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  1. fatcat28037

    TRRS for x3III/a5 combo

    I recently purchase an X3vIII, I'd like to couple this with an A5 balanced amp. I'm having difficulty finding a short TRRS jumper to connect the player to the amp. Does anyone know where I can purchase one? I'm surprised FiiO doesn't offer one. .
  2. fatcat28037

    Singers that can’t be hear over the “accompanying” music

    I just spent an hour on Amazon searching for new music. Particularly for female vocals. I didn’t find anyone I liked, but what I did find was a bunch of artists who’s voices were overridden by the musicians. Is this by design? Are these “artists” vocal talents so poor they need the band to hide...
  3. fatcat28037

    Removing formatting from a post, how do I do it?

    I started a post in 2007 and continue to modify it. Somehow "line feeds", got stuffed in the text, I'd like to remove them. Can someone help me with this? The thread in my post is #13
  4. fatcat28037

    Raleigh/Durham/Cary, NC, Saturday March 21, 2015

    Thanks Sol & Shane for putting this together, I had a great time, visiting with friends, meeting new enthusiasts & listening to amazing gear.
  5. fatcat28037

    Gerry Goffin 1939-2014
  6. fatcat28037

    Charlotte, NC meet April 19, 2014 <> meet impressions

    This meet had the best attendance of any North Carolina meet to date with 23 head-fier sharing their gear. Three vendors were in attendance, Frank from WyWires, Justin from HeadAmp and Dan from Mr. Speakers. Josh & I would like to thank the vendors for joining us, sharing their knowledge and for...
  7. fatcat28037

    Juke Box with 50s & 60s music, this is very cool
  8. fatcat28037

    Missing Tool Bar above the reply text box

    I tried to post a photo today and realized the Tool Bar above the text box is missing. Could this have to do with my problem of last week when the text box was grayed out and I couldn't enter text? I'm running XP and IE8. IE8 because that's the newest version that runs in XP.
  9. fatcat28037

    Audio Fidelity <> America SACD

    I've always loved this album. Steve Hoffman's remastering  is amazing, and with an SACD layer to-boot. Yamaha S-CD2000 > Yamaha A-S300 >  AKG K1000. Classic rock  doesn't get better than this. Anyone else have this?
  10. fatcat28037

    K1000 on EBay...unbelievable!

    The asking price is $2,495.00 and they're displayed on a dummy head backward.
  11. fatcat28037

    Hearing test on YouTube

    Check this out, it only takes a minute.
  12. fatcat28037

    You Tube Music Video

    Great performance by a talented young lady.  
  13. fatcat28037

    can't post photos <- New member? Read your Welcome Message

    I've posted 5 pics in post #1 in this thread but can post no more. when I submit a pic the message "one moment please" appears and then the post comes back without the additional pic.   I'm...
  14. fatcat28037

    unable to remove FS items in signature

    When attempting to remove the 3 FS items in my signature I use edit signature, the items appear with a remove option. however after selecting remove there is no Save option, only Cancel or Preview. Selecting Preview causes the 3 items to reappear. There is a Save option on the preview page.
  15. fatcat28037

    Denver, NC meet Impressions, January 20, 2013........AKA Charlotte area meet

        Even after a few last minute cancellations there were 15 Head-Fiers who brought a half-dozen guests and we has a few golfer drop-ins. The room worked well and having the dinning room right down the hall was convenient.   There was a hellacious amount of gear for 15 people, which was...
  16. fatcat28037

    Charlotte Area Meet January 20th, 2013

    I'm putting together a Head-Fi meet for the January/February time frame. Depending on the response the meet will be at my home in Denver, NC or in rented space nearby. If you're interested in attending send me a PM and I'll put your name on the mailing list.   the date has been set for...
  17. fatcat28037

    YouTube-can't see videos with IE but can with Chrome

    The Title says it all. This started yesterday, I haven't changed anything on purpose and can't find a fix. Anyone have an Idea? I'm running IE8 in XP.
  18. fatcat28037

    12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Music
  19. fatcat28037

    Chrome - googleads & doubleclick problem

    While scrolling down a page of posts Googleads & Doubleclick continuously try to load significantly slowing the scroll process, sometimes stopping it. The website names flash by in a panel at the bottom left corner of Chrome. The website name is prefaced with "waiting for...".   This is a...
  20. fatcat28037

    Nursing Home patient hears his music.

    This was posted over on Steve Hoffman MF, I thought it was worth reposting here.
  21. fatcat28037

    Music related Cartoons

    Every now and then there is a funny music related cartoon in the newspaper that's worth posting. Lets post them here.  
  22. fatcat28037

    Internet Explorer "" in the return page drop-down menu. exists on Head-Fi because HF used Google ads. This Google page shows up as many as six times in the return menu after EVERY thread I click on. It makes navigating back a royal pain in the *****. I've search the web and found only fixes that don't work. Can anyone suggest how to eliminate this?
  23. fatcat28037

    V-Moda Crossfade Headphones $79.95 on Amazon

    It's todays Deal.