  1. lazybum

    Getting an amp for sansa clip+ and RE0?

    Hi Im thinking if i should get an amp for my clip+ and re0 (got the 2move in mind). My major concern is how much of an improvement in SQ ill get since im amping a headphone out? Will i be wasting the capabilities of the 2move? i.e is amping clip+'s hp out gonna be any good?
  2. H22

    HELP! cant seem to get the right files to install rockbox on clip+

    as the title states, I cannot find the right file to allow the rockbox installer program to install rockbox.   According to the web page, i need:   Clip +: An original firmware (OF), the bootloader, the normal Rockbox build.   I created a folder on my destop named "rbinstall" and...
  3. niCe99

    NEW Dac recommendation please

    Hi   My sansa clip just died and i am in need of a new player. sorry i havent been up to date with the best players and such.   my only requirements are a nice sounding player, memory is not a problem (atleast 8gb though), small and durable (i use it to workout), relatively cheap (but...
  4. appar111

    how easy is it to rockbox a Sansa Clip+ ?

    I'm thinking of picking up a Sansa Clip+ (8GB model most likely) and wanted to make the most of it, so I was thinking of rockboxing it. How difficult is the process? Is it just a matter of downloading the right file to the player and rebooting it? I have a spare 8GB micro SD card, so it’s...
  5. SammyH

    Sansa Clip+ - a decent alternative to a J3?

    I'm a basshead who likes to listen to music at high volumes with thumping bass, such as dubstep, drum and bass and hip-hop.I've been using my iPhone 3G with my HD25s and they've done the job very well.   However since I've ran out of my space on my iphone I need recommendations on a new PMP...
  6. niCe99

    NEW music player recommendation please

    Hi   My sansa clip just died and i am in need of a new player. sorry i havent been up to date with the best players and such.   my only requirements are a nice sounding player, memory is not a problem (atleast 8gb though), small and durable (i use it to workout), relatively cheap (but...
  7. mooner112

    Clip+ vs. other solutions for pc to receiver

    I've been combing the forums for a few days trying to figure out my best solution. I think I've got a decent one maybe, but I'm looking for any input from the knowledgeable persons that inhabit these forums because I'm fairly newbish when it comes to audio. :)   I'll start by describing my...
  8. appar111

    Sansa Clip Plus - does it work with a Mac?

    I just ordered a new Macbook Pro today and wondered if the Sansa Clip Plus works with Mac/Apple stuff.   I'm looking for a small, inexpensive mp3 player that has outstanding sound quality (alot of eq options, etc.) but also works with Mac.  The Sansa Clip + 8GB is only $55-60, which seems...
  9. rock&rollfrenchfries

    good source for motorcycle use.

    my earbuds that i use are shure se420s. but i may upgrade to something with a little more "zazz" in the future. im not a collector obviously. i try to find my taste and stick with it.   in the meantime i have these shures which happen to have the characteristic of craving a high quality...
  10. okur

    Which one has the best SQ? (Sansa Clip, Clip+, iPod Video, S:flo2)

    Hi everyone,   I'm on the edge of deciding on a portable gear which sounds BETTER than my Cowon S9. Actually I have never had a chance to try another portable player, though a lot of people had told me to change my player to get better and natural sound.   I'm not thinking of using a...
  11. JosephKim

    MicroSDHC for Sansa Clip+

    I wasnt sure where to post this :P. I just ran out of space on my 8gb clip and was wondering where the best online bargains were for microsd cards. Are there any speeds/class I should look for or should I just get the cheapest I can find?
  12. MoJoWales

    Hippo VB or Head-Direct REO or Other for workout with Sansa Clip

    Hello,   I am looking for advice on workout phones for the GF with emphasis on the VB and REO.  These will be used with a standard Sansa Clip for working out in the gym and occasional grass cutting and the like.  She is of average height and build.  New phones are needed to replace a just...
  13. the chemist

