「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 17, 2012 at 7:02 AM Post #44,926 of 177,747
I bought one for $25

I personally think that it is a good iem. It is very bassy but a quick eq fixes many things with it

Yeah, I bought two for $25 each.  Yes, it need EQ, lol.
I'd value it at less than $100 blind-folded.
Yes, it IS a good IEM, but you can spend 50 bananas on better, so it's not like some kind of monster killer revelation.  Audio Technica CKM33 and Vsonic GR04 are real sounding IEM's.
Dec 17, 2012 at 7:04 AM Post #44,927 of 177,747
I don't know how similar is Indonesia and Malaysia, but I'd hazard a guess it's almost similar enough. Traditional local martial arts is less popular in the cities than in the more rural areas, where tae-kwan-do and karate and such more popular in the cities and silat more in the rural areas. I would think that it's the same thing for Indonesia, though take my word with a teaspoon of salt.
So no one going to chime in on the MH1C? Sure I could go to the threads, but I'm more inclined to trust you guys than some hundreds of people that just looks for budget-fi. There's nothing wrong with that, but that in itself can be bias.
At $25 it is a good iem but with many problems. Usability is disasterous due to j cable design and micro drivers. The drivers are so light they move too much causing fit issues with me an j cable split is bad and y cable although prevents tangles messes it up even more.

It then sounds good. And can hide many sonic defects. But you need a bass and overall eq for it. This is hard. I have joes graphic eq set up already and so i can easily use his profiles or do any eq but this will be a challenge for others and thus many just use a bass eq and not the overall eq joe has for the entire fr range that i also use.

With the eq, not caring about anything but sound it is similar to tf10. It bets the tf10s in many areas but the tf10 imo is overall a much smoother iem. But of course that goes to hell when fit and usability come in. I dont use it on the go anymore. Its a stationary iem for me now
Dec 17, 2012 at 7:15 AM Post #44,929 of 177,747
Just noticed you are finally using the real animr pic of your avatar. Who is he!?


Sakuya, from Touhou. 

Man, I'm really looking forward to Nekomonogatari.
Dec 17, 2012 at 9:44 AM Post #44,933 of 177,747
Based off a real story which was posted on 2ch, Molester Man is the story of how Molester Man is mistaken for a stalker by Miss Understanding, and how they overcome their personal challenges while slowly growing closer to each other.

"Molester Man" and "Miss Understanding" are simply pseudonyms (false names to hide real names) used by the author of the manga.


Dec 17, 2012 at 9:58 AM Post #44,935 of 177,747
Hmm, not going to waste money on it then. Anyone know how to order from amazon.co.jp? I'm about to pull on the FXZ100. I assume I need to register for amazon.co.jp even though I have an Amazon account? I know I will need to register for Tenso, so that's clear already.

I mean they are good but you wouldnt bother with them if you already have a good pair


Sakuya, from Touhou. :p

Man, I'm really looking forward to Nekomonogatari.

That is probably why , i dont what that is

Panda, when you wake up, tell me what her name is --->


Lol, you think we know who every Asian hottie is huh? :)

Oh man, the SR-009 are only $3800 at Pricejapan.... (I use the word 'only' loosely) :p

I don't need them...I don't need them...I don't need them....

Im wondering if I should make another account and pretend im 12 ..... But it willl be the end of me the day i call anyone "onii chan"

Think of the ultra hi-fi lollies. Mmmmm.

How many ultra fi lollies you know?
Dec 17, 2012 at 10:11 AM Post #44,938 of 177,747
Dec 17, 2012 at 10:19 AM Post #44,940 of 177,747
Think of the ultra hi-fi lollies. Mmmmm.

I think I'm well into overkill territory already, though. 

Im wondering if I should make another account and pretend im 12 ..... But it willl be the end of me the day i call anyone "onii chan"

I've got a semi-dead AD700 here, it was my first decent headphone, I sold it to a friend.
It keeps on breaking up and distorting, I'll reflow the joints on the driver, but it's likely there's a break in the cable somewhere, fingers crossed.

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