  1. McAlsop

    Which IEMs would you suggest?

    I currently have Klipsch S4s and I like it with the cord wrapped over my ear. I am looking at getting a different pair that's better designed to wrap around the ear and not stick out far from the ear. The few I'm considering are the Etymotic ER6i, Ultimate Ears 700, Ultimate Ears SuperFi 5, and...
  2. zip22

    IEM under $100 - Own and like the ER6i, need to replace

    I need to order some new IEMs in the next week.  Budget is $100, but if there is a killer deal for $50 I can obviously spend less.   I have the Etymotic ER6i, but they have seen a lot of use and are no longer working properly.  I'm looking for a good balanced sound.  Should I stick close to...
  3. mindy123

    ATH ES7 vs. Klipsch S4 vs. Etymotic ER6i

    I am torn. I know all three have excellent sound but I was just wondering which is better for my music: electro-house, techno etc? I know the ES7 is a headphone and the other two are earphones. The ES7 is a bit more expensive and was wondering if the price difference is justified? If not then...
  4. Swingtops

    Beyerdynamic DTX 100 vs ?

    So I am looking for anyone who has heard these IEMs, haven't really heard much about them and I am trying to decide between these models: Beyer DTX 100 UE Super.Fi 5 Etymotic ER 6i Used primarily for music, listen to rock, swing, pretty much anything. Bass is the most important feature...
  5. esbenm

    Will 32 ohm earphones lower volume and reduce hiss?

    For serious listening I use a Sony NWZ-A829 with Ety ER6I. For commuting and at work I use my HTC Desire with Sennheiser CX300. I have two problems with the Desire:   1 the ER6I and the CX300 are too loud, even with the phone at lowerst volume. They are also loud with the Sony which I set...
  6. theoandtheb

    Etymotic Research ER6i

    Hey everyone, I'm relatively new here but I'm looking for some advice on getting myself some new headphones. I'm looking for something slightly above average as opposed to just sticking with the generic buds given out along with popular mp3 products.   - I'd prefer to spend in the area of...
  7. epicnoob1

    Total noob needs help

    Hey guys,   This is my first post here, so HI :)   I need some serious help on my first mp3 player. I got an iPod nano, which I think is pretty cool. Although, I don't like the headphones that come with them. Now, I live in India and I am in a bit of dilemma because nobody here actually...
  8. bg1987

    Looking for a pair 100$ IEMs

    Hello everyone. Last week, my trusty shure E3 broke after 4 years of loyal service, (the left one plays the music half as loud, and from the looks fixing the problem would cost the same as a new pair) So Im looking for a new pair of IEMs, for around 100$, I loved how the shure sounded, and...
  9. Gluegun

    Help! What is the single most durable iPhone-ready canalphone/microphone combo out there?

    Okay, so my dad loves going out for walks with his iPhone, listening to books on tape, and he prefers to use canalphones.  However, he has gone through... many canalphones over the past few years. UE, Shure, Etymotic, etc. etc.  Generally. one of the sides starts working intermittently as the...
  10. jarrett

    Etymotic ER6i and Head Direct RE2

    This has probably been done to death, but from all my reading it's the logical upgrade for someone who has owned the ER6i and don't want to spend more. Etymotic ER6i The left channel died after 2 years. The only symptoms of this happening were audible signs of distortion or 'buzzing' in...
  11. urbanslaughter

    A little help? What's your expert opinion

    Hi, I have been using Etymotic ER6i's for about 5 years now. I've been very happy with them (except for the fact that I just broke my second pair in 5 years), but I now need a new pair of earphones. I'm definitely looking for IEMs (especially for running - although I'm not OVERLY concerned about...
  12. radiohlite

    how's the ER-6i considered nowadays?

    my dirt-cheap IEMs finally died (I forget the name. some $5 things I got at Big Lots).  They really didn't sound THAT bad after EQ-ing, much better than the JVC Marshmallows actually.  But now I want something decent, that'll compete at least with my woodied Grados.   I was going for the...
  13. kyuuketsuki

    Reccomendations for earphones between $70-120

    Hey all, I haven't been here in a while...   Now my main set UE Superfi 4's and by back-up AT-CK7's both decided to die at about the same time...   So now I need recommendations...   I liked both, CK7s were my first but the UE Sf 4 became my favorite due to its noise isolation...
  14. blankdisc

    How hard is it to live with the adapter of Hifiman RE-ZERO?

