「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:41 AM Post #133,141 of 177,747
I actually am offput by cross ange based on first impressions most would think it is double standards. It has been done before without these imageries, so why now? What changed?

**** anime, seriously. If/when I can, I'll probably watch ep 1 eventually. Not rushing to do so though. Theres lots of other **** to watch than sone sexed up anal rape seen disguised as empowerment.

Yep no rush, the first ep was a mess.
[size=13.3333330154419px]Having said that, since I am part of Team Laces and Frills, I was half delighted by that scene. [/size]
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:51 AM Post #133,142 of 177,747
Don't get me wrong. I love fanservice. I would be lying if I said no. There's still a line for me though. All those Highschool DxD or zombie boobage school or Korean Zombie Desk Car and it's ilk is the line I don't cross. It's just pointless pandering in the guise of action/slice of life/whatever excuse.

If I want anything like that I'd go to porn/hentai.

Since I'm bored at work with the server I'm supposed to work on is down.
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:52 AM Post #133,144 of 177,747
I'm with you there, a little fan service and everyone loses their minds (okay maybe that scene was a touch more than a little fan service ahah).

I understand how some people don't want to see any fan service at all because it can be obnoxious and distracting, but come on man, having some in a show aimed at adults isn't toooo out of place now is it?  It's also Japan for goodness sake, don't they have one of the largest adult entertainment industries in the world?

I think those reviewers have been brainwashed by anime (abundance of beta male protagonists perhaps?) and have put females on some kind of pedestal. Maybe they're just embarrassed and don't want people to confuse their sacred anime medium with hentai. :p

It's just completely irrelevant. The scene itself is nothing gratuitous, it was hinted, there was no phallic objects, no blood, she was stripped and the violating was implied, that is all. But these reviewers seems to be hellbent on making it seem like she was literally shown taking something up the arse. Seems like whenever a female is shown at a somewhat disadvantageous state, the white knights start popping out of the woodwork, but it's OK if the men gets absolutely humiliated, because, ya know, "equality".

I have zero understanding of the series, but from what I saw from episode 1, it made clear Ange was spoilt and sheltered, with a twisted outlook on right and wrong. It made me dislike her 15mins in, everything that followed gave a very human feel to whole thing, the last time I felt this was in SnK in the first few episodes. That, to me, is good execution and use of resources.

I look at each series with a clean slate and give each on a fair chance to prove themselves based on how the present their plot and production value. That is what I expected of a review, but all I am reading are half-baked opinions steeped in bias and a preconceived hatred for fanservice and any form of harem. Come on...
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:55 AM Post #133,145 of 177,747

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask for suggestions, but here I go!

I am looking for some headphones that are preferably under $250, but willing to spend up to around $300. My main uses for them will be anime and anime music (mostly J-Pop and J-Pop Rock. I prefer having more mids and highs emphasis, but at the same time, I don't dislike bass.

I will probably be using it at my desk on my desktop all the time. I don't have much in terms of audio equipment, just an ASUS Xonar DX sound card.

I looked at other threads, and my current possibilities are:

SoundMAGIC HP100/150/200
AKQ Q701, K701, K702

Should I completely disregard one or more of them? Is there something that you find much more fitting for J Pop/J Pop Rock? Perhaps I should spare some cash for an amp/DAC as well? As for open vs closed... I'm undecided for now.


Chiwa Saitou "staple stable" (Bakemonogatari)



I'd like to list more, like Platinum Disco and many tracks from Shingeki no Kyojin and KILL la KILL, but this has already turned out much longer than I thought it would; perhaps I should have started a new thread. I bet that you can't tell which series are among my favorites~ Well, thanks for reading!
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:56 AM Post #133,147 of 177,747
I'm just going to leave this here.

So is that legitimate gold, or is that just a gold-coloured piece of metal?

Keep that thing in top-notch condition though! Only so many were created.

Also, woah, someone on the LH team has part of their name in Chinese/kanji and it's in my name too. XD
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:58 AM Post #133,148 of 177,747
So is that legitimate gold, or is that just a gold-coloured piece of metal?

Keep that thing in top-notch condition though! Only so many were created.

Also, woah, someone on the LH team has part of their name in Chinese/kanji and it's in my name too. XD

Think it's gold plated.

Looks a little tacky... I hereby dub it the GeekOut Tuhaujin version.:p
Oct 7, 2014 at 12:59 AM Post #133,149 of 177,747
Don't get me wrong. I love fanservice. I would be lying if I said no. There's still a line for me though. All those Highschool DxD or zombie boobage school or Korean Zombie Desk Car and it's ilk is the line I don't cross. It's just pointless pandering in the guise of action/slice of life/whatever excuse.

If I want anything like that I'd go to porn/hentai.

Since I'm bored at work with the server I'm supposed to work on is down.

Flud buddy!
Oct 7, 2014 at 1:00 AM Post #133,150 of 177,747

Been running the Windows Technical Preview for a while, via VirtualBox. I have to say pretty impressive, coming back to Windows 7 with all the good parts of Windows 8. 
Thought I'd share the stock-ish look of Foobar, which looks amazing to me.
Oct 7, 2014 at 1:01 AM Post #133,151 of 177,747
Small excerpts regarding my Cdjapan package when I asked about it :

unfortunately, it is not possible to our post office to meaningfully require or request your post office to search for the package to supply the current status.

The only thing they could offer to do is to wait for the package to be returned back to Japan, because packages sent by Air Mail are uninsured.

However, based on experience, delay is quite common.

Last month alone, we received more than 10 inquiries about late delivery from our customers in Malaysia.

..... Fckin Malaysian Postal service
Oct 7, 2014 at 1:06 AM Post #133,154 of 177,747
  At Everyone to Respond please!
Please let me know what you recommend I shoudl watch...or what is good out of these this eason.
Terra Formars
World Trigger
Ushinawareta Mirai
Karen Sekai
Madan no Ou
Sora no Method
Ookami shoujo
shingeki no bahamut
garo honoo\
inou battle
These are the ones I haven't seen yet that are out
Bust out them recommendations for good first episodes please. And please tell me the ones you didn't like 

Terra Formers:  Blood and guts. Is very rushed in terms of plot (considering back-story is thrown out of the window).
World Trigger: THE SPARKLES. 3d-2d tripping. Feels like it should have just stayed a manga 

Madan no Ou: Good animation and art, harem. Good 1st episode and has seemed to stay true.
Le Fruit: Good art, but was an intro-episode. So nothing really happened... also harem
Gold USB... like the gold PS4 
Oct 7, 2014 at 1:07 AM Post #133,155 of 177,747
They didn't change the OP. Not sure how I feel about this half-arsed start of a second season....
Madan ou is the obligatory Harem anime this season. The many females, the half-naked female "armor", the MC with the Chuunibyou Hair and l33t Sk1llz... I watched it for the fanservice. I survived Blade Dance, I'll survive this.

Log Horizon ended on a pretty low note for me. I was really into it right up to the Festival disturbance arc, everything after that seemed a little forced to make hints for season 2.

You should watch Shingeki no Bahamut. Funny characters and some cool fights and effects.

Hmm currently I would regard Madan Ou higher than that. Production cast is different league from obligatory harem anime ones (and the director has produced some of the top tier shows in my list, like Mouretsu Uchuu Pirates, and Shigofumi. So I have faith here lol), and settings seems interesting and well thought enough to expand itself.
Well, I am fine with same Log Horizon using OP song, and also season1 ending. I enjoyed it for the well thought settings and plots, and also interesting characters. (basically I like the LN author) Just season1 alone would be among my most favorite shows in 2013-2014.
Well, Leopard haven't release that...

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