  1. djbasketball1

    Fischer DBA-02 or Klipsch image x10 (please help!)

    Hello Head fiers,   First of all i am asking because there are very little posts on the Fischer DBA-02. I heard that the DBA-02 are similar to the Westone 3, is that true?   Are the DBA any good, how do they compare to the x10's? Which of the two have more bass?   Thanks...
  2. buz

    Not convinced by JH5 and JH16 universals

    (this is not an attempt to troll, rather a recount of todays impression) After several months in Singapore now, I finally did make it to the temple of headphones. My mission was simple: figure out what the JH craze is about. Armed with a trusty old Clip+ filled with 256kbps VBR tracks I asked to...
  3. Yoloni

    Dynamic IEM's

    I've had the Triple.fi 10's for about 3 months now, but I could never appreciate its sound. It sounds amazing when I listen in my bed, but it just doesn't sound good when I'm on a train to school.   I guess that I prefer the dynamic IEM's fun sound. What would be one of the top-tier IEM's? I...
  4. Kvakac

    Earsonics SM3 fall apart

    Hey guys, Something really unfortunate happened to me today. One of the phones just fell apart at the spot where the two parts were glued together. I've noticed there's a small crack there a while ago, but I didn't think they'll fall apart. Do you think I should send it back for repair, or...
  5. Magnus Cromulus

    Yet another request for help (though this one has a few specific and thanks you all in advance :))

    I'm sure you guys are probably sick of these, but I would like some recommendations.  In searching the boards, there are quite a few posts already, but I do have some specific requirements that I did not see in the posts going back a few months.   What I am looking for is the following...
  6. DogMeat


    As I've mentioned a couple of times, I'm fairly new to DETAILED inspection of IEMs. Have seen some nice looking wood builds but have NO idea what they really sound like and wonder what the thoughts of the Head-Fi erudite might be. I DO like my wooden room-rig, wonder if the same principles...
  7. Voland

    Prospecting Audiophile

    I've always been the guy who listened to a lot of music, but it never occurred to me to buy high quality equipment to do it. That is until last week when I decided to buy some headphones to insulate me from the noise of my university.   I have to thank the forum because it prevented me...
  8. Photofan1986

    If you could keep only one IEM, which one would it be?

    HI! If you could only keep one single IEM/headphone of your whole collection, which one would you keep, and why?   Personally, from the phones I own at the moment (SM3, RE-252, IE8, Radiopaq Jazz, HD-555)  I think I would keep the SM3, because they offer the best balance between isolation...
  9. all2ofme

    Shure in-ears - I love them, but what are the alternatives? They keep breaking...

    Hi all,   I've had a great run using Shure stuff in the last while. I've had seven iPhone microphone adapters (the MPA-2B), and two SE-530s. I love them to bits...   ...when they work. I bought one each of the above, the rest have been warranty replacements. Eventually I gave up on the...
  10. Redmetal1897

    Ortofon e-q5 vs RE262... which one did you keep and why?

    I'm guessing many have gone through the confusion that I'm going through now  The orto's liquid mids vs the re262's lush mids, the orto's clarity and unique presentation vs the re262's realistic timbre and engaging presentation... it's a very tough choice, I don't know if I can justify keeping...
  11. soocha2

    How does the Fischer Audio DBA-02 stand up to the Earsonics SM3?

    So I've been reading some magnificient reviews on this iem these couple of days. I currently have the Earsonics SM3 which I bought after reading some extensive reviews done here at Head-fi and I pretty much love it. Compared to my previous IEMs, such as re-0, ie8, w3, pfe112, fx700, SM3...
  12. shureThing

    IEM Suggestions?

