is great is because that cable is also modular. Now, I don't have to change the cable in order to listen to my amp card that has only has 4.4mm balanced connectors, and my tube amp card that only has 3.5mm SE connectors (my DAP has modular amp cards, in case you didn't know).... :blush:

The current amp card that I have it plugged into is the stock card, which has 3.5mm SE, 4.4mm balanced, and 2.5mm balanced connectors. I will probably be using this card to condition them with. Then I will change to the Amp12 card (powerhouse analytical), and the Amp13 card (tube and bassy). This card falls somewhere in the middle of those two.

I DO want to note, that I didn't hate the stock cable at all. Actually I really like it, and how thin it is, but I just felt the green accented one called to be paired with these... :)
Apr 10, 2023 at 10:03 PM Post #705 of 3,709
I always tell people pick 2 of the 3.
Fast, Quality, Cheap.

Right now its Cheap & Quality when it comes to the Aure. It'll take time as I'm in the same boat as everyone. I moved my order down the queue in order for others to get theirs first.

It'll be worth the wait guys. And dont forgot to burn them in 50-100 hours for full sonic performance.
That is a very good rule of thumb to follow.

That was a very nice thing for you to do. I'm sure it is much appreciated by those that have yet to get theirs (or from me if that caused me to get mine a bit earlier :wink:).

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