「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 30, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #171,211 of 177,747

Dec 30, 2016 at 10:29 PM Post #171,212 of 177,747
I think I have to post this once a year

The anime Sacred Seven is most remembered by me from its troll OP from fansubbing group GG.
Back when the days of fan subs dominated, gg noticed that the regular OP animation for this show fit the song Ridin Dirty from Chamillionaire and....it worked
It fits so well that it almost seems like the animating director for the show almost had it matched up with the lyrics from Chamillionaire.
Dec 30, 2016 at 11:11 PM Post #171,216 of 177,747
I always move then when my parents come over to visit. Don't want my dad to see any Japanese schiit (he hated Japanese stuff).

Haha. I think my parents already accepted my weird hobbies. Headphones and anime. They make fun of me for it though, "why do you need so many headphones you only have 2 ears" but they're generally accepting of it 

Dec 30, 2016 at 11:15 PM Post #171,217 of 177,747
Haha. I think my parents already accepted my weird hobbies. Headphones and anime. They make fun of me for it though, "why do you need so many headphones you only have 2 ears" but they're generally accepting of it :smile:

My dad hates Japanese people down to his heart. He grew up during the war between Japan and China so... Yeah. :p
Dec 30, 2016 at 11:28 PM Post #171,219 of 177,747
  I don't know what happen but I felt pain in my knee when I was walking around my semi doing my post trip inspection, it felt locked and hurt when I tried to squat to check my tires. Later I heard two loud pops when I bent it and I've had pain and inflammation since. I went to my PCP first and he told me I sprained my knee and it might take a long time to heal. I went to the doctor my company sent me to and she implied nothing is wrong with me, said I can continue my work without any restrictions, and it's not work related. I told her I was performing a job duty working for my employer but she said no so my work comp claim got denied. When I was giving her info I made a comment that she replied to in a snarky way but I didn't really catch on until near the end when she seemed to not take me seriously. Maybe it does sound bad that I don't know what happened but that's the truth so it's all I have to go by. The only thing I can think off is I had to jump inside the trailer and out of it a couple times before my injury because of falling freight but at most that bothered my knee, I kept unloading and walking fine so I don't know.
I took a week off and returned to work, moving to a different department where I don't have to unload trailers. I figured I mostly drive so hopefully I'll be OK. I don't live close to the terminal but my old driver leader let me keep the automatic sleeper cab semi when I moved because I don't have a car and the distance to the terminal is about 105 miles from my home. The department I moved to also doesn't use trucks with sleeper cabs so I really needed a solid and my old DM gave it to me. The problems then got worse as time went on, day by day I started to feel more pain and inflammation. I would start my day feeling OK but by the end of the day feel bad. Usually my schedule is 5PM to 5AM but it mostly ran past that. As the issues got worse, I started to have trouble sleeping a certain way and the pain/inflammation also now occurred in my foot causing me to have to untie my shoe. I was starting my days worse as time went on and I worked for a month before I decided to visit my PCP again. He told me I returned to work too soon and gave me a note for 1 month. When the month was over, I sent in forms my employer asked from my doctor to release me from safety hold. They released me but the truck is no longer there and I've been trying to get them to provide another automatic truck with a sleeper cab.
The last person I talked to said they don't provide those trucks for that department and if I need so much accommodations, maybe I shouldn't work or go find another company that is closer to my home. He seemed polite I suppose. I'm in the process of having a QME which was what my PCP said I can do to fight it. My doctor gave me restriction in those forms I sent but safety cleared me for return. I tried to ask them to accommodate my issues and they seem hesitant to provide me another truck. Also, two of the people I could talk to aren't there but one will return this coming Tuesday. Not sure what she could do given the terminal manager was the last person I talked to and she is just a driver manager. My knee doesn't feel right but I'm really hoping it gets better cuz I want to be able to run and exercise again :/
I think that about sums it up.
QME Qualified Medical Evaluatoin
PCP Primary Care Physician

orz life is still hard :<
What anime is this?

