  1. pmacek

    Looking for closed headphones recommendation

    I have a Ray Samuels Audio "The Predator" amp that I have hooked up directly to my computer. At home, I've been using this with a pair of Sennheiser HD650 but I'm taking the amp to work and I'll need some closed headphones that provide more listening privacy. I would like something that goes...
  2. krtzer

    Most natural sounding headphones

    Guys, I want to know the most natural sounding pair of headphones you've heard. It kind of means, the most accurate reproduction but not exactly. I mean when the drummer hits the snare and you hear it and it fades out in the right amount of time and you think to yourself "man that's what a snare...
  3. baglunch

    Recommend closed headphones for around $450?

    I've got about $350-$400 I can spend on a used set of closed headphones, which I figure should mean $450-$500 new, yes? I'll be using them at work almost exclusively, in a open/cubicle environment (where people have complained about my open phones in the past). I listen to most everything, so...
  4. DCofficehack

    HF-5 v. DBA-02

    Largely for budget reasons I'm inclined to buy Ety HF-5s rather than what I had my eyes on, DBA-02s.  And, by the way, the price of DBA-02s just went up to $180 on ebay. Both seem to be good for classical, which is my primary requirement.   Question: what precisely would I be sacrificing by...
  5. sheaz

    sony MDR-XB1000 should I or shouldn't I

    Complete newbie to the headphone world. Always had my standard white ipod earphones but i want to get into it. I have looked and looked for my first pair of headphones and sony MDR-XB1000 appeal. Great bass i heard which i mostly want but i want to know if they will be capable of playing rock to...
  6. EmanT

    Store to try on headphones in Canada (Montreal, Quebec specifically)

    Well, the title pretty much says it all... he headphones I'm wanting to try are the HD25-1-ii and the ATH-M50 I was suggested, on this site to go with hd25-1-ii because i need isolation and headphones that can play different music varieties. However, Im just afraid that they'll be extremely...
  7. grizzlebees

    Sennheiser or Grado for vintage Marantz amp

    Hey all, new to headphones and trying to find a good headphone for the $200-$300 range--can be used, so like a Grado 225i new 325i used or Sennheiser HD595 or HD600.  Just started my research.    Listed to mostly rock which I understand is Grado's territory.  Some jazz and a lot of acoustic...
  8. brrgrr

    Looking for the next step up

    Hey everyone, using the HD 25-1 II as a reference, what would be the next step up? I can't imagine having too much quality time with open headphones so closed is a must. I primarily listen to hip-hop, a good deal of classic rock then a lesser blend of metal, techno, alternative and country...
  9. eric81821

    What closed headphones are good?

    I am looking for a good pair of closed headphones. I have not had much experience with full sized headphones though. Ive gone through 5 pairs of in ear earphones the last month. I lost 5 of them actually, i don't know how. At first I had monster turbines which i loved and lost, lost three pairs...
  10. diodiel

    CAL! or FA004? klipsch image one?

    hey these two seems really equal in price and praise ^_^  they would be a great match against each other. i wonder if anyone had tried them both? any1? im just hunting for fa-004 then i saw these CAL! and they seem really popular as well.   i would  use them at home/portable.. m50 is...
  11. Arreck

    Just how open are the Sennheiser HD 558?

    I've narrowed down my search to these headphones, but the fact that they're open has me a bit worried. I share a room with two other people who are often chatting on Skype with friends and who play a lot of games, and I want to be sure that 1. I won't annoy them when I listen to music and 2...
  12. AzraelDarkangel

    Hifiman HE-4/5/6 vs Fischer FA-003?

    Does anyone have both? How does the planar sound compare to the dynamic driver type sound? I'm really tempted by the HE-4 but the Fischer seems like such an excellent value. I would get the Schiit Lyr for the HE-4 but that amp would be overkill for the Fischer, the Asgard or a variety of other...
  13. Pianist

    Does anyone have issues with Etymotic ER4 treble quality?

