Denver, NC meet Impressions, January 20, 2013........AKA Charlotte area meet
Dec 29, 2012 at 7:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 140


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 6, 2007
Denver, NC, 20mi. NNW of Charlotte.
Even after a few last minute cancellations there were 15 Head-Fiers who brought a half-dozen guests and we has a few golfer drop-ins. The room worked well and having the dinning room right down the hall was convenient.
There was a hellacious amount of gear for 15 people, which was great. The phones moved from table to table and portable sources moved around to different amps. The source-amp-phone combinations were near endless.
Sony CD-3000. I want them, they really blew me away. DannyB’s Moth>Woo Wee>Jade this was the first I’d has the opportunity to hear this incredible setup. We tried it with a binaural recording of the Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble, an outstanding sounding match of gear and recording.  Defiant00's Philips CitiScape Downtown phones that he picked up at Target closeout sale sounded way way better that my Senn PX-100 II.  
Photo Gallery\
Jan 20, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #2 of 140
Hey, just got home. I had a great time. After hearing that HD800, wallet may be getting much lighter...Anyway, i had a great time. Thanks so much to everyone who planned this. I'll post my video and pictures up sometime later today.
Jan 20, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #4 of 140
Just got home, safe and sound.
Somehow I failed to take any pictures... then again, too few of the ones I took last year turned out, so maybe it's just as well.
Raleigh-Durham Triangle head-fiers, let's get something informal together in the near future.
DannyB's Moth 2A3 -> Jade system made me say "wow". That's the end game, right there. Wow.
Defiant00's Philips CitiScape Downtown headphones also made me say "wow". They perform better than fifty dollar headphones are expected to, and much better than fashion headphones have a right to.
I formally apologized to uncle fester for his wallet; I hope it does not suffer unjustly in the coming months.
Glad to spend time with you all in person rather than on-screen; here's hoping we can get together again some time.
Thanks for taking the initiative and doing all the hard work, fatcat -- it was a fine day.
Jan 20, 2013 at 8:11 PM Post #5 of 140
Incoming pictures!

Impressions are related to the pictures, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily me in the pictures :)

Yes, the Magni has silly power for a $99 amp and I really enjoyed it even with the K1000 and HE-6.

K1000s are definitely one of my favorite uh...earspeakers.

Some great classic gear!

HD800 - Actually enjoyed these quite a bit this time. I think I still like orthos more, but I can see why so many people love the HD800s.
D7000 - Not for me I guess, bass just seems a little too out of control.
K1000 - As stated above, love these earspeakers.

Crazy speaker amp also drove the Audez'e cans really well.

More of Danny's awesome gear, of special note is the Wee to the left which made his electrostats sound incredible.

HE-500s sound great too. Given more time I might have an opinion between these, the HE-6 and the LCD-2, but for now all I know is that they're all excellent.

This amp was being used to drive the Wee. On this setup I definitely preferred the Jades over the O2 and found them very musically engaging.

This is most of the stuff on the sparser side of the room (the other side had easier power access so it filled up quicker).

Serious business.

Sony CD3000 - I liked these a lot, it's a shame they skimped on the construction since they really do sound good.

AKG K550, a bit treble-happy on my Bifrost / Asgard setup for my taste, but did sound pretty good.
Grado GS1000 (I think?) - Maybe it just isn't as good of a fit with my setup, but I found the treble a bit harsh.
(not pictured) Ultrasone Ed10 - I just don't even know. They're very pretty, but also very much not for me. Probably my least favorite treble.

Speaker amp again.

Woo Audio.

