  1. Technex

    Car CD/USB player suggestions?

    Hi guys,   Well I've been looking around, even bought a Kenwood head unit which was awful. I'm not sure who to ask so I thought I would come here, not sure if there are any better forums for car radios...   Could anyone suggest me a Car CD/USB player head unit which does the following...
  2. hogofogo

    USB/DAC headphone amp with tube-like sound?

    Hello All,   I am looking for USB/DAC headphone amp for my ATH-A900 with as much ’tube-like’ sound as possible (without actually being tube head amp ). No need for any other input/output (will be used solely with ATH-A900). Price range? Up to $500,-   Thank you for your time,   HF  
  3. brat

    Headphone amp + USB DAC

    Please, recommend a headphone amp with build-in USB DAC. Only sound quality is important.
  4. SoulSyde

    I wish DAP and Amp manufacturers would adopt the USB standard for charging

    Thanks to the EU, most cell phone manufacturers (sans Apple of course) have adopted the USB standard for charging.     I wish all portable amp & DAP manufacturers would do the same.  Although the DAP industry is getting better, the amp industry is way behind.
  5. mau5fan

    Closed headphones for around 300 and an amp for around 200

    Hello world. Im brand new to the headphone scene, but have done a bit of reading before starting this post. I have decided i want some headphones, but have literally no prior experience with them. I do know what i need however. I listen to primarily house, progressive house, dance, and trance...
  6. tuncaysu

    USB DAC + Headphone amp suggestion

    Dear all,   I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 555 and Sennheiser IE 6 as an IEM. I would like to buy a USB DAC + Headphone amp combo for my laptop, since both the drive is not enough for the 555 and there is hissing in my analog speaker output.    Does anyone have suggestions < 300$?  ...
  7. kush391

    Do soundcards also need burn-in

    I bought a ASUS Xonar u1 USB soundcard for my sennHD555. They sound terrible. Too much forward, extremely bad sound reproduction. It feels if everything is in you head, and somehow it has changed the Senn sound signature as well. Its difficult to explain but you woudnt want to keep listening...
  8. luvs2squizz

    Amp for DT-770?

    I'm sure this has been asked tons before, but here I go Would a uDAC be enough for the DT-770 or should I wait until I can get a Sparrow/Compass? Any other recommendations?  Note: I need a USB DAC integrated and it needs to be fairly cheap' I'll be buying used   EDIT: also considering...
  9. fossuser

    HD 650 Amp

    I have this: Headroom Total Airhead - Headphone Amplifier | HeadRoom Audio I think I could benefit from a DAC since I do all my listening from my laptop and all of my files are encoded in FLAC. The airhead is okay, but there is a lot of static in the background. Would a DAC fix this? I was...
  10. Elephas

    Dared MP-5 Headphone & Integrated Amp with USB DAC

    The Dared MP-5 is a tube headphone and integrated amp. It also has a USB DAC. It seems to be available and is priced attractively. Listed at JPY 42000, about US$358 Listed at GBP 250, about US$434
  11. expxe

    Cheap USB DAC with Line Out?

    I am looking for a USB DAC with Line Out. I am not too concerned about sound quality since it will be used to play streaming online video. I just need the price to be good and to have line out. What do you guys recommend?
  12. baglunch

    Why is SPDIF better than USB?

    Why is SPDIF better than USB?  Aren't they both digital signals?  Why would one be an improvement over the other?   I apologize if this has been discussed (seems like an obvious topic), I just can't find it.   I've seen DAC's that have USB and SPDIF inputs, and everyone says the SPDIF...
  13. stupac94

    Amp+DAC or AMP+New sound card?

    So I'm really in a bind about how I should go about upgrading my Audigy SE to suit my Sennheiser HD280 headphones.  Yesterday I was convinced that buying a Xonar DX and an external PA2V2 headphone amp would be the best option for my quality/price needs.  Now I'm thinking it might be better to...
  14. jma790

    Corda Symphony info and impressions

    The Corda Symphony was released on October, 2008. It's considered per Jan as the succesor to his praised Corda Opera, and is considered by him as his best amp to date. Some people have been lucky enough to grab one, and their impressions can be found in the next pages. If you are interested on...
  15. PetiePal

    Portable amp for Sennheiser HD 595 and 600

    HI everyone! New to the boards. I will have to admit that I know next to nothing about audio equipment but I'm apt to learn I'm being gifted a Sennheiser HD600 (good friend who works for them) and a HD595. I know that these headsets will need an amp to really get the most out of them. What...
  16. ak622

    Northstar USB DAC32

    Has anyone here tried the Northstar USB dac?  The Northstar 192 MK1 and MK2 have been talked about on this forum and has had good reviews but I haven't read much on the updated Northstar USB.  Does anyone have any experience with and how does it compare with the original Northstar or other...
  17. Zooted

    Entry level USB DACs with TOSLINK?

    Hello, I am looking to hook up my powered speakers to my PS3 through its optical out and my Macbook through USB. Are there any DACs available under $200 or would I have to get something like the V-DAC? A headphone amp would be nice but it's not necessary. Thanks.
  18. windbag

    USB to SPDIF converters eliminating PC intermediate?

    Noting Slim.a's (excellent) thread "USB to SPDIF converters shoot-out thread" in this forum; Anyone know if a hybrid digital audio streamer exists, that is a sort of cross between the domestic video streamers such Western Digital Live TV and the audiophile M2Tech HiFace? Or if there are plans...
  19. gritzcolin

    What is a DAC?

    Im searching but not finding a definition.
  20. TLN

    HIFIdiy mini USB DAC vs. AUDINST HUD-MX1 DAC vs. others

    Hi guys! I gonna buy a dac to replace Audiotrak Prodigy HD2 with my laptop. I got an AKG k271S headphones. I've read lots of reviews but still need any advices to choose. I gonna use it only with headphones. So it should be DAC and amp. I got $200 max so i'm looking at $160-$180 price...
  21. kboe

    MacBook Pro + 2 USB cables?

    Here's my question. Say I want to use two USB DACs with my MacBook Pro... at the same time. Is this workable? I would try it myself, but I don't have my Bithead with me at the moment to add to my uDAC. My goal would be to output two digital signals to two separate USB DACs, through two...
  22. granodemostasa

    All the DACs money can buy...

    Hi. This is a list of all the common dacs that I've ran across. If there are more, please add them to the list. The prices reflect their "new" price, or current price if they are no longer being made. For the Chinese dacs i tried to guess what shipping would be. List of Digital to Analogue...
  23. HeadphoneAddict

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS: NEW Nuforce uDAC-2 with 24/96 - USB DAC AMP with line out and S/PDIF out

    I'll be posting my impressions of the uDAC-2 here very soon.  I'll be referring to the original uDAC a lot in this thread as I compare them, and will build on what the differences are more than doing a big review from scratch.  So be sure to get familiar with the original uDAC.  I might start...
  24. Speederlander

    Can't recall which amp this was...

    I saw posted here a USB amp/dac combo that was generally well received. It was approximately tube shaped and approximately $400 to $500 I think.   Ring any bells for anyone?
  25. dungeon

    Help me with a mess of requirements for a USB DAC / Headphone Amp

    I've been doing a lot of research over the past couple of days to get a solution for a couple of problems that maximizes my dollar.  It would be awesome if someone could smack some sense into me before I blow a couple hundred bucks.   Here is what I already have.   Headphones: Sony...