3rd Annual Austin, Texas Spring Meet - March 2nd, 2013
Feb 25, 2013 at 11:55 PM Post #616 of 774
I'll probably be writing a note of my own and I think most with turntables might want to as well, but people need to be horrendously careful with them. 
I just replaced my cart because of a bent cantilever, and I don't want to be replacing another one. :wink:

These days a turntable is foreign to device to a great many folks.  I'm wondering if the tables will be secure & stable enough for their use.
Feb 25, 2013 at 11:56 PM Post #617 of 774
I'll get someone else to set up the turntables... I have little experience.
Feb 25, 2013 at 11:56 PM Post #618 of 774
I'll get someone else to set up the turntables... I have little experience.
Feb 25, 2013 at 11:56 PM Post #619 of 774
I'll probably be writing a note of my own and I think most with turntables might want to as well, but people need to be horrendously careful with them. 

I just replaced my cart because of a bent cantilever, and I don't want to be replacing another one. :wink:

I will be addressing that in my big summary post, but yes, I will be requiring any changing of records or needle dropping to be done by the owners of their turntables. An unfortunately necessary inconvenience for turntable toters but it's that or risk loss of vinyl and needle. I'll go into more detail later.
Feb 26, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #621 of 774
Thought I'd wrap up all the details of the meet, lay down some rules, and give some tips for those who have never attended a meet (and a refresher for those who have).

First the details:

Norris Conference Centers - Austin
2525 West Anderson Lane, Suite 365
Austin, TX 78757

Pecan room

Setup to begin at 8AM, 9AM Official Start. Tear down beginning at 4PM and completely cleared by 5PM. Please report to the registration table upon entering the room for the first time to get your badge and make payment if not already paid.

Cover charge is $20 per person. Your name tag is your proof of payment. You will need to wear it at all times or you will be continuously asked to visit the registration table (me!). If you see someone not wearing a name tag please refer them to the registration table or to me directly.

Parking is free, as is the available wifi.

There will be no food provided (or allowed brought in), however there are restaurants very close if needed. We will have a supply of bottled water on hand. All the food/drink at Norris is ridiculously expensive, sorry.

Here's an overhead view of the building and the entrance (red arrow) and some adjacent restaurants (orange) if you get hungry during the meet.



1. Respect everyone, and everyone's gear. Treat their gear better than your own, as if you were handling the only one of it's kind left in the world. If you have any uncertainty as to how to do something you wish to do, ASK THE OWNER! The tables are marked, and everyone will be wearing a name tag. There is no excuse not to ask. Don't take the risk!

2. Special note about turntables - Unless you own the particular turntable, you are not allowed to touch it, even if you have a turntable at your table or are a 'pro' at turntables. Any adjustment or disc changing will be done by the owner. Look at the table ID card and find them in the room if you wish to change the disc or start it playing. Turntables are extremely delicate finicky machines, do not risk damaging them by not following this rule. If you notice a turntable that has finished it's side and is spinning with the needle in the center of the disc, please alert the owner so they can start it over or change discs. Turntable owners, sorry but you will be somewhat tied to your table because of this. Please be attentive and helpful!

3. There is no outside food or drink allowed. We will have bottled water available. Norris' food prices make a movie theater look like a bargain. Small things like gum or mints are fine, just don't show up and pull a turkey dinner out of your gear boxes.

4. Health and Hygiene - Thoroughly wash your hair the morning of the meet and do not load up your hair with hair sprays and gels, etc. Scrub around your ears (anywhere a pad would touch) to get rid of any loose skin and make sure your ears are as free of wax as possible. If you are feeling sick that morning, please stay home and take care of yourself. We'd rather not catch what you have, and you will feel better resting at home. If for some reason your hair is damp when you arrive, DO NOT listen to electrostatic headphones until it has dried completely. The forecast is for clear skies, so rain and snow should not pose a problem (unlike last time).


1. Listen to everything. Even if you don't like how it looks, or you've 'heard' it's no good. Even if it indeed is 'no good', it will serve as a reference for you in the future.

2. Take notes! Shocking how few people take notes at meets. Audio memory is one of a human's worst skills. Bring a notepad and pen and jot down some thoughts so you can remember it later.

3. Bring a sampler CD you've burned with your favorite songs you've listened to a thousand times. Don't cherry pick songs for certain attributes (snap of the snare drum on such and such track, etc) if you are attending your first meet. Simply knowing the track is enough for a first-timer. There will undoubtedly be many laptop based rigs so it might be a good idea to bring a flash drive with your songs as well, but be sure to ask for the owner's assistance in getting them loaded, and then restored to the original screen after you are done listening.

4. Plan to stay the whole meet. If you've listened to every rig and there's still time left, look through your notes to find the ones you liked the best and hit it again. This only happens once a year. Make the most of it.

5. Talk to people! Besides gear, this is a social event. Get to know head-fiers and the vendors (they don't bite!.. except your wallet). You guys are so lucky to have a community there in Austin that allows easy access to Head-fi members so you can have your own mini-meets at each other's houses. This is what it's all about. People helping people get to where they want to be with their rigs, and enjoying the process of getting there and finding friends along the way.

6. If there is a piece of gear you really, really like.. ask the owner if it is for sale. You might find a bargain, and the owner may be secretly wanting to upgrade and just needs to move the old gear first. The only reliable means of transactions at a meet is something like PayPal as you are unlikely to be carrying a ton of cash on you and checks can be risky.
Feb 26, 2013 at 1:07 AM Post #622 of 774
Upon entering Norris from the red arrow on the picture above, you will see this:


Go straight back then to the left at the hallway. Our room is the first on the right.

Feb 26, 2013 at 1:50 AM Post #624 of 774
PayPal gift $20 each to maxvla@hotmail.com and pm me their names and city of residence for name tags.
Feb 26, 2013 at 2:07 AM Post #626 of 774
Thanks, doing my best to make it seem like it was no work at all. :wink:
Feb 26, 2013 at 10:55 AM Post #629 of 774
Thanks so much for that post! Thank you for your hard work - looking forward to this. 
I will have a 3-board, Rockhopper B22 for sale at the meet now. The out-the-door price might be a lot lower than you think. Talk to me if interested. 
Feb 26, 2013 at 2:18 PM Post #630 of 774
Maxvla, another question for those people that want to mix-up gear: Say I want to hear the LCD on my LF. Should I just ask each owner? Is this to be expected?

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