Moth Audio Amp -> Woo WEE -> Jades = Awesome

Not so serious business (sorry Patrick).
Jan 20, 2013 at 8:21 PM Post #6 of 140
Made it home as well, and a wonderful meet it was!  
Here are some of my most lasting impressions:
dailydoseofdaly's LCD-3 paired with the V200/V800 combination was very good.  I enjoyed it more than I enjoy the HE-500 + La Figaro 339/HRT MSII+ setup (Which is saying a lot).  I found the bass to be very precise, and the music to flow very well.  It was able to correct some weaknesses that I did not like about the LCD-2... For example, the comfort issue I had of the squeezing of the cheeks no longer existed with the LCD-3.  Also, I felt like the vocals were portrayed in better, in the sense that they were close enough to the listener.  Also, to top it off, the extra amount of detail that the LCD-3 is able to gather, as well as the amount of additional resolving ability makes it a winner over the LCD-2.  Sorry Defiant00, while I'll agree that the LCD-2 is a top notch headphone, it just is not for me :), no hard feelings.
Leaving Electrostats out of the picture, I can now confidently say that my favorite higher end headphones that I've heard, go like this (Also
dxanex's HD650 paired with the Bottlehead Crack is an awesome pairing!  I once owned a pair of HD650s, but sold it far before I built the Crack, so this was also my first time listening to the 650 on crack (har har har).  This is the Crack without the speedball too...  It's just super clean sounding, with a tighter, well-controlled bass, and much faster than the generally sluggish HD650 is able to muster.  We both listened to this pairing and found it sublime!
DannyB's setups were incredible, to say the least.  It would take me days to comment on everything that I heard, but I can definitely say that the one that left the lasting impression was the HE Audio Jade (Danny can comment on what it was paired with, Moth 2A3 and Woo Wee?).  The Jade felt like an even more detailed, dynamic version of the HD800 with a much punchier, juicy bass that is very like-able.  I originally thought that something was rattling with the bass of the Jade, but then found out later that it was actually part of Danny's recording, which the HD800 was unable to pick up.  I think the Jade was able to fit the bill of "Genre Master" as I didn't hear any type of music that it did not particularly excel with.  One thing I totally forgot to try was the K1000 and HE-6 on his EF-6, so hopefully someone else can leave some comparison impressions of those headphones on the EF-6 vs. on the integrated amps that were available as well.
ardgedee's HE-6 with the hk670 vintage receiver was a phenomenal pairing.  With the HE-6 being my favorite pair of headphones, I had never heard them sound so good before.  It was just a mixture of pure relaxation but at the same time involvement in the music.  Instruments sounded realistic, and voices sounded intimate, while avoiding the 'veil' effect.  I'm typically very picky about bass, but the HE-6 never seems to fail when it comes to impressing me with its bass presentation.  I also feel like a well driven HE-6 (Like it was driven by ardgedee's amp) can pull in micro details nearly as well as the HD800 can (For all of you HD800 fans out there, please don't flame me.  I own the HD800 too and love it).  All in all, I'd say this pairing sounded better than my Sansui pairing with the HE-6, which I consider my favorite pairing that I own, as of today.
Both fatcat28037 and DannyB's K1000s were something else.  This was my first time hearing them, and they definitely sounded good.  The soundstage rivals that of the HD800.  Even though it lacked some technicalities at its price point, I still found it very very enjoyable, and regardless of what I've read, they were fairly comfortable to me.  By the end of the meet, my mother exclaimed that she wanted me to buy her that pair (If it came in a wireless version)...  Oh mothers...
Stevtt's Rogue Audio amplifier is a monster.  It seemed to make any headphone paired with it sound wonderful.  Even my least favorite high end headphone, the LCD-2 was able to sound surprisingly good on this beast.  I wish I could've tried the HE-6 or K1000 out of the speaker taps of this amp... If anyone did during the meet, please post those impressions!
ken weitzen had this wooden box at his table, which tickled my fancy.  It was a headphone amplifier built by his friend, and Ken gracefully put together the exterior.  He asked me to try the HD800 on it, so on I went to try the HD800 with it.  A fairly refined amp, that was able to drive the HD800 and take down that nasty treble spike.  I estimated the amp to cost roughly $600.  Ken shocked me with the price (Lets just say lower than $50) of the amp, which was able to drive a very amp picky headphone, like the HD800.  It even had its own EQ...  What the heck?!
Finally, the last two pieces of equipment paired together made an impression that will not fade easily.  Fatcat28037's WA22 paired with..... *drumroll*.... ardgedee's Sony CD3000!!!!  Being oblivious of the price, I plugged the CD3000 into Alex's WA22, expecting to be underwhelmed, to be honest.  I was completely shocked.  With the selection of music (I forget what it was), the CD3000 sounded amazing paired with the WA22.  I later plugged in the HD800 to the WA22, and while the CD3000 was not 'better' so to speak in terms of technicalities, I can very honestly say I still preferred the CD3000's presentation over the HD800 for that selection of music.  I'm not even sure what it was that made me like it more. Perhaps Alex waved his hands and mumbled a few magic words, which mesmerized me into believing it sounded better, but there is no doubt in mind which one I preferred.  Folks, that's saying a lot, especially after I was informed that the CD3000 costed ~$350!  While it's rare and out of production... Sony has made a killer pair of headphones...
I have a lot of pictures, should we just load them directly to this forum, or use some type of photo site, like photobucket?
(EDIT) Nvm, I'll follow the precedence.
Jan 20, 2013 at 8:44 PM Post #8 of 140
Made it home as well, and a wonderful meet it was!  

