「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 2, 2014 at 4:00 AM Post #106,473 of 177,747

Depends, there was a girl who walked around in my school who wore a semi-gothic maid outfit everyday. It was also quite adorable because interesting enough, I was taking a culinary course with her >.<

He somewhat has a girlfriend. A girl who spied on him from a mansion up on a hill while he was living in an apartment down in a nearby town. He can't accept her as his girlfriend because of his deliria that there's an organization spying on him. So even after 14 episodes of the two characters being together, all that was formed was a contract that if he tries to commit suicide, so will she.

He doesn't say "she's my girlfriend", but he does say something along the lines of "I'll try and maintain this as long as I can"

At the time of watching, I was furious there wasn't a fan relief sort of episode where they at least hug. But now that I think about it, it's sort of cute. Since both characters really have a serious social underhand in society and this sort of death contract is what will keep them going.

P.S. I burst out laughing when I saw your profile picture for your youtube channel. xD

Ahh gatcha and thanks, its been a while
But yeah lol, people dig that kind of stuff for a profile pic :D
I was just searching for a screenshot of Mio being scared for a review and I found this. I laughed out loud. XD

I didn't watch K-On but I know of Moe Moe Kyun!!! What show parodied that?
but lol
Mar 2, 2014 at 4:15 AM Post #106,474 of 177,747
  Hmm, I wonder why? Maybe the only people on this thread who have gone to Japan (or just most people our age interested in going to Japan) are otaku?
Not only that, but according to some of the Japanese folks I've talked to, sushi is a bit of a rarity there because of how expensive fish is. XD

That is true. I wasn't too crazy about the food in Japan, they don't eat excessive amounts compared to other asian countries.

I didn't go to Japan for the food, I went to Japan for the crazy technology and whatnot. Well funny thing is, I didn't really see that much technology advancement in consumer goods, just lifestyle technology. In which a sense I guess was even better. E.g. phone technology, instant customer service, sky trains, convenient stores are literally convenient...


But if you wanted food, and TONS of it, go to other asian countries. I spent $5 on a stack of butterfly shrimp that was the size of my hand, miso soup, ketchup fried rice....
In Canada.. $5 would get me a fish burger and medium fries...

Still, there are some kinds of food I'd like to try in Japan, like some proper ramen.
Exactly. Nobody goes to Japan for the food! :p
Being able to pay bills at the 7-11 still boggles my mind too...
Heh, that's cool!
  Grr, why didn't I try animal style when I went there when I went down to LA last year? D:
I don't think there are many burger places that beat Dick's for the bang for your buck. :3
Five Guys was sort of meh for me too; the buns seem to always be soggy with that dry patty grease or something according to Michelle XD

haha. ha. 
the first few times I went through that with a clean mind. Just recently I didn't though ):

Lol, all you need to know is that it's a chain fast food place in WA, and I always use my apostrophes appropriately. :wink:
Heh, I haven't been watching any anime either. The only time I play is when I'm on the bus or some other transit system with nothing better to do.
And I had a three (that turned into four) hour train ride yesterday, so... Why not? 

Ooh, have you been designing more projects or just working on "that" project? XD

Wow~ where were you going?

Going back to my hometown again for a family emergency. :/
  Lol, wanna sell me one of those controllers? XD

Well, in order of plausibility:
1. Sell it locally
2. Keep controllers for use on PC/Android, sell console
3. Wait for a CFW (the super slim still doesn't have one)
Selling it internationally or donating the controllers is still out of the question for the time being. すまん!

I'm in the US though!
Heh, CFW for the slim slim, I doubt that'll ever happen. I doubt much hacking will happen outside of the sketchy Chinese pirating scene since Sony sued geohot for the original PS3 CFW :/
  Browsing Imgur when suddenly:

Whoa, that's awesome!
Mar 2, 2014 at 4:22 AM Post #106,475 of 177,747
Logitech G9X is currently undergoing possible pricing error on TigerDirect
$4 for this (last year and before's) flagship of Logitech's gaming mouse :D
I bought 4 to give as gifts
It's sold out now
Mar 2, 2014 at 4:28 AM Post #106,478 of 177,747
  You person, why didn't you post that sooner? Gimme one! 

Sorry, I spent the last 10 minutes trying to modify my TD order to order 5 or 6 mouses. The shipping fee of $7 is almost flat. 
One mouse had a fee of $7, while 4 had a fee of $8.......so yeah..
Sorry lol.
Mar 2, 2014 at 4:28 AM Post #106,479 of 177,747
  You person, why didn't you post that sooner? Gimme one! 

Sorry, I spent the last 10 minutes trying to modify my TD order to order 5 or 6 mouses. The shipping fee of $7 is almost flat. 
One mouse had a fee of $7, while 4 had a fee of $8.......so yeah..
Sorry lol.

Hah wow, nice!
Mar 2, 2014 at 5:15 AM Post #106,481 of 177,747
You know you've got a good physics teacher then he/she describes Maxwell's equations as "beautiful"....
When my teacher showed them to us last class she went "Let's sit here and admire them for a moment before we continue"

Mar 2, 2014 at 5:50 AM Post #106,482 of 177,747
New member here guys. Been reading the last few pages and all this food talk is making me hungry. Fries yum!
Quick question: what's everyone's favorite Manga?
My favorite is "Girl the Wild's"

My favorite one is Oyasumi Punpun for two reasons.
It's amazingly well written and drawn and it's the only manga I ever completed :3
  It's official now. Putin is my role model in political actions. 
I literally can't wait until the flag gets here. I've been following and have heard about this man for over 5 years now. Every year, I am more awed by how merciless, brazen, and transparent this man is. He plays the politics games, but shows the world the 'idgaf' type of face in his actions. These actions which are generally clouded by political wording and d*** battles. Putin doesn't do that, Putin uses his power, and he lets everyone know, that he is Vladimir Putin.
He may also be the only person I can ever call a true role model. 
Steve Jobs inspired me, but I can never do half of what he quotes or says. Putin on the other hand, speaks and does everything I had always wished one could do in a country.

Bowei, I really don't get how your brain works.
  Doesn't it feel.. kinda fake? and awkward to have maids serve you? I never really understood that type of roleplay.
Meaning, I probably wouldn't be able to control myself and would laugh if I was in one of those maid cafes

Exactly what I'm thinking. I guess I'm not weebo enough to enjoy something like this.
  Browsing Imgur when suddenly:

Mar 2, 2014 at 5:56 AM Post #106,483 of 177,747
I'm in the US though!
Heh, CFW for the slim slim, I doubt that'll ever happen. I doubt much hacking will happen outside of the sketchy Chinese pirating scene since Sony sued geohot for the original PS3 CFW :/

I'm in Australia though!
Damn it! Maybe modchips are the way to go?
I was just searching for a screenshot of Mio being scared for a review and I found this. I laughed out loud. XD




I didn't watch K-On but I know of Moe Moe Kyun!!! What show parodied that?

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, I'm guessing.

And it's recommended that you watck K-ON!.
Mar 2, 2014 at 5:57 AM Post #106,484 of 177,747

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