New to head-fi, need advice on first pair of good headphones.
Aug 4, 2010 at 3:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Aug 4, 2010
So I've always used earbuds, and am coming to the realization that I don't care for them.  I've been using a pair of skullcandy titans (don't worry, I brought my flamesuit) and I do like the sound of them, but I find them to be a bit uncomfortable, and at the gym they constantly fall out.
I've been reading/lurking here on head-fi for quite a while, and I'm trying to decide on which of your "old-standbys" to purchase.
I like the Koss ksc-75s because they look like they'd stay on well, and the price and moddability is nice.
I like portapros because IMHO they look awesome, and I've never really read anything bad about them.
The PX100's seem to get a lot of glowing reviews, but don't look like they'd stay on at the gym.
I also was looking at Yuin G2A's but are the worth the price difference from ksc75's??
I'd love to get some Grado's or something but unfortunately that's not in my budget at the moment.
Which of these would you guys recommend as a first all-rounder set??
fyi, my music is on an ipod classic, and an iphone 3GS.  I listen to old Punk Rock, some hip-hop here and there, and I use them often for watching movies on the iPhone.
BONUS QUESTION!!! - aside from putting drivers on the iphone cable, is there any decent solution to being able to use the clicker/microphone that comes on the iphone headphones???
Aug 4, 2010 at 4:49 PM Post #2 of 6
KSC75 is a good gym option if you don't mind all the gym noises coming right in with the music -- they will probably not get dislodged from your ears as easily.  
Have you thought about an IEM that will block out some of the outside noise.  The Meelec M9 is a great sounding lower-price IEM that will isolate you from most all the outside noise.   $30 from the Meelec site or $25 from
Aug 4, 2010 at 6:20 PM Post #3 of 6
IMO the G2A is worth the money above the KSC75 but the KSC75 is pretty darn good already.
+1 for getting an in-ear though. Bonus points for the M9P, which has a mic with iphone controls. The Klipsch S2M is also quite cheap lately.
Aug 4, 2010 at 6:26 PM Post #4 of 6
My problem is that I've never been able to find an IEM that fit well, every pair I've owned, I seemed to be constantly adjusting and pushing back in.
Also, my current headphones actually seem to block outside noise quite well, it's the fit I don't like.
Aug 5, 2010 at 3:04 AM Post #5 of 6
I seemed to be constantly adjusting and pushing back in.

You may try to play with various tips and insertion more, sounds like the ones you were using might have been too big or not properly inserted. Trying foam tips can be useful too.

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