Reviews by constable


New Head-Fier
Pros: Build, comfortable fit, replaceable parts, price, clarity and warm of sound, clear bass
Cons: TBD
As a beginner to higher-quality cans, my only comparisons for the DT 770 Pro 250 ohm are against a pair of Audiotechnica ATH-M50s and your standard Apple earbuds. That being said, it's not fair to say there is even much to compare, whereas the 770's are the complete package. 
Purchased the 770 250 ohms from Amazon for $187 and have only had them for four days now. Coming from the M50s, I also upgraded from the Fiio E6 to E12 so I could properly drive the 770's. Although I was really grooving on the M50s, I didn't always feel they had the warmth and bass I wanted, nor did I care for the swiveling cups. When looking to upgrade, I decided on the DT 770 250 ohm package based on the head-fi review of 770 880 and 990s found here - Though I looked at several other sets of phones before upgrading, I was primarily sold on the 770s based on reviews for build, style, and price point. As a newb, I wasn't quite certain what to expect from audio compared to the M50s.
Again, with only 4 days in, my initial response if 5 stars. 10 hours of burn in last night with pink noise from a FLAC audio source. 
The bag these came with is acceptable, though I'm already looking for something better and more sturdy for traveling. Given I travel extensively for work, these are designated as my go to headset and want to ensure they're well protected through air travel. 
Lightweight, yet solid enough to know they're built to last. Compared to the M50s, the 770's are definitely lighter in overall weight and I was a bit surprised by the almost hollow plastic feel of the external ear cups. To be honest, my first holding of the phones was a little disappointing based on this. If you've tried the M50s, you'll know how solid these are. Overall build of the 770's is good and furthered by the reviews and ability to replace every part, put me at ease. Velour pads are AMAZING... wore these through 8 hours of travel in the past week and they were no less noticeable at the end of 8 hours as they were at 5 minutes. Comfort is absolutely perfect and beats the M50s hands down. 
As a newbie to quality headsets, I'm not familiar with the technical parts of headphone reviews from an audio perspective; however, I can attest to pure and simple beautiful sound from the 770's. The bass is warm and full, but not over pronounced, wherein I felt the M50s were lacking in bass in general. It was there for sure, but didn't really make the listening experience any more enjoyable than normal. With only a few days in on the 770's, the bass is one of the areas currently pleasing me the most. Second area of noticeable interest is the pure clarity, making every instrument distinguishable in every song. This fact alone has shown me a few bad recordings or poorer bitrate songs in my library that I'm not combing back through and upgrading to FLAC.
Given more reviews on head-fi for burn in periods, I put them through 10 hours of pink noise and have yet to test them out again to verify any increased performance. As such, I'll follow up again once I have more time with them. 
Though currently powering with the Fiio E12, I'd welcome any advice for better amplifier that may have a combined DAC. I'm primarily running these off my iPhone 6, but have been questioning picking up an X3/X5 to get better sound quality with amp so I'm not at the mercy of a secondary amp with cables. 
I am glad that you are happy :) I also you 770's daily
abby normal
abby normal
I wonder how they compared to the senn hd580s?