「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 4, 2014 at 1:19 AM Post #121,996 of 177,747
Bah, I have no reason to upgrade to Mavericks/Yosemite. XD
Many of the "new features" are iOS lamezors stuff that I'll never use.

Yeah, by the looks of it, all Yosemite's gonna do is improve iOS integration. Since I have not a single iOS device, there isn't really any incentive for me to upgrade. BUT, if my Apple logo fades out again if I upgrade, I might as well.

I think Yosemite will be free too, no?
In that sense, and knowing it's still osx for the most part, why wouldn't you?

Safari, Spotlight and notification/widgets upgrades might be incentive beyond iOS integration. Send large email attachments via iCloud. PDF and image markup functionality within the OS. If it's stable and free, why not?

Safari - I use Firefox, Chrome as my backup

Spotlight is probably the only thing I might use. As of right now, I hardly use it though except for calculations and the dictionary. I keep my stuff organised enough that I know exactly where things are so I almost never need to use it for file searching.

Widgets - I don't use them except for the weather and calendar, which are 1 trackpad tap away for me without having to move the mouse

Notification Center - I don't use it

iCloud - I use Dropbox instead

PDF and image markup - I don't use Mail

*shrug* I see no reason for me to upgrade

and really now? Seriously?
Aug 4, 2014 at 1:33 AM Post #121,997 of 177,747
I still can't believe Hans Zimmer worked on this score  
I last saw this anime a few y ears ago during a re-watch. It has held the test of time to say the least. 

Blood+ is the only anime Hans Zimmer has ever scored....
Why? I mean, you are usuaully part of a project before hand. And while Blood+ did have some hype, it wasn't mega big or anything if I recall correctly? Just surprising is all. 
After hearing that, I need the OSt now. 

The Blood+ soundtrack was composed by Mark Mancina and produced by Hans Zimmer.
  Before Pixiv:

After Pixiv:

Oh dear god...this is why I haven't been able to find the elusive anime girls - they're all cats!

Aug 4, 2014 at 2:00 AM Post #122,002 of 177,747
*shrug* I see no reason for me to upgrade

This... I really do hope apple wont go "redesigning" the system every single year, It's annoying.
and of course you might remember how hard I raged back when I first upgraded to mavericks.
IMO, OSX have been going downhill the moment they stopped getting named after cats. :/
Aug 4, 2014 at 2:27 AM Post #122,004 of 177,747
*shrug* I see no reason for me to upgrade

This... I really do hope apple wont go "redesigning" the system every single year, It's annoying.
and of course you might remember how hard I raged back when I first upgraded to mavericks.

IMO, OSX have been going downhill the moment they stopped getting named after cats. :/

Mhmm, that was quite a rage, hahaha.

I still remember when Snow Leopard was first released and basically the only major update was converting the whole architecture to 64-bit and I was like "that's it? :/"
Ah the good 'ol days when the gestures were called Exposé. Mission Control sounds really cheesy and I thought it destroyed the whole point of Exposé (to see all of your open windows at once). Ironically enough, they added the Exposé window layout in the first major update of Mountain Lion and I immediately changed it to that style. XD

Dat audience reaction

Aug 4, 2014 at 2:31 AM Post #122,005 of 177,747
I was thinking about getting a new backpack cuz the one I have is showing its age. I thought maybe, surely, there are motorcycle specific backpacks? This after I looked up military backpacks with the mentality they should last longe, right?... Military spec?

What I found:

Pricy little fella.

Holy sheet, you could buy like 4 of my Swissgear backpack for that price...
  Lol yup, you know what's up!
I also kind of hate the way English voices sound compared to Japanese. Usually the guys don't have as deep of voices, and if the women try and talk with the same pitch as their Japanese counterparts, it just sounds off.
Lol. I'll admit I'm not gonna watch that show for a while, if ever, unless MA's review is really good.
Wow, you've actually adjusted to a normal sleep schedule??? :O
Yeah, that's a perfect example of how it could've been more violent, but they let the viewer imagine a lot of the super violent parts.
I have to agree with you there. Now there isn't very much that can really shock me with the amount of blood and guts after seeing Elfen Lied.
Hahaha, thanks!
I didn't recognize it in time then I guess... I think I paused it before it got to the chorus because I didn't like the sound of the song... :/
Wow sweet, thanks! I'll check that out after the drive home!
Yes, I live in a small town of ~8000.
Yup! Hahaha, this makes two parties. Basically we went looking for water balloons, but all the stores we went to were out of stock. We did find some really schiity ones at Walgreens that looked like mini condoms though, and while we were there, we bought mustaches. Then we went to a gas station my cousin's friend was working at, and viola, we found water balloons! :D
Haha, I thought @miceblue was a stalker as well when she found me through Facebook. XD
A lovely gent named Travis! Tracy and Travis... What a wonderful combination, don't you think?
Would you really want to complain about the thing you just dropped $5500 on though?
Yeah I know, a lot of them are available on CDJapan, as well as Amazon jp. :p
How about these:
Those are probably the rarer pieces of the Key Sounds Label collection that I actulaly care about.

