  1. kesslerjesus

    EQ'ing vintage headphones = Amazing sound (Koss HV/XLC)

    So after my ipod touch died, I decided not to sell my old Cowon iAudio M3 and because I could not find some DBI Pro700s on sale, I decided to go cheap and use my old Koss HV/XLC ($25). They look pretty cool, but the headphone pads have rotted away, and the 2nd-hand headphone leather-ish pads I...
  2. benny

    Just got koss pro dj100 and it's great!

    i just got koss pro dj100(bestbuy on sale 49,99) and it sounds awsome!   i was suprised that bass is very thight(wich i like) wich is unusual for dj model   and it's well made and look great also..   downside is no case included and it's hard to drive thru directly from portable...
  3. Jozurr

    Fully Circumaural - Confused between Koss/Sennheiser/Rest

    I am wanting to buy headphones which are FULLY circumaural and DON'T need an amp to use. I will be using them directly out of my laptop. I was wanting to buy the creative aurvana live but i dont think they're available for $60 anywhere anymore.   My budget is max $70.   Im confused...
  4. MegaMushroom

    Bit of help

    After searching around for sometime I've come to the decision that I do in fact need new headphones quite badly.  The unfortunate thing is that I'm rather poor at the moment meaning that I won't be able to afford an amp.  I've been looking to upgrade from my Koss UR-40 for sometime now and was...
  5. beck13

    Need Koss KSC75 Closed Replacement

    Hi guys   can anyone recommend me a replacement / alternative for a Koss KSC75?   it needs to be; > closed > portable > as AWESOME sounding as koss ksc75 !   it can't be; > canalphone or earbuds > gigantic headphones > something that needs amping > over $100   i...
  6. aidenn

    PX-100 owner looking for new portables.

    Hello,   I'm looking for a bit of advice. I'm a bit lost when it comes to audio equipment, so I like to ask before I even go to try it in a store. Sorry if this question comes up here often. :)   Anyway, I was using the PX-100s for 6 years now, they served me very well. I was using...
  7. cookie42

    Koss PortaPro Review and Mods ("Concept" Review??!!11one)

    Hi all,   I am relatively new to audiophilia but I just felt like writing a review and ask some questions about these phones...and since I was told once to write about what you know, I'm going to center the brief review about Radiohead's In Rainbows. I don't purport to "know it", but I have...
  8. ilikecans

    What will it be like?

    I just ordered beats tour and a pair of beats studio. I am used to 30 dollar skullcandys and koss headphones. So will I Be amazed? I am really big on music and realized I wasn't hearing everything.
  9. mackat

    Please Help!! I want your opinion!!!!!

    Hello,   I have a Koss PortaPro and a Sennheiser HD280. Is The PA2V2 a Decent amp at that price? Will it Greatly improve my headphones. I am open to suggestions. I would prefer $60.00 US DOllars or less, but I appreciate something for a little more, that would be leaps and bounds better. So...
  10. ace5000

    IEM that matches the SQ of the KSC75?

    I have been having a heck of a time finding a pair of IEMs for under $100. They all seem way too bright to me. I use a Sansa Clip. However, I did pick up a pair of Koss KSC-75s, and they are everything everyone here said they were - very balanced and live sounding from top to bottom-...
  11. Earwax

    Koss KDE/250

    I got an email ad for these today, KDE/250 KOSS · Sound of Koss 2009 Looks like an interesting concept, however at $250 I'm not going to be first in line to order one. Has anyone been able to demo these?
  12. Daft_Luvr_94

    Shopping for Portables...

    It's been a while, guys!  I'm back, looking for some new headphones for the upcoming school year.  I worry about wearing my DT 250s in public, for obvious reasons, so I thought I'd choose something a little cheaper/smaller.  I'd be running these un-amped out of an iPod, and my music collection...
  13. Gotmilk

    Koss UR55 - Odd Rattling?

    So, yeah. The left speaker of my Koss UR55 headphones seems to have one or two little bits/pieces rolling around inside it. No idea how they got there, and it was after I got home from the mall today, seeing as I didn't notice any rattling before.   I'd open up the cup, but I don't see any...
  14. jerg

    Chirping Distortion with New Koss Ksc-75?

    'Ello Head-fiers,   I wanted a pair of good workout clip-on headphones, and after much digging here I (like many probably) grabbed a pair of Koss Ksc75 from ebay for around $20 all included. The packaging seems completely genuine but...   The sound it produced is suspicious, the treble...
  15. jippittar

    Best over the head phones from radioshack?

    So, I just sent back my second pair of sony noise canceling headphones (I think they were the MDRNC7s) after they snapped in two places and lost sound in the right ear. Seems to me that portable phones will inevitably break. But, thanks to the replacement plan I had invested in, I got a 60...
  16. JBethell80

    New to head-fi, need advice on first pair of good headphones.

    So I've always used earbuds, and am coming to the realization that I don't care for them.  I've been using a pair of skullcandy titans (don't worry, I brought my flamesuit) and I do like the sound of them, but I find them to be a bit uncomfortable, and at the gym they constantly fall out.  ...
  17. kjk1281

    REVIEW: Some Thoughts on the Koss KEB70

    Hello Head-Fi!  Just thought about sharing some of my opinions on one of Koss' lesser-known canalphones.  Introducing the Koss KEB70:     BUILD QUALITY AND UTILITY The Koss KEB70 is solidly build, with solid aluminum housings, adequate stress reliefs, and a great cable free of...
  18. Bon

    Repair of Koss Hv-1

    Hey all. I have a pair of hv-1 that have been tampered with and the copper coils have been ripped from whatever they connect to inside the cans. apologies for the lack of technical jargon. So essentially they require either a new diaphram and copper coil as they are connected, or someone who...
  19. chnsawBrutality

    I NEED to replace my Sony V150s..

    At the time I purchased these I knew nothing about headphones, so I picked these up because they were at a local store and they were cheap, $20, and I needed them for a plane ride and vacation (original apple buds hurt my ears when worn for a long time)   Now I own some RE0s, and I can't...
  20. Abovetheair

    Small Setup

    In the next month I will be back to attending school ( :( )   Anyways, you guys have already got me listening to many headphones, I already own AT M50's and MS1i's. Now I have a new question, what would be good (portable) headphones (not earbuds) for under $50 shipped? They need to fit in a...
  21. Kabir10

    Best headphones for $100

    Hey i am planning to buy new headphones but am really confused as what to buy. My budget is $100 and just want to use it for my ipod. I mostly listen to punk rock, RnB, metallic, etc. Portability is a vital factor for me and also would prefer if the cans are closed ones.
  22. SpkrHead

    Hunting for Red Koss Portapros.

    Greetings! I would like to know if any members on this site know where to obtain a pair of red Koss Portapros.  I'm pretty sure they were only released in Europe but if anyone is selling any I would be interested
  23. GuruTech

    my iphone needs a headphone

    Hey! I have been looking for any headphone for my iPhone. The headphone must carry mike too but have to be earclips only. I can't seem to find any on the net. please help me on this. Thanks in advance :)
  24. hentai

    What's the new Koss ear clip on all about?

    and it cost at the price of a mid range iems. Are they good?
  25. DefStatic

    Assistance in purchasing earphones...

    So a little background...   I do consider myself an audioholic or audiophile or whatever is the term these days. I kind of consider myself a middle of the road buyer. I don't get the most expensive, but I get the most for what I can afford.   I usually replace factory speakers in my...