「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:09 AM Post #142,096 of 177,750
In Code Geass I didn't want a season 2. DX
Aren't they making a season 3 for Code Geass? Or continuation of the show in some fashion?
I would agree that a second season could run the series into the ground... I'm satisfied with season 1. Completely. But, I would totally watch a second season.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:15 AM Post #142,097 of 177,750
  In Code Geass I didn't want a season 2. DX
Aren't they making a season 3 for Code Geass? Or continuation of the show in some fashion?
I would agree that a second season could run the series into the ground... I'm satisfied with season 1. Completely. But, I would totally watch a second season.

I get your feel...and yeah I feel that way about most of my favorite shows. 
Code Geass is currently in movie format with Akito.
It takes place between season 1 and season 2 of the Code Geass anime and most of the story happens in the EU.
If you haven't seen it yet. Don't. Wait another half year and forget its out. Only 2 movies are out right now. Movie 3 had production issues (was supposed to be in theatres a year ago) and is being held back until spring to mid of this year for a release.
Movie 4 is still 'go' without production issues and will be released this year end.
Meaning instead of waiting another 2-3 years. Movie 3 and 4 will be comming out near simulatanouesly.
 The Akito the Exiled Official website announced the third and fourth episode would be released in 2nd May and 4th July 2015. The title for both episode is Kagayaku Mono Ten Yori Otsu (The Brightness Falls) and Nikushimi no Kioku Kara (From the Memories of Hatred).

Jan 5, 2015 at 2:17 AM Post #142,098 of 177,750
They could recreate life fibers or fabricate (ha-ha-ha) their own power materials. Life fibers could have simply LOOKED destroyed, while not all were destroyed... etc etc. 

That sounds super asspull-ish. Like the plot of a sequel to a bad B-roll low budget movie.... Please no.

I honestly wouldn't want another season.

It had its course and played its themes. 

It's like how I loved Code Geass but would not want a Season 3. 

True. It was short, it was amazing, the music was perfect, and animations had its ups and downs but overall it was great, but that all comes together as just one season. Adding would just dilute the series, I wouldn't want another season.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:18 AM Post #142,099 of 177,750
(...) And not just anime, think personal documents, irreplaceable photos you never printed and deleted from flash cards, artwork you've created (yea not applicable to you, I know
), etc.

Words to live by. Happens all too often with customers coming in with dead phones (waterlogged, hard bricked, damaged beyond repair etc.) and a sob story about un-backed up photos of a relative/pet/whoever who recently passed. People don't realize how much they take for granted until it's too late.
  So I'm on the fourth season of Zero no Tsukamia... I probably would have dropped this if I couldn't use the fast forward button.

Kugimiya's performance was probably the only thing that pulled me through the series. 
  I finished binge watching Kill La Kill on Netflix.
My only regret was waiting this long. I put it off because, as a typical female, I'm sick of anime fanservice. It's generally unappealing and sexist for my demographic. However, the over-the-top nature, despite still being overwhelming unbalanced female:male fanservice, was actually kinda funny. The action and music and general zany originality was exceedingly fun and satisfying.
10/10 will wait for season 2.

In my opinion, not watching a show for its fanservice is equally as bad as watching it for the fanservice. Which isn't bad at all 
normal_smile .gif

But seriously though, if you're such of anime fanservice, you're sick of a pretty big part of anime.
They tied up pretty much all loose ends. Don't think we'll see another season just like Gurren Lagan.

Speaking of Gurren Lagan, I didn't get past episode 1 because of the annoying fanservice. After watching Space Dandy I have had my fill for awhile.
They did tie up the loose ends...but with a series as unpredictable and random as KLK I wouldn't doubt them pulling a second season if they wanted to.

That's the thing; KLK is a strong independent/original anime who needs no source material. Given how it tied things off, the only direction I can see KLK going is a slice of life spin-off (fanservice guaranteed
), which I would still watch.
I think this might have been posted here by someone else before (or maybe not), but I couldn't find it:

[size=1em]Nature of Adaptions[/size][size=1em] - Most anime are adaptions of various manga, light novels, and visual novels. They are produced to boost sales of the source material. They don't normally adapt the entire manga, light novel, or visual novels stories. Details, side stories, and later stories aren't adapted often.[/size]

Not Enough Sales - If the latest season does not sell well enough to justify the cost of production for the season, another season will likely not be made. Sales here include things like merchandise and BDs.

Lack of a Sales Boost - If no boost in sale occurs for the source material, the adaption isn't doing its original job. This means it's unlikely there will be another adaption.