I basically just stayed up until nightfall came again and woke up around 7 AM.
Oh, my review shall be glorious! :wink:
The final episode of Blood-C is the only thing I've seen that traumatized me somewhat. (I can watch horror movies like The Evil Dead and Hostel without being frightened, although they are pretty disgusting.) I had to keep watching it over and over just to stop freaking out. Definitely a prime example of quality over quantity. It's so over the top (but very well-done) that you may not know whether to scream, laugh, cry, stand there gaping, or all of the above.
The reason I linked you to that scene was to let you see it in the English dub, but yes, it is a good illustration of subtlety as well.
Listen to the chorusss. It's sooo funny.
It may take a while to hear all those Darren Hayes songs, but he's leagues above most other singers, in my eyes. (I mentioned before that I can sing just like him too. Maybe I will PM you a vid of that.)
My hometown's population is less than 2,000.
This reminds me of two stories: when me and a few buddies got some fireworks and set them off in the middle of the street, and when I was like eight years old and my first best friend and I stole a condom, filled it with mustard, and flushed it down the toilet. (Who knows why?)
Wow, that is a nice-sounding couple. Is he into the same type of things as you?
Plenty do complain about high-end purchases. I know I would if it didn't satisfy me.
I'll get back to you if I find links where those are sold.

Haha, that works. I've always wanted to try that to reorient my schedule for when school starts, but I've never actually tried it orz
Good, looking forward to it. :D
Maaaaybe I should watch it, just for that last episode then! Maybe your review will convince me!
Oh okay. In all honesty I watched that late at night with the volume off and didn't hear the dub. My opinion still stands, the voices don't sound right even though they're in the same pitches as the Japanese version. :/ It is a pretty good dub though.
Oh god, I went back and listened to it... *cringe*
Yup, I'm working on it... I get the feeling you like love songs? <3
Wow, there are a few towns like that around where I live, but I couldn't even imagine actually living and growing up in one... O.o
Yup yup, we're both into the animus and whatnot, which is how we started talking, and even though he's not into audio or that much into tech, it shouldn't be too hard to convert him considering he's a guy. XD
That's why I haven't bothered spending over $300 on a single piece of audio gear yet. If something sucks, I'll just sell it for a small loss and carry on. Unfortunately, after hearing a lot of the TOTL stuff, not much other than the UERM, 007 with a "neutral" amp, and the 009 with a warm amp really appeal to me. Everything else has turned out to be "meh". I guess that's just what I get for being picky and spoiled. :D
How about these: http://vgmdb.net/album/1184
Those are probably the rarer pieces of the Key Sounds Label collection that I actulaly care about.

The Alchemist speaks!


(I couldn't tell if they were selling this or merely describing it.)

(This apparently did not include a CD.)


(Came up empty.)

Awesome! Thanks for the Amazon JP links! I swear I've gone through their entire catalog on Amazon jp and tried to bookmark everything they have, but I couldn't find all those! And I didn't realize CDJapan still sold Ma-Na! O:
You are doing a superb job at famishing me. I want to eat everything you post. lol

One last recipe befor I hit the sheets:


Great stuff. Already cooked that two times.

Those look delicious. I'm a bit ribbed out right now though after eating an entire rack of ribs this morning for breakfast while drinking a diet Pepsi :x
  Welp I just finished the VN end sleep...
This was a pretty short one with under 20 hours of game play, I finished it in one and a half days (now 7AM 

Got this song stuck in my head.... lol

Huh, that plot actually looks pretty interesting! Where did you even hear about this game though? Also nice song :)
Why are you at the Genius bar with an appointment?

Firstly my screen has a washed out spot and a dead pixel.

Looks like I need to go back again for another dead pixel in approximately the same spot as last time. -_-

LOL, Every time I lean towards buying a Mac, I hear about you having another problem with yours. D:
Hmmm mech any link to modding the mx1?