Of cuz its Nodame, S3 end poi.
Not even sure when was the last time an anime totally grabbed my interest right from ep1.. watched all 46 episodes in a row without any sidetrack, this didn't happen when I was watching Hikaru no Go (80+ eps in a week) or Kemono no Souja (50eps a week) last year poi
Dec 31, 2016 at 12:08 AM Post #171,220 of 177,747
  It is sad but at least when I remember to notice them I'll usually clean them up.


 (I'm pretty sure a reference Uiharu from Railgun)


I always move then when my parents come over to visit. Don't want my dad to see any Japanese schiit (he hated Japanese stuff).

Secret hobby

(holy crap, all the google searches for Hentai Ouji turned out highly NSFW lol)
  Haha. I think my parents already accepted my weird hobbies. Headphones and anime. They make fun of me for it though, "why do you need so many headphones you only have 2 ears" but they're generally accepting of it 

Holy crap. This is literally me. My parents say the same thing to me everytime they see me lol. They haven't even see the drawers of IEMs I have lol
My dad hates Japanese people down to his heart. He grew up during the war between Japan and China so... Yeah. :p

Funny thing is that my experience is fairly opposite which is not what I expected. I initially throughout my life expected a lot of that sentiment from people around me like your dad but I've found the opposite especially among those that sereved.
I've met many veterans of Korea and Vietnam who have no hatred but love. I took a pistol certification exam two days ago with an old vietnam veteran. He loved Chinese people, Japan etc. And even lived in both Taiwan and China for many years and told the whole class to visit China if they ever had a chance.

So yeah. I've found the hatred to be thiiiiis small

  orz life is still hard :<
Of cuz its Nodame, S3 end poi.

....more reason to watch it now
Dec 31, 2016 at 12:13 AM Post #171,221 of 177,747
Alright body pillow pictures are getting a little much even with undergarment shots. Put it in a spoiler and use black pixel photos to keep it out of recents or we're bringing Currawong in. I'm pretty sure OP rules say to keep the stuff in spoilers.
Dec 31, 2016 at 12:15 AM Post #171,222 of 177,747
Alright body pillow pictures are getting a little much even with undergarment shots. Put it in a spoiler and use black pixel photos to keep it out of recents or we're bringing @Currawong in.

He isn't a mod anymore. Our fellow member Brian is a mod now though
The Saber body pillow image pales in comparison to much stuff been posted with plot on here.

Dec 31, 2016 at 3:32 AM Post #171,224 of 177,747
Funny thing is that my experience is fairly opposite which is not what I expected. I initially throughout my life expected a lot of that sentiment from people around me like your dad but I've found the opposite especially among those that sereved.

I've met many veterans of Korea and Vietnam who have no hatred but love. I took a pistol certification exam two days ago with an old vietnam veteran. He loved Chinese people, Japan etc. And even lived in both Taiwan and China for many years and told the whole class to visit China if they ever had a chance.

Indeed, that seems to be very common with soldiers, when the only ones who can understand their pain, even more so than their families, are their enemies who suffer with them. By the way, China supported Korea against US. A lot of stuff I had to memorize by heart when I was small were heroic passages hero's who die trying to kill Americans/use their body as a shield against the superior weaponry of the west so their comrades can complete the mission and bomb everything. Very different attitude compared to when i studied WWI poetry of depressed soldiers back in college. XP

However, my dad never served as a soldier, and Chinese nationalism and propaganda is insane. Literally every Chinese TV series I see broadcasting from mainland China is propane in one way or another, praising the Communist party and it's founders, while demonizing the nationalist party and the Japanese. Chinese nationalism really gets to your head, especially when that's all you are told to do since a young age. Hating people who are not Chinese is the moral code that you are taught. Even I think back, the amount of hate and racist/xenophobic comments that everyone made about people of other nations is really insane. That was elementary school. We were taught about sacrifice, martial spirit and always read about the evils that other nations did to China. If you blurt that stuff here in Canada, you either will get punched in the face out straight out sent to jail for severe discrimination and verbal assault. Back in China, we are praised to singing this stuff, and win medals for those who can express the best emotions in competitions, reading poems that fantasize about killing innocent lives of those from the enemies' countries.

