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  1. Prog Rock Man

    My six-year-old daughter flawlessly passed a blind test between a silver-plated wire and a copper one

    Thread added to my list of blind tests "Testing audiophile claims and myths". I would just point out that getting six 50/50 options correct in a row is 1 in 64.
  2. Prog Rock Man

    Austrian Audio Hi-X25BT

    Got a pair with some birthday money, for use on holidays and travelling, to replace some Bose QuietComfort in-ears that I never got on with. At £129 and bluetoothed to my mobile phone, with the Spotify app, it is the closest to high end hifi sound quality I have ever achieved on a budget. The...
  3. Prog Rock Man

    Prog rock

    I was never into Marillion and their big hits like Kayleigh. Then Spotify suggested the solo Fish album Weltschmerz, which is excellent, start to finish. I was so not into Marillion, I did not even know Fish had left the band as long ago as 1988, replaced by Steve Hogarth. So, starting with...
  4. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Euphony is a good term. I derive a certain amount of pleasure from sound quality, in that I love a well recorded track played on great hifi. I think many people are the same, but they never listen to decent hifi, and when they do, they are surprised at how good the sound is. To get goosebumps, I...
  5. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I find goosebumps are dependent on the hifi, and also the circumstances. I can listen to a track on the radio at work and get nothing and then listen to same track at home on my hifi and get goosebumps. When I changed my source from a Yamaha cassette deck to my first CD player, a Sony, I was...
  6. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    SQ, to me, is measured by realism, does the kick drum sound like a kick drum and clarity, can you hear the kick drum? Sound preference is whether you like to have lots of bass, such as kick drum in your music.
  7. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I had the same two headphones for over a decade, till both literally fell apart within in months of each other, resulting in the purchase of two new headphones in quick succession. One purchase I am disappointed with, the other I am happy with. One set of new headphones gives me goosebumps...
  8. Prog Rock Man

    Shure SRH1540 Review

    I decided to audition the SRH1540, as a replacement for my AKG K271 Mkii. I think the Shures are a worthwhile upgrade. They retain all I liked about the AKGs, in terms of clarity and detail, whilst adding extra bass. That extra bass thump is the most noticeable difference. There is maybe a...
  9. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    I would need to a proven link between how a cable is made and what it is made of and the effect that has on SQ and the cause of that effect, before I would be convinced.
  10. Prog Rock Man

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Until evidence is produced that a cable can audibly affect sound quality and that affect can be reliably reproduced, so that people can buy a cable made a certain way, knowing that it will do a specific thing to their hifi, such as the AB cable from company XYZ, will make their system's treble...
  11. Prog Rock Man

    Opinions on the Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro

    The DT990 Pro 250ohm has been around for some time now, so I picked up a pair for just over £100 online. The general opinion online is that they are too bright, with too much emphasis on the treble. Other than that, people seem to like them. My opinion is that with my most direct comparison...
  12. Prog Rock Man

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    King Buffalo and their album Orion.
  13. Prog Rock Man

    Prog rock

    I have Carptree on heavy rotation; In particular the Superhero, Insekt and Emerger albums. There is pretty much nothing from them I do not like, and for a quick check, try "Between Extremes" which you check out on Youtube, Spotify and probably various...
  14. Prog Rock Man

    R E C E N T - Purchases Thread

    My recent purchase, in fact my first headphone purchase for many years, the Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro. It felt like a risk, since there are as many negative reviews as positive, they seem to be a marmite headphone, with more not liking than liking. I am definitely in the liking camp. They are not...
  15. Prog Rock Man

    Are blind tests bogus? Examples of blind tests with positive results.

    Thread updated, links checked, one broken and a test added. A cable test, which is an apparent pass, with Nordost Valhalla, the most expensive cable, beating cables from Chord, Stereovox, Audience, Siltech and QED.
  16. Prog Rock Man

    Headphones with best comfort and breathability?

    My default long term listening most comfortable headphones, are the AKG K271 Mkii, with fabric pads. Light, don't clamp too hard, and a smooth headband.
  17. Prog Rock Man

    How much money is needed to guarantee a better sound?

    I have owned plenty of older headphones, dating back to the 1980s and even the most high end AKG K340 electrostatic dynamic just sound different, not better, than my modern day headphones. The biggest change has been the interchangeable jack plug and lowering of ohms, so headphones can be...
  18. Prog Rock Man

    How much money is needed to guarantee a better sound?

    I recently got a Lenovo alarm clock, to replace the ancient battery powered no make one I had used for years. The Lenovo comes with google assistant, my first experience of that. The music i can get it play from YouTube is surprisingly good. I think frame of mind is important. I do not expect...
  19. Prog Rock Man

    How much money is needed to guarantee a better sound?

    That is pretty much what I have been doing in deciding on new headphones. I got recommendations of £350-400 headphones, then checked them against existing headphones I have heard and then got the cheaper set with the graph I consider ideal. I have settled on DT990 Pro, which have not arrived...
  20. Prog Rock Man

    How much money is needed to guarantee a better sound?

    My opinion on this is issue is that objectively, so long you can hear everything in the recording, then the headphone is doing its job. A point was made by Redcarmoose that "...the perfect headphone for you could get missed if you were not driving it right?", and I agree, sufficient amping is...
  21. Prog Rock Man

    Grado Fan Club!

    Dug out my SR80s for the first time in years. Remembered how much I like the sound. Forgotten about how irritating the chunky cable is and how quickly before they get uncomfortable on the ears, even with the flat pads. Such a shame, as they are great headphones.
  22. Prog Rock Man

    How much money is needed to guarantee a better sound?

    Having spend around £100-£150 on headphones a few times and doing some research to buy my first new headphones in a decade, if anything deciding what to do is harder now than before. Ten years ago there were not many reviews. Now there are loads, from YouTube, to forums to the reviews left by...
  23. Prog Rock Man

    Over ear, fabric earpad, cable only on left side - any recommendations?

    A recommendation for the Neumann NDH 20 added. They are not the prettiest headphones, but I suppose that is not important.