I really don't know what he did, you should PM @lugia862 and tell him Mech sent you. I believe he said he just swapped out some of the capacitors? I dunno what else he did.
  Ugh so much postings. I rarely have the motivation to comment 10 + a day nowadays.

Same here. :frowning2:
  @b1o2r3i4s5 @mechgamer123 @ThickGlasses @Tom Yum Goong @vantt1
The answer is... *drumroll*
Diva ("Blue") is the villain and Saya ("Red") is the heroine!

Some may argue that Blood+ has no villain or heroine; I beg to differ. Among Diva's crimes include raping and killing a teenage boy (later having his babies...) and attempting to exterminate/replace the human race. This more than qualifies her as a villain.

Although they are at odds with one another, they are twins nonetheless. Here is my tribute to their tragic kinship:

As a reward for your valiant efforts, I present to you the following magnificent opera piece from the series, entitled simply, "Diva". The ending is especially spectacular.

Yay, what a shocker! I figured if you posted it, it wouldn't be as obvious as it seems based on the pictures
  Draw the Emotion is a pretty neat group! I like their style.

Next time I'm in the mood for some faster paced drums I'll give these a listen and see how much I like them :D
Aug 4, 2014 at 2:55 AM Post #122,006 of 177,747
Oh my gawd....

That is friggin' awesome. I really wish I had known about that website earlier. Free education, and not just trivial stuff either!
This would have been so helpful to know about earlier during my undergraduate career. >.>
Aug 4, 2014 at 2:58 AM Post #122,007 of 177,747
Holy sheet, you could buy like 4 of my Swissgear backpack for that price...

Huh, that plot actually looks pretty interesting! Where did you even hear about this game though? Also nice song :)

You could probably get only a good standard backpack over here for that price, not even military grade. Them pricings' cray.

Maybe it's the eyes but the characters just scream yandere to me.
Aug 4, 2014 at 3:04 AM Post #122,008 of 177,747
Aug 4, 2014 at 3:28 AM Post #122,009 of 177,747
Phone musings:

I could just **** it all and settle for a Xperia Z Ultra. I can dunk it in water/take it to the shower for obvious reasons, it's almost as big as a tablet anyways, and it's still kind of like a phone.

Or, heaven forbid, one of these http://www.lelong.com.my/asus-padfone-mini-7-display-1gb-ram-ori-set-sealed-box-expressfon-151887949-2015-01-Sale-P.htm
Aug 4, 2014 at 3:38 AM Post #122,010 of 177,747
  Lol yup, you know what's up!
I also kind of hate the way English voices sound compared to Japanese. Usually the guys don't have as deep of voices, and if the women try and talk with the same pitch as their Japanese counterparts, it just sounds off.
Lol. I'll admit I'm not gonna watch that show for a while, if ever, unless MA's review is really good.
Wow, you've actually adjusted to a normal sleep schedule??? :O
Yeah, that's a perfect example of how it could've been more violent, but they let the viewer imagine a lot of the super violent parts.
I have to agree with you there. Now there isn't very much that can really shock me with the amount of blood and guts after seeing Elfen Lied.
Hahaha, thanks!
I didn't recognize it in time then I guess... I think I paused it before it got to the chorus because I didn't like the sound of the song... :/
Wow sweet, thanks! I'll check that out after the drive home!
Yes, I live in a small town of ~8000.
Yup! Hahaha, this makes two parties. Basically we went looking for water balloons, but all the stores we went to were out of stock. We did find some really schiity ones at Walgreens that looked like mini condoms though, and while we were there, we bought mustaches. Then we went to a gas station my cousin's friend was working at, and viola, we found water balloons! :D
Haha, I thought @miceblue was a stalker as well when she found me through Facebook. XD
A lovely gent named Travis! Tracy and Travis... What a wonderful combination, don't you think?
Would you really want to complain about the thing you just dropped $5500 on though?
Yeah I know, a lot of them are available on CDJapan, as well as Amazon jp. :p
How about these:
Those are probably the rarer pieces of the Key Sounds Label collection that I actulaly care about.