    Hi, I am hoping someone who actually owns RE-ZERO can tell me how hard it is to live with the adapter of Hifiman RE-ZERO on an iPhone? I am certain that I will be very happy with the SQ, but it's no good if it ends up on the desk most of time. My backup choice is Thinksound Rain which i can...
  15. Dekimasu

    Buying in Japan--are any of these good deals?

    Hello. This is my first post on these forums, so I apologize if I make any mistakes in etiquette. I tried to find a similar thread, but wasn't successful, so here goes.   I'm looking to buy my first real set of IEMs, with a special eye to what will do the best job of isolating sound on the...
  16. TheJudged

    Etymotic ER6i VS Panasonic Zirconia

    Hello. I have a question for you all: So, I have Etymotic ER6i IEMs at the moment. I have been looking at the Panasonic Zirconia IEMs for a while, as my Etymotics are inconsistent in the way of sound (due to my A-symmetrical ear canals) so I can't always expect the two IEM buds to sound...
  17. latam2012

    please help me choose some in earphones

    Hi,   I've had a couple of pairs of cx300's but  I just lost my latest ones :( I'm looking to upgrade and have read around but theres so many brands and models that I'm a bit overwhelmed so im looking for some help. I'd like to spend about £50 so obviously not a huge upgrade but i dont mind...
  18. Onza

    Similar sound to Er6i

    Hi guys, I'm looking for an iem with a similar sound to the Etymotic Er6is but with more sparkly treble and slightly more bass. I already own the ER4-s but I don't like the sound of them out of any of my DAPs + amp. Any suggestions?   I have two additional questions.   Are the HF5s a...
  19. avsmithy

    ACS T3s

    hi there ive been looking around and cannot seem to find any opinions or reviews on the ACS T3s, the T2s have a good reputation as far as i can see but are way out of my budget! for £230 the T3s are equivalent to a £150 pair of IEMs with and custom sleeve, so does anyone know which is...
  20. laboitenoire

    Really need to find some new portables...

    Hey y'all. Haven't posted in a while seeing as for a while I was in audio bliss with my M50s and my ER-6 Isolators. Unfortunately, I think it's time to replace the IEMs, as my last pair of tips is disintegrating, the strain relief is totally destroyed, the shirt clip broke, the yoke to keep the...
  21. Meh

    Looking for a recommendations on new headphones.

    Hey guys, I'm in the market for a new pair of headphones and I was looking for some suggestions.  I listen to a little bit of everything, but mostly classic rock, and these would be strictly be used at home connected to my computer as my main source of audio for music, games and movies.  I...
  22. zvook

    Which Comply eartips for ER-6i?

    I am looking for replacement foam eartips for my Ety 6i's of the closed cell foam variety which Etymotic discontinued. Looking through past discussions, it looks like the best choices are Complys or Shure black foam sleeves.  I am leaning towards the Complys, but they seem to have a bunch of...
  23. vintwang

    Beginner Trying to Decide on IEM - RE0/S4/ER6i/Rain

    Hey Guys,   Currently I'm using the CX300 but am looking to move on. I'm selling off my Dr. Dre Beats Solo because I prefer IEMs over full-size phones. I'm a beginner audiophile since these beats solo are the best headphones I've tried to date (haven't tried many). Before my CX300s I used...
  24. Turtle

    Classical Music Earphones

    Hey guys I'm looking for a pair of earphones.  My budget is $175.  I listen mostly to classical music and soft rock.  My source is mostly an iPod touch and laptop and don't have an amp.   Any suggestions would be appreciated :)
  25. Milesmiles

    Klipsch S4's vs. Etymotic ER6i's

    Which pair of in-ears do you hold in higher regard: the Klipsch S4's, or the Etymotic ER6i's? These are the two main models I'm looking at right now (if you have any suggestions in the same price range, please post them!).    I listen to a lot of electronic music, but also rap, folk, jazzy...