    I need a suggestion for some IEMS under $300. I listen to hip-hop, R&B metal, techno and sometimes rock.   SOURCE: Sony Walkman S Series AMPS: ALO Audio RMKII   EQ can be used, but preferaby not. MUSIC mostly around 320kbps.   Highs: must be very clear and defined. Mids: Less...
  13. james444

    Sony EX1000 Review and Impressions Thread (with comparisons to FX700, GR10 and e-Q5)

    Tagline If you want your music hard, aggressive and unforgiving, then skip the EX1000 - they're hopelessly romantic. Otherwise you may just have found your perfect IEMs.   Links Here's a link to tuahogary's YouTube Re-Unboxing video and here are his early impressions. Here's a link to...
  14. kebbin15

    Best IEM for $300?

    Hi, I currently have a Klipsch Image S4 and I liked it. I use it everyday at work and also for working out. But after 5 months of use the earphones are starting to fall apart and I am kinda getting tired of their sound. I have $300 to spend (or less) and I listen to a lot of genres almost like...
  15. james444

    Field test: JVC FX700, Radius DDM and FAD 1601 + Active Noise Cancelling = better isolation?

    As an owner of several IEMs with great sound quality but weak isolation I've been pondering this question for quite some time: would it be possible to use something like the Final Audio 1601 on the move with active noise cancelling headphones on top? Needless to say my inquiring mind wouldn't...
  16. tuahogary

    Best (timbre) IEM?

    So I have a PL30 and although it has far less detail and power as my W3, it seem to always do one thing better that is timbre. It sounds more realistic to my ears. I'm guessing this is due to the fact that it is dynamics and not BAs. So I'm looking for the best dynamics out there. I tried the...
  17. jacobap100

    The bassist IEM's you have ever heard Put Them Here!!!

    Ill start by saying the klipsch image x10
  18. jmy2469

    New earphones for iPhone 4?

    Just signed up,new here. Wanted to get some info. I need to replace my earphones for my iPhone 4. I am looking for comfort as well and best sound quality. Controls and also mic for incoming calls would be nice too. What are some of the top of the line earphones out there right now that would...
  19. TheMarkRemains

    Grado GR8,Monster Copper, or q-Jays?

    looking for a comfortable, non over-the-ear iem. Sound quality is important or I wouldn't be on this forum. Mostly rock, some industrial. I already own UM3x's, SM3's and will soon purchase (most likely) Westone 4's or Shure 535's. I think I tend to prefer balanced armatures. I also own Future...
  20. mywallethurts

    looking to get my first full sized can

    Hi im a newbie and im currently using the jvc fx700 paired with fiio e7/e9 combo. the sound sig im looking for would be very detailed, wide soundstage, ample deep bass, non sibilant but extended highs, and most importantly good quality mids. any suggestions would be great!
  21. matp86

    Bottom Line on Sony Ex1000 vs Jvc Fx700 (and Fx850)

    I see there has been a very very long thread including a discussion on the fx700 and ex1000, but I am wondering what the bottom line answer is for everyone in terms of preference (and the personal reasoning).   I was also curious about the fx850 and how it stacks up (and if the mids are less...
  22. TheHound

    High end all-rounder IEMs for Cowon J3

    I'm looking for some advice on nice all-rounder phones to go with my new Cowon J3, please. My current phones are Shure SE310s. I like the detail on them, and they can sound very nice with certain EQ settings on the J3, but overall I find them a bit bright, fatiguing and lacking in bass. I...
  23. Wallmott

    Looking for an upgrade from my Klpisch Image S4

    Hello!   I have used a pair of Klipsch Image S4 for about a year now and i have been pretty happy with them. A few weeks ago i started to have some problems with the cable and now one of the speakers wont work at all. So im looking for a new pair of earphones.   I really enjoyed the...
  24. wyager

    Is there such a thing as headphones/IEM that I can actually expect to last more than a few years?

    So, after dropping $90 on my HJE900s to get the most durable IEMs available (at least in this price range) only to have a disappointing experience with one of the drivers acting up a bit and a lack of proper warranty, I'm left wondering if IEMs that you could, say, pass on to your children...
  25. Anouk

    ortofon e-q7 vs jvc fx700