Guaranteed Loss Per Season - It's almost guaranteed that each consecutive season will sell less than the previous season. This means there will be fewer and fewer people that will be interested in the series as most series cannot be entered late like most Western Television.

Not Ongoing Source Material - As adaptions are meant to sell the source material, the source material needs to be ongoing for a greater affect. There are almost no new adaptions for completed series.

Not Enough Source Material - If a series is extremely popular, there isn't much possible if there isn't enough material to adapt. This is very common when it comes to Light Novels or monthly manga series where they can adapt more than half of the series in a single season.

These are the largest reasons for why there are no more seasons for Anime X. There are various other facts that you should know below as well.

Low Income from Foreign Markets - The anime industry is mostly self-reliant on everything within Japan. Foreign markets are just not willing to pay large prices for anime the same way they do in Japan. This coupled with the fact that the foreign market is a niche as well means that there isn't much worth in investing in the foreign market. There's also the fact that the anime are meant to advertise the source material where in the foreign market, anime is the end for most people which means they can't be expected to buy the source material which has a high chance of not even being licensed.

Animation Studios' Work Force - Animation Studios are not infinitely full. There are x number of animators required for a project and they can either be working on another season which is sure to sell less than the previous season or they could be working on a new fresh project with a higher chance of success. Animation studios try not to limit themselves to franchises.

Interest - Individual opinion does play a role as well. People can make decisions based on opinion rather than just potential figures. If the Producers are genuinely interested in another season of a show, they can influence another season. If an author doesn't like the adaption, they can fight another season. The main casts could all be working on other projects and are absolutely booked to be unable to come together for another season.

Anime Original Series - These are series designed for the medium. They are written specifically to be animated and tend to end at the finish of the story. Using Kill la Kill or Code Geass as examples, these are series that have ended with completed plot lines in all ways. Any further seasons would be forced and likely low in quality. They would likely have genre shifts to fit into the canon of the series or would have really bad new development which would undermine the original story. That doesn't mean spin-offs aren't possible though for a number of series and sometimes, completed series do get more seasons which were unexpected. (Psycho-Pass)

Now let me clarify that exceptions do exist for each of these points. That's all they are though, exceptions. Rare occurrences that you cannot put faith in for repetition. Those series are miracles wrapped within miracles and you're likely able to count them all with only your fingers. I hope this is helpful for understanding and answering any questions you might have.
Safari keeps autocorrecting fanservice to fan service 
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:21 AM Post #142,100 of 177,750
I dropped it long ago as I caught up to it and it was stillr unning
Isn't the original creator or some key person in the making of the series dead?
I liked Kill la Kill as well. It pretty much used nudity, fanservice, and the general ecchi situations as a way to EMPOWER females which I thought was amazing. 
The best part about it was its INCLUSION of males into the topic. I don't care for identifying as a 'word'. I just care for the equality of people. And in too many real life situations nowadays. There are some feminists (not all, but its the bad ones you hear about) that just seem like they want the death of males or something.
Kill la kill included men into its dialogue phenomenally. It empowered females as the biggest tone, but males played a vital role in it as well.
All the themes, the sound tracks lyrics on 'dont lose your way' and on the evolution of the female body was great. IT really sticks it out there and tells a story of puberty and all the things that a female may go through but may not have support on.
I'm not a female. But I do realize that men do have it easier. When the words "Don't lose your way" come on as the MCs are transforming near the last episodes. I teared up a bit and just though. YOU DID IT. You finally did it. You didn't lose your way. You overcame adversity. You're strong, you're different, and you're you.
It felt good because most MCs are either male or feature female MCs that don't struggle through self identifying issues with themselves. 
Sidenote. Why the hell is everyone here in the thread in Washington? 

No idea. I'm just finishing it because I tend to finish every series I start. I honestly don't remember last time I dropped a series after goin past 3 episodes.
I'm not one to look too deeply into the meaning of anime after watching it but those thoughts did run through my mind when I was watching. I don't have the attention span to write it all out sadly. KLK was great just like TGL.
When Kamina died I shed tears. Last anime to make me do that was Clanned After Story.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:25 AM Post #142,101 of 177,750
  In my opinion, not watching a show for its fanservice is equally as bad as watching it for the fanservice. Which isn't bad at all 

But seriously though, if you're such of anime fanservice, you're sick of a pretty big part of anime.
That's the thing; KLK is a strong independent/original anime who needs no source material. Given how it tied things off, the only direction I can see KLK going is a slice of life spin-off (fanservice guaranteed
), which I would still watch.
I think this might have been posted here by someone else before (or maybe not), but I couldn't find it:

[size=1em]Nature of Adaptions[/size][size=1em] - Most anime are adaptions of various manga, light novels, and visual novels. They are produced to boost sales of the source material. They don't normally adapt the entire manga, light novel, or visual novels stories. Details, side stories, and later stories aren't adapted often.[/size]

Not Enough Sales - If the latest season does not sell well enough to justify the cost of production for the season, another season will likely not be made. Sales here include things like merchandise and BDs.

