Jun 12, 2012 at 3:31 PM Post #242 of 710
The GoDAP can be used with an extension cable as below (I was doing OpAmp difference impressions) - the same can be used with the VAmp with current other iDevices. If Apple changes the dock connector, then we'll have to find a pin-compatible cable :-

Also, @moodyrn, yes although the base GoDAP model may start from $350+, by the time you add the options to match the VAmp (OPA1612, 2200mAh, etc etc) the price goes up by quite a bit. And SQ-wise, the OPA1612 is an improvement over the base Muses 8820E GoDAP model.
Jun 12, 2012 at 4:46 PM Post #246 of 710
has anyone noticed that its looks a little too similar too the venturecraft go dap?
Jun 12, 2012 at 4:51 PM Post #247 of 710
has anyone noticed that its looks a little too similar too the venturecraft go dap?

Jun 12, 2012 at 4:58 PM Post #248 of 710
has anyone noticed that its looks a little too similar too the venturecraft go dap?

made by venturecraft, a custom Go-Dap4 in essence
Jun 12, 2012 at 5:02 PM Post #250 of 710
has anyone noticed that its looks a little too similar too the venturecraft go dap?

Lol, you are so late the the party. It's been confirmed for quiet some time that this is built by venturecraft, and is essentially a godap with upgrades, That's one of the reasons the price has been controversial. The question is, are the upgrades worth the price increase over the godap. For some, it will be. And for others, it may not be.
Jun 12, 2012 at 5:09 PM Post #251 of 710
Lol, you are so late the the party. It's been confirmed for quiet some time that this is built by venturecraft, and is essentially a godap with upgrades, That's one of the reasons the price has been controversial. The question is, are the upgrades worth the price increase over the godap. For some, it will be. And for others, it may not be.

Aaaahhhhhh, I see
Jun 12, 2012 at 5:13 PM Post #252 of 710
How much is quiet a bit....just asking.

This is going by last Nov '11 prices & I got 10% discount from VentureCraft cos I upgraded 2xGoDAPs at once.

Starting prices for the GoDAP (Muses 8820E or OPA2134) was ¥30,000. Then the OpAmp upgrade, Gain, & DAC Cap ¥16,000. Total price of the resulting GoDAP was ¥46,000 (remember I had the 10% discount). This is still without the 2200mAh battery which is a further ¥6,000+ (total ¥52,000+). This is approx USD$653.

The GoDAP is a little cheaper now with the gain & DAC Cap included (so just the OpAmp & battery upgrade as options) so the price is a little cheaper than $653 but not by much... Maybe approx ~$30?? I can check with VentureCraft after my holidays.
Jun 12, 2012 at 5:27 PM Post #254 of 710
I'll reach out to Vmoda to see if they will send me a review unit. I think my viewers would love to see it.

If I had an iPhone, I'd try to get one to review, but I don't, only an iPod.  Well, if they release an iPod Touch 4G VAMP, I'll definitely review.
Jun 12, 2012 at 5:50 PM Post #255 of 710
Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't the iphone 5 just around the corner?  
Edit:  According to macrumours, it's getting close.
The rumour mill has produced a few pictures supposedly of the new case - significantly taller than the iphone 4... the vamp is certainly not going to fit if they're true.  
Given how many different types of Apple DAPs people own - and that almost everyone who listens to music on the go owns or has owned an apple DAP - excluding everyone but iphone 4/S users seems pretty daft.  I sincerely hope the VAMPs for the other products come along very swiftly indeed, and offer the opportunity to upgrade your DAP without having to consign the VAMP to the bin.

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