    IEM source while at work

    My question is somewhat limited to my work situation. I am pretty much restriced to earbuds and IEMs. I will also be using only one ear. There are times where I will have both ears plugged but the majority of the time I will need to hear the enviroment out of the other ear. I would like to keep...
  14. dynasonic

    Flashed Sansa Clip integrated with CMoy

    This could technically go in the DIY forum as well but my target audience is the Portable Amp crowd so I wanted to start here.   I want to see if there would be any interest in something like this... I have purchased all the parts for my first DIY project. What I am going to attempt to do is...
  15. crygor

    Need IEM, max $100

    Hello!   I am a happy owner of a Sansa Clip + Alessandro MS-1. I need a pair of IEM because I will have roommates next year and I would like to have a bit more isolation for home and a lighter equipement for outside use. I don't want to spend too much, max $80 or $100.   I listen mainly...
  16. mark88888

    Sansa Clip vs. 1st Gen Ipod Shuffle vs ??

    Hi everyone,   First, thanks for checking out this post.  So, here's my situation.  I happily have and use Etymotics ER-4P headphones, with a first generation ipod shuffle (the long white one)  for portable audio.  I've been really happy with that combo for a long time.  HOWEVER, as 1st gen...
  17. mark88888

    COWON E2 vs. SANSA CLIP+ SQ Only comparison

    Hi everyone, OK, after hours of thread reading, I've decided to buy either the SANSA CLIP+, or the COWON E2.  Sound quality only-wise, any opinions about which is better, especially from someone who has heard both?  Also, which is louder?  I use Etymotics ER-4P headphones.  I'm especially...
  18. ib1dance

    The most balanced Digital Audio Player for Dancing

    Hi,   At the moment I have a Sansa clip V2 & I am relatively happy with it.   I'm looking for a extra DAP either as a backup or as my primary player.Of course a upgrade in sound quality would be great, though I have not seen much evidence that in this 'clip on size range' their is a...
  19. nycbone

    Sansa Clip+ - charging with iPod USB charger?

    Any issues with using the recent 1000mA version (small cube that comes with newer iPhones)?   Thx.  
  20. Berserker

    Meizu M6 Ordered (Got It Now)

    I'll bet those words many haven't seen for some time, lol. I know it's obsolete, but I got a hell of a deal on it, couldn't pass it up. Anyone else still have one of these?
  21. mark88888

    Clip vs Clip+, FM radio, SQ and volume level

    Hi all,   I'm deciding between a sansa clip and clip+.  I've read thhat the FM radio doesnt work as well with the clip +, and the SQ isnt quite as good.  But most of those comments came before it was rockboxed... any thoughts on the clip vs clip+  FM radio and sound quality comparison, as...
  22. abhijollyguy

    Best Sounding MP3 Player

    Hi Guys, helped me a lot to select my sound preference earphones and I have chosen Nu-Force NE-6   now I want the best sounding MP3 Player   Please help me in deciding the best sounding MP3 Player   Best Sounding MP3 Player.         Thanks in advance
  23. radicalrev

    Need a recommendation for under $150

    My iPod video just died on me, and currently looking for a new replacement.   So looking for an 8GB or more, high/great sound quality.   I don't really need a video function as I don't even play movies/videos on my iPod.   Suggestions and advices will be greatly appreciated.  ...
  24. captainlol

    Sansa Clip+ vs. Fuze vs. ??

    I've had my 4GB Fuze for almost a year now, and love it to death. I've dropped it many times, but I guess this was one drop too many, and now the headphone socket is messed up. It distorts the sound when headphones/speakers are plugged in, so I have to pull them out halfway so it sounds decent...
  25. Veemo

    Sansa Clip+ and Economy of GBs

    Hello all,   Long time lurker, first time poster.   My well used iRiver 20GB H10 is starting to fail me. Hard drive problems, I assume. It freezes a lot, and since I use it in the car almost exclusively, that's just one more thing competing for my attention and testing my patience on the...