  1. bimsie01

    Just Wanna Say Hi!

               Ive been a member here a while,but almost never post,so I thought Id tell you a bit about me and the hobby.                                 Im mainly a vintage Hi-Fi guy,but on my travels I end up with more great headphone buys than I do anything else,it seems like.heres some of...
  2. tomscy2000

    [REVIEW] Superlux HD381F --- Bargain Bin Bliss

    First off, I'm relatively new to the world of high fidelity sound, having only begun reading Head-Fi threads a year ago, but since that time I've rapidly accelerated my understanding of audio and although I haven’t had a lot of time, I nevertheless have had the opportunity to test out a myriad...
  3. Napilopez

    Samson SR850 (Superlux OEM) Review: A $50 Budget Champion.

    Hey guys. I posted a thread on the Samson SR850s a few days ago, so now I'm back with updated impressions for a full review. I will copy and paste some of the stuff I said in the old thread. On to the review, TL; DR at the end: Simply put, these headphones are a tremendous deal. Theyd are...
  4. tyoung8

    Superlux Express Train

    Okay, I just made that bit up about voted the best Budget Headphone 2011.  But anyway, everybody should jump on board this express train!  choo chooo.   This post is to put all the information about this giant killer $50/£35 headphone that is matching and even beating the performance of...
  5. Markon101

    I just bought a pair of AKG-240 Studios and I am thinking of getting an amp

    My Creative X-fi Titanium pumps enough volume, but would I notice any improvement getting an amp? I've been looking at the Fiio E9.  
  6. airfair

    Buying headhpones for music production

    Hi   I'm looking for some headphones right now, and need some advice and personal opinions from people who know.   The headphones will used for music production, primarily for composition purposes at the moment.  For when I can't use the monitors due to it being late at night or I just...
  7. DestinyBear

    Need help. New audiophile in the making

    Hi  .   I'm new to this forum and headphones in general, I've had my first pair of headphones (Sony MDR-NC7) when I was 15 and I still use it to date. Being the person that only uses his headphones in the bus and at home for gaming I never actually spent time to notice the sound quality of...
  8. Kyuusei

    Headphones under 140$

    Well, I've looked around the forums for a couple of days and have been stuck on what headphones to buy. I had some AKG k240 studios prior to this. My genres of music range from electro, house, dubstep, dnb, to alternative, and indie. I like clean vocals too. So far for ideas I've come up with...
  9. Gigachau

    First Audiophile Headphones, need help!

    First time poster. My Razer Carcharias recently died, so I am in need for some new headphones.This will be my first time purchasing audiophile headphones. I am 100% sure that any entry level audiophile cans will be the snot out of my previous headset. I live in Central Alberta, Canada, finding...
  10. Sinocelt

    Most Neutral Headphones?

    Confessedly, before I started reading the content of this forum, I was mildly confused. But now that I've read through a good many threads, I'm completely flabbergasted. So I tried to rely on numbers and graphs, but they hardly helped at all. I used the HD 800 as reference:     Alright...
  11. DeatHaze

    Ultrasone HFI 780: A True Step-up?

    What's up Head Fi I have a simple question for you; are the 780's a true step up from my ATH-PRO700GD?   From what I know my current cans (the 700's) sound pretty similar to M50's (though I'm not certain since I've never listened to a pair myself). I have some cash to blow and want an...
  12. christos03

    AKG *K240 question.

    I like to buy AKG K240, I currently have Audio Technica m50 problem is left side is cutting in and out loose  wire I suppose. I have a warranty. I am going to get these fix and give them to my brother, anyways the real question is for the AKG K240 do I need an amp. I get mix messages on forums...
  13. B

    Which entry level headphones are comfortable?

    I rambled on a bit in my last thread, so I'll make this short and sweet.  I like the sound of my HD555's, but not how much they clamp?  Which other headphones should I be looking at that could be used for both music and gaming and would be more comfortable than Sennheiser?   I'm thinking...
  14. deltaunit

    Interesting Headphones for a Flat-Earth PRAT

    Hello   I'm thinking about buying some headphones and am probably looking to the second-hand market for something interesting that would match my 'vintage' flat earth system i.e. naim/rega/linn/epos with an emphasis prat style sound.   I've been reading lots but am getting confused with...
  15. keanex

    20 year old AKG K240M 600ohm, cable broken.

    My uncle recently found a pair of his old ones laying around. They are estimated at about 20 years old, with the ridged cable. I searched the other day for these particular models and they seemed cheap, though I wasn't sure if older ones were potentially worth more. If the age of the K240m...
  16. Waqar

    Headphones for Saffire pro 24 DSP.

    Hello i am in search of some headphones that match well with the Saffire pro 24 DSP?   I am wondering if anyone have some experince with this unit, and what headphones that is recommended for the vrm function?   You can read about the VRM function and the unit here...
  17. ontherivet

    Amp or New Cans?

    I'm a complete noob when it comes to headphones to set things in perspective.   I have a pair of AKG K240Ms that are rated at 600 ohms so are quite hard to drive. I mainly listen to lossless music streamed to an AVR, not an iPod or computer. The AVR (Onkyo NR3008) doesn't have near enough to...
  18. EternalEmpire

    Are there any IEMs with a similar sound to the AKG K240 (MKII)?

    I tried the search function but nothing really came up.   After the last few months with my AKG K240 I've fallen in love with them but since they aren't exactly suited for portable use, I'm wondering if there are any IEMs with a similar sound to them. I can spend £40 ($60~) if absolutely...
  19. n1div

    Looking for IEM closest to AKG 240M...

    I love my AKG 240M and have been on a quest to find IEM that sounds the closest to those headphones. Has anyone discovered the closest match yet or think they might have heard a set that comes close? I just bought UM2's and a little dissappointed but I think after reading some posts, I...
  20. Shoewreck

    K 240 Monitor to DF modification

    While fixing my K240 Monitor I noticed two small holes next to capsule output leads: It was quite obvious to me that the main difference between DF and Monitor is dampening, so I tried to obstruct the holes with sticky tape: I can't A/B this with a "true" DF to check if that was the...
  21. nick n

    Just picked up a set of AKG K240's ( Monitors )

    FIRST DECENT CAN PURCHASE. I have a feeling that this website is going to send me off in an entirely new and expensive direction. I really didn't take the warnings seriously..... I'm taking the bait. This place made me grab a set of Nu-Force NE-7M's a little bit ago and now this.  They are a...
  22. MDR30

    AKG K140 explored

    Just got this vintage can by mail from Germany. Sounds good plugged straight in, but I'm going to take it apart and clean it. Pads are quite flat and the elastics dead as can be. I understand the pads are obsolete so maybe a little surgery with new foam is needed.     They look fine for...
  23. Pete0792

    Best Headphones under 100$?

    Hey guys im want to buy some good cans under 100$, after doing some research my best options are the Grado SR80i, Sony MDR-V700DJ and AKG K240... Mostly for Jazz and Alternative Rock.   Feel free to suggest other headphones.
  24. jonesie

    Old Sennheiser HD-430 -- What gives?

    I've spent a lot of time with ATH-M40; AKG 240M; various under-$200 Sonys; and Sennheiser MX-400, HD-570 and HD-580 headphones. Now a strange thing has happened: I just bought the hands-down best set of headphones I have ever heard for $20 on eBay. These old Senn 430s are smooth, flat and...
  25. tangelo

    Closing the K701's?

    Just wondering if anybody has ever tried closing the back of a pair of K701's. I'm not talking about all out closed, more like a semi-open-K240esque type. It's just that my house is always slightly noisy, as in there is always some slight background noise ex. computer fans, someone showering...