    And I mean quality, not quantity. The quantity is fine with a good fit IMO. It's the quality that seems a little strange to me. It's not that it lacks detail or definition, but that there seems to be some grain in the upper ranges. This applies to both ER4P as well as the ER4S, although the...
  14. Fongk

    Noob Here. Ad900 or Fa-003/Fa-002w?

    Hey i'm looking to purchase my first set of headphones and i'm wondering which of the 2 would be a better choice. I know the ad900 is open and the fa-003 is closed but i don't really know the advantages of each. I'll be using the headphones at home so i don't really need isolation. I don't...
  15. Hayang

    Add the FA-003s to the top of your <$200 recommendation list!

      The Fischer Audio FA-003   Recently I bought these FA-003s from a fellow Head-Fier, and I feel that it was the most worthy $175 I have ever spent.   As a college student pinching pennies to make room for headphone purchases, I do not have the liberty to buy high-end $200+...
  16. bcasey25raptor

    how is shure able to make products for so cheap with such good of quality?

    whats their secret. i don't understand how they can get away with it don't they care about making a lot of profit. or do they understand they can make more by selling cheap. anyways i think i am really happy with shure very little companies i know are as good as them in terms of price vs...
  17. DemonicLemming

    FA-003...where to buy?

    These seem to be out of stock everywhere online, no hits on ebay, and all of the classifieds on here are old and expired.  I may have missed the thread, but are these discontinued, temporarily out of stock, or just normally impossible to find?   I just picked up a LD MKIII, some extra tubes...
  18. theoandtheb

    Fischer Audio FA-003 vs. M50's

    Just had a question about the Fischer Audio FA-003. I already have the M50's and was wondering how comparable the two are. Would the FA-003's be worth buying to add a bit of diversity to the M50's or are they too similar that I'd basically be buying the M50's all over again?   Like the...
  19. spaceconvoy

    Comparison Review: FA003, HD558, K601

    The players: Source - Sansa Fuze through LOD (with Silmic II 220uf 6.3v caps if anyone cares) Amp - Mini3, high-performance version, self-built with stock parts FA003 - 100 hours burn-in, using the leather pads HD558 - 25 hours burn-in, stock foam in place K601 - over 100 hours (all...
  20. TheJackhammer

    Buying head phones, and possibly an amp.

    Hello I'm new to this web sight so please bear with me. I'm looking a set of head phones for around $250 CAD, that have strong but not overpowering bass, but also withe descent mids and highs.(i listen to alot of different genres) I don't really care weather there open or not but i would...
  21. TheJackhammer

    Help me buy my first good pair of headphones.

    Hello I'm new to this web sight so please bear with me. Now I own lots of relatively good ear buds but i think I'm ready to buy a really good set of head phones. I listen to just about all genres of music, from dub step to orchestra. My budget is not the largest at only $250.   I'm...
  22. ted davenport

    Isolation : Recommendations for a DT150 beater please.

    I'm looking for some rugged circumaural cans that will isolate well from loud nightclub pa systems.   I DJ a few times a week at different music venues. (playing soul, funk, jazz, rock, calypso, ska, reggae, Latin, rock and d&b on vinyl)   One club in which I play has it's booth set...
  23. spaceconvoy

    Closed headphone fatigue blues

    First off, I really like almost everything about my new FA-003 now that it's approaching 100 hours of burn in - the tonal balance, bass, detail, texture and even the soundstage once it's been amped... But this is the first closed headphone I've listened to in over 3 years, and it's giving me...
  24. Jonasklam

    Fischer Audio FA-010

      Well,   Seams like FA have lunched a new product so I wanted to read a little about it here on Head-Fi, but no one posted anything.   Anybody got some exclusive info or something interesing regarding the FA-010? Then go ahead and post it here :)   Tjek it out here at FA's...
  25. diodiel

    what do you guys think is a little better than fa-003?

    man i kinda gave up trying to buy fa-003 but i dun wanna buy a headphone thats a downgrade from it either... just a last opinion about whats a good alternative or saome what better for you or even what is on par against it? thanks a lot!! =)   Edit:im thinking beyerdynamic phones but not...