  1. JosephKim

    Problems with Rockbox on Sansa Clip+

    I must have installed it wrong or something, because the interface on the rockbox for me is very bad. First, I have the folder ##music# and ##audible# as well two other folders with the same name without the "#'s. There is no way for me to shuffle through all files (I do not know if this is...
  2. Albinoni

    What Colours Do The Sansa Clip Plus Come In

    Re the Sansa Clip Plus, what colours do they come it. ?   reason why I asked is because I was on the bus yesterday going into work and I could of sworn this girl had a Sansa Clip + but in Silver colour and god it was small, bout the size of a matchbox.  Also had a OLED blue screen.
  3. Mxmlmn

    Small, music only DAP.

    I have an old Sansa e280 and I'm planning to upgrade. I'm looking for a portable DAP with expandable memory, and very good~great sound quality. I don't need video, or photo capabilities, though an FM radio would be nice. I've been considering the Sansa Clip, but I've heard many conflicting...
  4. Artmuzz

    Sansa Fuze V2 Rockbox has better SQ than Clip+ Rockbox

    I recently bought a Sansa Fuze V2 when I bought my Cowon J3. I already own a Sansa Clip+ and rockboxed that but when I rockboxed my Sansa Fuze V2 the SQ seems to be a little bit better than my Clip+ rockboxed. I am using the same EQ settings and the same earphones on both players.   Art
  5. ramintop

    sansa clip+ vs. sony x1060

    hey guys, I'm buying a new mp3 player because my cowon d2 has died on me and I'm choosing between the sansa clip+ and the sony x1060. the price difference between the two is incredible! the sony is 10x more expensive, so my question to those who own both or have listened to both, how is the...
  6. elliottwilliams

    players for the blind

    so i'm not blind, but i have the apple third gen shuffle because i can use it on my motorcycle without needing to look down at it, and it can do multiple playlists. are there other players like this out there? i'm getting tired of iTunes because most of my library is in FLAC for torrenting and i...
  7. mrbrad

    Disassemble Sansa Clip

    Does anyone know the best approach to opening a Sansa Clip? I have searched the internet and found photos of an open Clip, but no guidance for how get the case opened. I would sure appreciate any help you all could offer. Thanks. Brad.
  8. sadhanaputra

    Clip+'s Normal EQ is not flat?

    I tried searching the forum for threads like this, but surprisingly I couldn't find any... Maybe the wording was wrong. Anyway. The saga began when I bought a pair of PL50s (used). Opened the box, plugged them in to my Clip+, and immediately concluded that I didn't like their sound...
  9. brat

    Best SQ from an mp3 player

    Please, recommend me an mp3 player for about $100 regarding ONLY the sound quality. Thank you!
  10. Kayito-san

    <$200 CDN for a 20 gig media player?

    My friend is looking for a new media player, preferably capable of 20+ gigs with an SD card slot (16 gigs plus expansion, for instance, or 20 gigs + slots) under $200 CDN. Seems like a bit of a stretch, I know, but he wouldn't be watching movies on it. Is there anything on the market, non-Apple...
  11. Tom45282003

    cowon s9 compared to sansa ciip rockbox

    I have a sansa clip rockbox and a westone 3 headphones is the sound quality of the sansa clip on rockbox the same as the cowon s9    what makes the cowon s9 any different is it the EQ settings, but does it sound better even if you don't use the EQ settings,    I mean your comparing a 200...
  12. xxmastaxx

    Sansa Clip+

    Im planning on buying a Sansa Clip+ but im wondering if rockbox works because said its unstable...... or should i buy a clip instead of clip+?
  13. Solid Snake

    I need recommendations for a new MP3 player. (Sick and tired of dealing with my iphone 3G)

    So for a while, I have been using my iphone 3G as a music player. I haven't had major issues with it until a couple of days ago.   I saw that apple released a new update 4.0. So I updated it and now my iphone is "bricked" if that is the correct term. And I have not done any kind of software...
  14. JosephKim

    Just got my Sansa Clip! Questions

    I finally received my sansa clip and now I have some questions. If I rockbox my clip, will that actually improve the sound quality? Im not concerned about interface and such; Im actually content with the factory look. But if rockbox improves sound quality, thats something Id definitely do. It is...
  15. bananaman22

    sansa clip+ or ipod shuffle?

    hey peoples   i recently bought an ipod shuffle 4th gen but am thinking of returning it and getting a sansa clip+ instead. On the shuffle, i dont like the fact that i cant use my own headphones and that it doesnt have a screen. I like the sansa clip and it looks like it'll fit my needs...
  16. JosephKim

    Sansa Clip+ Impressions

    After a little less than a month of waiting I finally received my Sansa Clip+ in the mail. FYI I ordered them from deal for an 8gb ($40) but I cant believe how long it took.   What I can say about this player is that it is tiny! I love the looks--very simple and minimalistic...
  17. HydroTurtle

    Is my Sansa Clip+'s battery defective?

    I've been hearing how a lot of people have been getting around 12 hours of playback time from their Clip+'s.  I am really disappointed in mine.  I get about 4 hours of playback with the volume at 75%, playing 320 kbp and less MP3's.  I set all the settings to the minimum, such as setting it to...
  18. TobaccoRoad

    Can Sansa Clip sync from iTunes?

    The only mp3 player I had was iPod, so I'm not familiar how other players work. I'm hoping Clip syncs same as iPod from iTunes. If not, how do you sync songs?
  19. nyforever

    I honestly can't decide...

    I am willing to spend upwards of $500 for a portable DAP (and an amp, if it requires one. I prefer not to use an amp, since I want it to be *portable*). After days and days of reading through many, many sites (including this one), I. Cannot. Decide.   Cowon J3 // S9- ...Hailed to have...
  20. fcpchop88

    What setup should I get for under 300$?

    Hi everyone I'm new to these forums and am a general newbie with this stuff so any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking to get a setup for around 300$, nothing too crazy. A mp3 player, an amp, and some headphones, and maybe a cool dock cable or something. Looking around myself...
  21. DarKu

    The NEW Sansa Clip+

    I present to you the new Sandisk Sansa Clip+ SanDisk Debuts Sansa Clip+ MP3 Player – Offering Big Sound and Tons of Features in a Tiny, Stylish Package and allready a good review on it, with video: SanDisk Sansa Clip (4GB, red) MP3 player reviews - CNET Reviews I think i will get one as...
  22. coryloew

    New Sansa Clip-pitch is too low

    Hi all, I just got a new Sansa Clip yesterday and the pitch on music playback is too low. The song lengths are accurate, but for some strange reason the pitch is a semi-tone or tone too low. Anyone else notice this? I'm assuming there is no way to fix this, but just thought I'd ask. On music...
  23. JayB18

    Is the sound quality on the Sansa Clip+ the same as the Sansa Clip?

    I'm looking for a basic mp3 player and I heard the Sansa clip has the best sound quality for a budget mp3 player. Is the sound quality on the newer clip+ the same? Thanks.
  24. Leavenfish

    Sansa Clip 2 GB Deal

    Interested in getting a taste of what all we clip owners know and love?   2GB Refurbished...only $12.99!
  25. Lobstertorch

    Big Music Player, Low Price?

    I'm looking at getting a new music player, i'm coming from an old 30gb iPod that I got for $20 from a friend(broken now), Frankly I have no idea what to get. I'd like to keep the price PRETTY low, preferablly under $200. I was looking at the sansa Clip+ but it's battery life reviews look...