I basically just stayed up until nightfall came again and woke up around 7 AM.
Oh, my review shall be glorious! :wink:
The final episode of Blood-C is the only thing I've seen that traumatized me somewhat. (I can watch horror movies like The Evil Dead and Hostel without being frightened, although they are pretty disgusting.) I had to keep watching it over and over just to stop freaking out. Definitely a prime example of quality over quantity. It's so over the top (but very well-done) that you may not know whether to scream, laugh, cry, stand there gaping, or all of the above.
The reason I linked you to that scene was to let you see it in the English dub, but yes, it is a good illustration of subtlety as well.
Listen to the chorusss. It's sooo funny.
It may take a while to hear all those Darren Hayes songs, but he's leagues above most other singers, in my eyes. (I mentioned before that I can sing just like him too. Maybe I will PM you a vid of that.)
My hometown's population is less than 2,000.
This reminds me of two stories: when me and a few buddies got some fireworks and set them off in the middle of the street, and when I was like eight years old and my first best friend and I stole a condom, filled it with mustard, and flushed it down the toilet. (Who knows why?)
Wow, that is a nice-sounding couple. Is he into the same type of things as you?
Plenty do complain about high-end purchases. I know I would if it didn't satisfy me.
I'll get back to you if I find links where those are sold.

Haha, that works. I've always wanted to try that to reorient my schedule for when school starts, but I've never actually tried it orz
Good, looking forward to it. :D
Maaaaybe I should watch it, just for that last episode then! Maybe your review will convince me!
Oh okay. In all honesty I watched that late at night with the volume off and didn't hear the dub. My opinion still stands, the voices don't sound right even though they're in the same pitches as the Japanese version. :/ It is a pretty good dub though.
Oh god, I went back and listened to it... *cringe*
Yup, I'm working on it... I get the feeling you like love songs? <3
Wow, there are a few towns like that around where I live, but I couldn't even imagine actually living and growing up in one... O.o
Yup yup, we're both into the animus and whatnot, which is how we started talking, and even though he's not into audio or that much into tech, it shouldn't be too hard to convert him considering he's a guy. XD
That's why I haven't bothered spending over $300 on a single piece of audio gear yet. If something sucks, I'll just sell it for a small loss and carry on. Unfortunately, after hearing a lot of the TOTL stuff, not much other than the UERM, 007 with a "neutral" amp, and the 009 with a warm amp really appeal to me. Everything else has turned out to be "meh". I guess that's just what I get for being picky and spoiled. :D
How about these: http://vgmdb.net/album/1184
Those are probably the rarer pieces of the Key Sounds Label collection that I actulaly care about.

The Alchemist speaks!


(I couldn't tell if they were selling this or merely describing it.)

(This apparently did not include a CD.)


(Came up empty.)

Awesome! Thanks for the Amazon JP links! I swear I've gone through their entire catalog on Amazon jp and tried to bookmark everything they have, but I couldn't find all those! And I didn't realize CDJapan still sold Ma-Na! O:
  @b1o2r3i4s5 @mechgamer123 @ThickGlasses @Tom Yum Goong @vantt1
The answer is... *drumroll*
Diva ("Blue") is the villain and Saya ("Red") is the heroine!

Some may argue that Blood+ has no villain or heroine; I beg to differ. Among Diva's crimes include raping and killing a teenage boy (later having his babies...) and attempting to exterminate/replace the human race. This more than qualifies her as a villain.

Although they are at odds with one another, they are twins nonetheless. Here is my tribute to their tragic kinship:

As a reward for your valiant efforts, I present to you the following magnificent opera piece from the series, entitled simply, "Diva". The ending is especially spectacular.

Yay, what a shocker! I figured if you posted it, it wouldn't be as obvious as it seems based on the pictures

The review may not be ready until weeks/months from now. I work on it a little each day.

I almost always prefer English dubs over Japanese ones. For one, I think they're much more emotional.

There aren't many types of music I dislike, what can I say?

Tonight, I heard some Darren Hayes CD rips with my new cable and Rockbox for the first time...wow, they sound much more amazing and clear! Ten times better than many of those YouTube links.

I have so many fond memories of my mountain valley hometown. All my friends lived practically within arm's reach. My next door neighbor was the deputy sheriff. There were hundreds of bats in my house's attic. You could go up there and they wouldn't even bother you. Same with bees in the bushes in front of the house. You could walk between the bushes, with countless bees flying around you, but they wouldn't sting you! Only thing you really needed to watch out for was that Hinamizawa Syndrome...

Ha. I have that same thought, that in case my next girlfriend isn't into high-end audio and all the other things I'm into (especially video games and anime), I could always convert her. Being passionate about music is a must, though, and that can't really be taught.

Well, at least you found something you love at such a (relatively) low price. It's crazy that your headphones cost less than mine, yet you like them more than models costing thousands.

Are you going to buy all those CDs soon?

Make sure you hear that mindblowing Blood+ opera song. :)

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