Lack of a Sales Boost - If no boost in sale occurs for the source material, the adaption isn't doing its original job. This means it's unlikely there will be another adaption.

Guaranteed Loss Per Season - It's almost guaranteed that each consecutive season will sell less than the previous season. This means there will be fewer and fewer people that will be interested in the series as most series cannot be entered late like most Western Television.

Not Ongoing Source Material - As adaptions are meant to sell the source material, the source material needs to be ongoing for a greater affect. There are almost no new adaptions for completed series.

Not Enough Source Material - If a series is extremely popular, there isn't much possible if there isn't enough material to adapt. This is very common when it comes to Light Novels or monthly manga series where they can adapt more than half of the series in a single season.

These are the largest reasons for why there are no more seasons for Anime X. There are various other facts that you should know below as well.

Low Income from Foreign Markets - The anime industry is mostly self-reliant on everything within Japan. Foreign markets are just not willing to pay large prices for anime the same way they do in Japan. This coupled with the fact that the foreign market is a niche as well means that there isn't much worth in investing in the foreign market. There's also the fact that the anime are meant to advertise the source material where in the foreign market, anime is the end for most people which means they can't be expected to buy the source material which has a high chance of not even being licensed.

Animation Studios' Work Force - Animation Studios are not infinitely full. There are x number of animators required for a project and they can either be working on another season which is sure to sell less than the previous season or they could be working on a new fresh project with a higher chance of success. Animation studios try not to limit themselves to franchises.

Interest - Individual opinion does play a role as well. People can make decisions based on opinion rather than just potential figures. If the Producers are genuinely interested in another season of a show, they can influence another season. If an author doesn't like the adaption, they can fight another season. The main casts could all be working on other projects and are absolutely booked to be unable to come together for another season.

Anime Original Series - These are series designed for the medium. They are written specifically to be animated and tend to end at the finish of the story. Using Kill la Kill or Code Geass as examples, these are series that have ended with completed plot lines in all ways. Any further seasons would be forced and likely low in quality. They would likely have genre shifts to fit into the canon of the series or would have really bad new development which would undermine the original story. That doesn't mean spin-offs aren't possible though for a number of series and sometimes, completed series do get more seasons which were unexpected. (Psycho-Pass)

Now let me clarify that exceptions do exist for each of these points. That's all they are though, exceptions. Rare occurrences that you cannot put faith in for repetition. Those series are miracles wrapped within miracles and you're likely able to count them all with only your fingers. I hope this is helpful for understanding and answering any questions you might have.
Safari keeps autocorrecting fanservice to fan service 

Yes, I am sick of a big part of anime. That's why it's hard for me to find ones I like. 
I appreciate the themes of empowerment (or equality to that of the cool male charas) in female characters found in Psycho Pass, Durararara!! and KLK. Even Space Dandy gave quirks and personality to the recurrent female fanservice.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:26 AM Post #142,102 of 177,750
Another series that came up in my mind that would have been absolutely amaze-balls as 1-2 seasons would be Bleach. Had the just stopped at the Captains and Execution arc, with Number One as their battle theme, YUI and D-Technolife carrying them through their OP/EDs it would have been one of the best Shounen Battle anime's I've watched in a long time.

But instead they dragged it till it was a billion episodes long, had stupid fillers and anime only crappy content.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:35 AM Post #142,103 of 177,750
Another series that came up in my mind that would have been absolutely amaze-balls as 1-2 seasons would be Bleach. Had the just stopped at the Captains and Execution arc, with Number One as their battle theme, YUI and D-Technolife carrying them through their OP/EDs it would have been one of the best Shounen Battle anime's I've watched in a long time.

But instead they dragged it till it was a billion episodes long, had stupid fillers and anime only crappy content.

Agree... totally agree : <
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:38 AM Post #142,104 of 177,750
Another series that came up in my mind that would have been absolutely amaze-balls as 1-2 seasons would be Bleach. Had the just stopped at the Captains and Execution arc, with Number One as their battle theme, YUI and D-Technolife carrying them through their OP/EDs it would have been one of the best Shounen Battle anime's I've watched in a long time.

But instead they dragged it till it was a billion episodes long, had stupid fillers and anime only crappy content.