I'm kinda lucky. Came to a very multicultural country at the age of for, and although my parents are seriously pretty racist, I studied in many schools and made friends with people of all ethnicities, so even at age 5, I get taken back a bit when my dad talks about black people.

What really made me understand how sick Chinese nationalism was when I was sent back to China to study as an elementary student. I'm born in China, but I was constantly bullied mocked, and turned into a scapegoat because I was"foreign," because I "wasn't Chinese." I'm always attacked because "my people did this," "my people stole that," etc. etc. Give me a break. Does Hong Kong not officially being part of mainland China actually bother you enough to attack people? :p

Well...maybe. Many families suffered immensely due to the war, and the Chinese culture often puts itself as the victim (which is true for the average resident). These old grandparents who ended up losing everything do still spread these values out and blame it on the "foreign devils," even to this day. Of course, there's what you can call the Chinese equivilant of Holocaust and the Scramble for Africa. Of course, not as severe by any means, but it takes up equal importance to these people as the gas chambers do for a Holocaust survivor (most people in China don't really understand the Holocaust since they weren't even involved in it. You even see people dress up as Nazis to cosplay for fun at times, though people now usually at least acknowlegde that one should not celebrate that. If somebody's from China ever ask you why, just tell them it's the equivilant of carrying photos of The Rape of Nanking around and dressing up as Japanese butchers for cute photos. Then they'll get it :wink: ). My parents definitely also has some of this hate engraved in their minds deep down even though people at their generation are usually pretty chill. Due to globalization and the widespread of hentai Japanese culture like the unique stylization of young human forms, particularly young to very very young females, in popular media, younger people don't really have that hate carried down as much. Nationalism, racism and xenophobia is still a huge part of the culture that is celebrated openly on mainland China though. :p

Gosh I am so sexist. :frowning2:
Dec 31, 2016 at 6:31 AM Post #171,225 of 177,747
What do you mean by logic?


You mean strapping hundred ton Gundams on outside of rockets to space should work?

I'm more impressed by the rockets apparently being single-stage-to-orbit than that there are Gundams strapped to it. Are they launching from a small planet? Do those rockets just have ridiculously high Isp?

Googling tells me the average Gundam is some 20m high. That makes those rockets about 40m, and let's say 10m accross. If it'd be completely cilindrical, that gives a volume of 40*5^2*pi = 3100m^3. Gundams weigh about 60 tonnes. A good rocket has a dry weight of about 5% of it's initial mass. Let's just ignore air resistance, and gravity losses and just assume a required Delta V of 8km/s. Suppose we use a relatively high density fuel like kerosone (density 0.8). Then the initial fuel mass is 2.5kt, and the final mass is about 185t (60t +2500t/20). Applying the rocket equation, this gives us an effective exhaust velocity of about 3km/s or an Isp of about 310s. This is actually very possible by conventional chemical rockets, in fact it's on the low side.

So yes, strapping Gundams on the outside of rockets to space should work just fine, I don't know what you're worrying about.

Lol! I believe I read something similar on this before haha. But yeah, especially granting that the rifle he is shooting seems to be a high powered 50cal of sorts. Much higher muzzle velocity than even a handgun or basic rifle.

I found this mathed picture online

 can you verify this math lol)

I love it when people do the math on these things. It's definitely one of my hobbies. Randall Munroe is one of my idols.

Of course I could check the math, and in fact I think so could you. In principle it uses nothing more than high school mathematics, no knowledge of algebraic topology required here.

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