「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 3, 2013 at 11:39 AM Post #81,226 of 177,750
Anyone got anymore manga recommendations? Only 2-3 manga at a time please; otherwise my brain can't process it. :wink:

I'll be on holiday for three weeks, so I need lots of manga. This should already be enough, but chances are high that I won't like all of them, so I need the ability to drop some of them too. Right now I've got:

Astro Bou
Black Jack
Black Lagoon
JoJo (all of it)
Kimi no Iru Machi
Natsume Yuujinchou
No. 6
Nodame Cantabile
Sakamichi no Apollon
Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou
Slam Dunk
Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
Vinland Saga

I see no Franken Fran or Battle Angel Alita (GUNNM) but I do see JoJo (all) and Uzumaki. This is good. Also, I moght just started Nisekoi, but i suggest that for romcom, with an emphasis on the com part.
Jul 3, 2013 at 12:25 PM Post #81,227 of 177,750
By the way guys, Free! airs in 40 minutes lol.

I just finished watching it. Ever since Kimi to Boku finished, I've been dreaming for the day KyoAni does an all-boys slice of life. I thought I'd never see the light of day for a series like this, but it actually happened. I was so looking forward to watching the first episode as soon as it aired.
There is no denying that unlike Kimi to Boku, there is a lot of fujoshi bait in here, and naturally I don't like that. From the beginning 5 minutes I could already tell this isn't going to be as good as Kimi to Boku, because of all the moe clearly targeted towards the female audience. I mean seriously...this is truly an innovation of the hadaka apron.

The thing that makes this anime unique though is the fact that these guys are...well, not what you expect bishounen to act in series targeted towards females. There are really strong K-ON vibes in here with regards to character traits and that makes very confused. I actually like watching this - even though they're clearly men...but they're acting in such a way. I am really eager to know how females who are used to seeing the normal bishounen tropes react to this. It's certainly not something that you'd see regularly before this. Is KyoAni paving the way for what will become the meta for fujoshi moe anime? 
Anyway, I do look forward to next week's episode. I already know I won't like this as much as Kimi to Boku, which is a peaceful, natural, laid-back moe and truly relaxing Slice of Life. This, on the other hand, is completely the opposite. Filled to the brim with proactive, unnatural moe and fujoshi bait, but yet I'm still here, and I'm still loving it. I don't even know myself anymore.

Jul 3, 2013 at 2:38 PM Post #81,233 of 177,750
Originally Posted by

as for why I do DIY?

I do it for the process of designing and learning, not the final product.

as long as I learn from my projects I don't care of the product is crap.

Fair enough. 

Uh oh, seems like Deadly isn't very happy right now.
You must not be drunk enough! 

Anyway, Oyasumi all. 

Yes, it's a sign that I need to pour myself a dram, and I think I'll do just that.

LOL!! I'd imagine the whole hi-fi thing could make pretty good manga material :D

Subjective vs Objective yuri loli catfights? Yes please.

LOL! I inspired deadly to drink! Yay~

Someone posted this on facebook.
Light saber pocky

Wat, I need a case of these! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Jul 3, 2013 at 2:39 PM Post #81,234 of 177,750
Jul 3, 2013 at 3:30 PM Post #81,237 of 177,750
I just finished watching it. Ever since Kimi to Boku finished, I've been dreaming for the day KyoAni does an all-boys slice of life. I thought I'd never see the light of day for a series like this, but it actually happened. I was so looking forward to watching the first episode as soon as it aired.
There is no denying that unlike Kimi to Boku, there is a lot of fujoshi bait in here, and naturally I don't like that. From the beginning 5 minutes I could already tell this isn't going to be as good as Kimi to Boku, because of all the moe clearly targeted towards the female audience. I mean seriously...this is truly an innovation of the hadaka apron.

The thing that makes this anime unique though is the fact that these guys are...well, not what you expect bishounen to act in series targeted towards females. There are really strong K-ON vibes in here with regards to character traits and that makes very confused. I actually like watching this - even though they're clearly men...but they're acting in such a way. I am really eager to know how females who are used to seeing the normal bishounen tropes react to this. It's certainly not something that you'd see regularly before this. Is KyoAni paving the way for what will become the meta for fujoshi moe anime? 
Anyway, I do look forward to next week's episode. I already know I won't like this as much as Kimi to Boku, which is a peaceful, natural, laid-back moe and truly relaxing Slice of Life. This, on the other hand, is completely the opposite. Filled to the brim with proactive, unnatural moe and fujoshi bait, but yet I'm still here, and I'm still loving it. I don't even know myself anymore.

damn, watching it raw like a bawss!!
I couldnt understand half the lines if I tried!

Free! Sub just came out on Nyaa 10 mins ago, it's superseeding now.
Not that I'm gonna watch it...
Jul 3, 2013 at 3:37 PM Post #81,238 of 177,750
Subbed. :3 can't wait to discuss anime with you guys

Duuude, your avatar is sooo cool!
And your MAL account anime list thingy is probably three times as long as mine ♥
(that is pretty normal here)
Jul 3, 2013 at 3:49 PM Post #81,239 of 177,750

I will back up deadly on thing though and isn't directed at anyone here. Designing and building an amp with the best specs does not equate to it sounding anywhere of being good. Imho the O2 is pretty bad despite the specs looking impressive. Some designers would even call it fail.
My 2c.

Define: bad
The O2 was built to sound transparent next to the the highly regarded Benchmark DAC1 Pre, and it's been proven with blind tests. If you say the O2 = DAC1 Pre = bad, then what's your definition of "good" then?
The DAC1 Pre in fact has better specs than the O2, so the O2 demonstrated that you don't have to have 0.00001% THD+N to sound transparent.
Someone posted this on facebook.
Light saber pocky

That was freaking awesome! Hahaha. Now I want to eat some men's Pocky.

Flat chests FTW!
The only person here with a harem is Tom. Pfft 

Not in the traditional sense, but yes ^o^

The cast of K-On! is how many years to old for being considered loli?

Yeah K-ON! ≠ loli
By the way guys, Free! airs in 40 minutes lol.

I just finished watching it. Ever since Kimi to Boku finished, I've been dreaming for the day KyoAni does an all-boys slice of life. I thought I'd never see the light of day for a series like this, but it actually happened. I was so looking forward to watching the first episode as soon as it aired.
There is no denying that unlike Kimi to Boku, there is a lot of fujoshi bait in here, and naturally I don't like that. From the beginning 5 minutes I could already tell this isn't going to be as good as Kimi to Boku, because of all the moe clearly targeted towards the female audience. I mean seriously...this is truly an innovation of the hadaka apron.

The thing that makes this anime unique though is the fact that these guys are...well, not what you expect bishounen to act in series targeted towards females. There are really strong K-ON vibes in here with regards to character traits and that makes very confused. I actually like watching this - even though they're clearly men...but they're acting in such a way. I am really eager to know how females who are used to seeing the normal bishounen tropes react to this. It's certainly not something that you'd see regularly before this. Is KyoAni paving the way for what will become the meta for fujoshi moe anime? 
Anyway, I do look forward to next week's episode. I already know I won't like this as much as Kimi to Boku, which is a peaceful, natural, laid-back moe and truly relaxing Slice of Life. This, on the other hand, is completely the opposite. Filled to the brim with proactive, unnatural moe and fujoshi bait, but yet I'm still here, and I'm still loving it. I don't even know myself anymore.

Sweet. I need to watch this now. :3
@ Deadlylover
Boris didn't spend the whole $700 on Project-T or Project-IA stuff, just FYI. An important detail that makes a big difference. $700 on electronic parts would be insaiyan. XD

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