Ohhh Bleach, my first shounen anime...... btw I did watch until the anime's end

So much love for Kill la Kill, meh me much prefer Tengen Toppa. Even Inou Battle is better to me :p
And while I don't really mind fashion with much skin exposure, please at least design it properly to look nice :<
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:39 AM Post #142,105 of 177,750
That sounds super asspull-ish. Like the plot of a sequel to a bad B-roll low budget movie.... Please no.
True. It was short, it was amazing, the music was perfect, and animations had its ups and downs but overall it was great, but that all comes together as just one season. Adding would just dilute the series, I wouldn't want another season.

A few key songs were good. The music was meh in other parts
  No idea. I'm just finishing it because I tend to finish every series I start. I honestly don't remember last time I dropped a series after goin past 3 episodes.
I'm not one to look too deeply into the meaning of anime after watching it but those thoughts did run through my mind when I was watching. I don't have the attention span to write it all out sadly. KLK was great just like TGL.
When Kamina died I shed tears
. Last anime to make me do that was Clanned After Story.

Dayum dude...I can't imagine ever doing that. Finishing everything.
Mega spoilers dude. I haven't seen TGL but I know who he is....dayum...shame..now that I know. I was going to watch TGL this year....
  Yes, I am sick of a big part of anime. That's why it's hard for me to find ones I like. 
I appreciate the themes of empowerment (or equality to that of the cool male charas) in female characters found in Psycho Pass, Durararara!! and KLK. Even Space Dandy gave quirks and personality to the recurrent female fanservice.

It's kinda sad really. How much anime/manga have to pander to the demographic.
The demographic mainly being males who want a submissive female in anime, but a strong lead on starting relationships in H series.
But hey, it's a dream land. We can have whatever we wish when we are in the realm of anime right?
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:40 AM Post #142,106 of 177,750
Another series that came up in my mind that would have been absolutely amaze-balls as 1-2 seasons would be Bleach. Had the just stopped at the Captains and Execution arc, with Number One as their battle theme, YUI and D-Technolife carrying them through their OP/EDs it would have been one of the best Shounen Battle anime's I've watched in a long time.

But instead they dragged it till it was a billion episodes long, had stupid fillers and anime only crappy content.

I stopped watching after the execution arc. I didn't mind the rogue captain leading his own evil army bit, but they took it too far. I like the chara design for Grimmjow. That's about it.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:42 AM Post #142,107 of 177,750
Dayum dude...I can't imagine ever doing that. Finishing everything.
Mega spoilers dude. I haven't seen TGL but I know who he is....dayum...shame..now that I know. I was going to watch TGL this year....

Zero is SOOOOO bland now at episode 7. Motivation plummeting... Only 5 more so I may as well power through.
OOPS! My bad lemme fix that.
God I don't get sick often but when I do my brain just dies. There's not enough brainpower to hold back my ADHD and process things correctly.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:48 AM Post #142,108 of 177,750
  Zero is SOOOOO bland now at episode 7. Motivation plummeting... Only 5 more so I may as well power through.
OOPS! My bad lemme fix that.
God I don't get sick often but when I do my brain just dies. There's not enough brainpower to hold back my ADHD and process things correctly.

I can't believe you can keep watching while having ADHD

I just saw this nice critic review on Nicki Minaji and they mentioned one of her first breakout remixes

This is the review

This is the remix
Watch the remix. It's her doing Biggie Smalls Warning from what the upper video said. She actually displays talent in this....and then we of course have her newest hit, ANACONDA.....what a shame
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:56 AM Post #142,109 of 177,750
I can't believe you can keep watching while having ADHD

You see me skipping everything that bores me. Skippity skippity skip. I see enough to get the story so mheh, technically I finished it which keeps me satisfied.
Gonna watch Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru and Durarara! next in order of least brainpower required. Unless my cold decides to go away in which case I will be doing proper ASG-1+ impressions followed by Durarara! due to the praise coming from the thread.
Jan 5, 2015 at 2:59 AM Post #142,110 of 177,750
  You see me skipping everything that bores me. Skippity skippity skip. I see enough to get the story so mheh, technically I finished it which keeps me satisfied.
Gonna watch Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru and Durarara! next in order of least brainpower required. Unless my cold decides to go away in which case I will be doing proper ASG-1+ impressions followed by Durarara! due to the praise coming from the thread.

Shigatsu wa Kimi is an excellent series
The most recent episode (pre hiatus) was excellent as ****.
I've done something I rarely do. I stood up, started fist pumping, and thought I needed napkins for the slight bit of tears from the series doing it well

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