  1. ErosAudio

    First post/preamp question

    Hello fellow head-fiers! I've been a long time browser but until now haven't had a reason to post, so I'll get right to the point. I'm a college student on a budget and have managed to accrue a collection of what i would consider to be decent introductory level gear. I'm lucky enough to be in...
  2. A

    Please suggest a DAC + Amp for my brand new HE-400

    I'm starting to like my new HE-400 - bought last week after much discussion on Head-Fi.   Now I need a DAC and Amp - either integrated or separate - both are acceptable to me.   I'm quite aware that hundreds of options exist. Since the HE-400 is my ONLY audiophile headphone, and will be...
  3. Insilin1i

    iMac > ????? > HD 650

    I recently purchased a pair of Sennheiser HD 650, and they should be here this weekend. The problem is the only amp I have on hand is a Fiio E5.   I've scoured the forums, through search, and I now know that there are a lot of different recommendations. Though I found a lot of the threads...
  4. joetjie2000

    HifiMan HE-400 vs DAC

    Hello everyone!    Hope someone can give me some sound advice...    I currently listen to AT M50s powered by an ALO "The National" AMP from a Macbook Air via the headphone jack using Fiio cables.   I have some money that i want to spend on upgrading the system... but I'm stuck in the...
  5. DSchwartz88

    Hifiman HE-400: Any Isolation?

    So i've been looking to get a new pair of office cans. I'm extremely curious about the planar driver, and would really like to try these out. I will be using these in an office environment, where I have people sitting about 4-5 feet away. I know these are open-back headphones so their isolation...
  6. npw112

    $600 System (Phones, Amp, DAC)

    OK so I would like a "audiophile" system for around $600.   Will be used for FLACs from Foobar 2000 and Spotify.   Currently have ATH-M50 and Fiio E7 which I will keep for my portable rig with my iPod Classic 160GB.   Music tastes ranges from Rock, Pop, RnB, Jazz, Electro, Acoustic...
  7. Sanotter

    head phone recommendation

    HI guys, wondering about a head phone up to 250 GBP, and good for fast paced music, along with Vocals. These are what I want the headphones to shine at, and as long as other music still sounds decent, I don't mind. Comfort, however,is extremely important. They need to be very comfy, preferably...
  8. edba2000

    ODAC vs Colorfly C4

    I'm quite happy with my current setup: Samsung S3 (usb) -> ODAC -> O2 amp Great sound! Can I expect much better from a Colorfly C4? (Only listening 16bits/44.1KHz)
  9. headphonatic

    UD D100 vs dac destroyer vs odac or anything under $150

    Which has a better value? Left my destroyer in China. I'm shooting for a clean sound. Thanks
  10. Jbucla2005

    best budget DAC for home theater

    I need something fairly bright for home theater. What is good and cheap? Thanks.
  11. estreeter

    Stereophile's Dragonfly Measurements - thoughts ?

    One of the ongoing criticisms of a lot of the gear on the market is that there is no attempt to supply meaningful measurements to support the marketing rhetoric. In addition to a favorable subjective review. the Dragonfly seems to have done OK for itself on the test bench -   ...
  12. Hifisound

    5 DACs

    Hi all,   I am looking to buy a new DAC which can used as outboard DAC for PC or MAC, to be connected to my amp (NAD C372) in the main system. I am looking at following options :   1) Teac UD-H01 2) PS Audio DLIII 3) Peachtree DACiT 4) ASUS Xonar Essence One 5) Nuforce HDP   I am...
  13. Dunkelbunt

    Looking for a DAC to use with a new computer

    I'm currently looking to buy a new pc so now would probably be a good time to find a DAC to go with my Stepdance/LCD 2's. Can someone reccomend some good low/mid budget DAC's please?   I live in Switzerland so the selection is limited and importing can be complicated.
  14. 2pacalypse33

    HE-500 Amp/Dac Combo?

    Hey guys,   Is there an amp/dac integrated combination you would recommend for the HE-500? Does anyone have any experience with these headphones and the O2+ODAC combo? Any recommendations are appreciated. Price range is around $400 but I can be flexible if it is worth it. I would prefer a 2...
  15. andpgud

    Sennheiser and Marantz PM710 AMP. New here and need some help with that duo :D

    Hi there. I have owned my Headphones for 6 years now but always just had them plugged into my laptops. They were never used loud and I actually never used them because of that. Now I bought this old school Marantz PM710 and bought some new cable with the big jack for the headphones. Got my...
  16. chewy4

    Asgard too much for Nuforce NE-700X?

    I'm currently waiting for an Asgard amp to arrive for another pair of headphones, and I was wondering if it would be possible to run these off of it. I've heard you can damage headphones if you put too much power into them.   I know it's completely unnecessary, but I can't plug them into the...
  17. niglu93

    Fiio E17 to drive Sennheiser HD650?

    Would the fiio E17 be enough to drive the headphones reasonably well?
  18. Moustache

    ATH-M50 + Prodigy HD2 or DT 990 pro + cheap amp or HE-400 ??

    Hi, I have only $420, no more no less, to spend on audio for my new pc but I'm a bit lost, I've done a lot of research and don't really know how to best spend those $420.    First of all, I would like to use this money to improve my pc audio, for gaming, watching films and listening to...
  19. niglu93

    Sennheiser HD 650 help

    So I just purchased a pair of HD 650s from amazon, Will receive them some time next week :) I want to use them with my iPhone/macbook pro, What do I need to buy? A DAC? An amplifier? and i would like to change the cable into something less bulky with a 3.5mm end without losing sound quality...
  20. yokken

    Best hybrid between DT880 and HD650?

    Hey all, got some DT880/250s 2 weeks ago and I'm loving them. Currently using a Fiio E17 as a DAC and amp. I'm looking to get an ODAC+O2 but I might just get the ODAC and wait for the ODA to come out. I've had some HD280s for about 5 years now and they served me well, but I stopped using them...
  21. liamstrain

    "Transportable" Dac/Amps - recommendations?

    So now that there is the new ALO PanAm (+ Passport battery), we have a transportable tube amp, and we have the Headroom Portable Micro Dac/Amp at about the same price point as the ALO...   On the budget end we have the O2 and Odac combo, as well as the Audio GD NFB-16...   Are there any...
  22. MLee

    Dedicated headphone amps vs. integrated AV receivers - Output impedance and what is the biggest difference I should be able to hear?

    I have a pair of Audio Technica's W3000ANV which are rated at 40 ohms impedance.  I've listened to them paired with an Objective 2, a Schitt Lyr, Burson 160, and a Bryston BHA-1.  The two DACs I've used are the ODAC and the HRT iStreamer.  Source is all 256kbps iTunes music.  I've read about...
  23. ArcaneSojourner

    Need advice for AKG K702 (resolved)

    I currently have a pair of AKG K702 headphones. I am powering them with a Fiio E7/E9 DAC/amp combo. The headphones are used exclusively with my PC for music, video games and movies.   I am looking for an upgrade to the DAC and amp to better power the headphones. I have a budget of...
  24. tojamm

    Soundcard question

    Hi, I own Sennheiser hd 518 which is powered through a Harman Kardon amplifier and i have a little question. Should I bother buying a new better soundcard that will replace my realtek onboard sound? And if so which one would you recommend? Maybe an Usb soundcard and then to the Hk amplifier...
  25. Picard

    Important Question Reciever VS Sound Card

    Firstly, I want to get some bookshelf speakers and do 2.1 audio and upgrade to 7.1 a little later on for surround sound, and right now I am using a sound card for my headphones, a Titanium HD.   I was looking at receivers and was interested in this one: Yamaha RX-V673  ...