Here are some of my most lasting impressions:

dailydoseofdaly's LCD-3 paired with the V200/V800 combination was very good.  I enjoyed it more than I enjoy the HE-500 + La Figaro 339/HRT MSII+ setup (Which is saying a lot).  I found the bass to be very precise, and the music to flow very well.  It was able to correct some weaknesses that I did not like about the LCD-2... For example, the comfort issue I had of the squeezing of the cheeks no longer existed with the LCD-3.  Also, I felt like the vocals were portrayed in better, in the sense that they were close enough to the listener.  Also, to top it off, the extra amount of detail that the LCD-3 is able to gather, as well as the amount of additional resolving ability makes it a winner over the LCD-2.  Sorry Defiant00, while I'll agree that the LCD-2 is a top notch headphone, it just is not for me :), no hard feelings.



I am horribly offended that you have a different preference than I do on something.

If anything I'll consider myself lucky that I don't find the LCD-2s uncomfortable :) Definitely agree with your LCD-3 impressions.
Jan 20, 2013 at 8:47 PM Post #9 of 140
I am horribly offended that you have a different preference than I do on something.

If anything I'll consider myself lucky that I don't find the LCD-2s uncomfortable
Definitely agree with your LCD-3 impressions.

You have some amazing photos though, if that's any consolation 

Jan 20, 2013 at 8:55 PM Post #10 of 140
Great meet, guys. Definitely some of the best sounding setups I've ever heard in the meets I've been to. Thanks again to Fatcat for getting the room reserved and putting it together.
My biggest standouts/quick impressions:
1. Jade headphones. Jade headphones. Jade headphones. I agree, amazing. Those with DannyB's Moth 2A3 amp could very well be endgame for just about anyone.
2. Senn HD650 on the Bottlehead Crack amp really surprised me (now I know why everyone raves about that combo) I'll be ordering my Crack to build very soon. HD650 sounded a little less laid back...very energetic, nice punchy bass. Insane bang-for-the-buck.
3. HE-500/6 on VC's Violectric V200/V800 Amp/DAC combo. HE-500 sounded awesome, especially the vocals. HE-6 is just in a class all it's own. Another amazing headphone. Fantastic detail in the vocals and in bass presence. Would have loved to hear the HE-400, also...oh well!
4. AKG K-1000 "ear-speakers"...very unique sound, really WIDE soundstage.
5. Fatcat's Woo Audio 22, pretty much everything sounded great on it. Sony CD-3000 really surprised me too. Very sparkly treble, really fun headphone. Guitars sounded frickin' great. Never been a huge Grado fan, but the RS-1 on the WA22 was really, really nice too.
And finally, I still love the Sennheiser HD 800. Still want them... Some day... though that HE-6 is also quite enticing...

Jan 20, 2013 at 8:58 PM Post #11 of 140
Finally, the last two pieces of equipment paired together made an impression that will not fade easily.  Fatcat28037's WA22 paired with..... *drumroll*.... ardgedee's Sony CD3000!!!!  Being oblivious of the price, I plugged the CD3000 into Alex's WA22, expecting to be underwhelmed, to be honest.  I was completely shocked.

It really tickled me to see the CD 3000 grow legs and sprint around the room. Hope everybody got to try it who wanted to -- I think it's an unjustly obscure piece of kit well deserving of a reissue. And, yes, it really loves tubes. I had made a mental note to try it on the La Figaro and 2A3 but, again, never got around to it. Next time for sure.
For the record, it cost me a little over $350 for it last year, used, and I don't regret it a bit.
Jan 20, 2013 at 9:12 PM Post #12 of 140
You have some amazing photos though, if that's any consolation :beerchug:

Thanks! :beerchug:

It's interesting what cans people find comfortable or otherwise though. Like for me I got to try the DT-1350 and HD-25s and I don't think I'd be able to get used to the fit of either. Definitely don't like how they put pressure on my ears (even though I don't mind my Grados).

It really tickled me to see the CD 3000 grow legs and sprint around the room. Hope everybody got to try it who wanted to -- I think it's an unjustly obscure piece of kit well deserving of a reissue. And, yes, it really loves tubes. I had made a mental note to try it on the La Figaro and 2A3 but, again, never got around to it. Next time for sure.

For the record, it cost me a little over $350 for it last year, used, and I don't regret it a bit.

Definitely appreciated you letting us all steal them and try them out on the various setups; I think they sounded good on everything I heard them on.
Jan 20, 2013 at 9:17 PM Post #13 of 140
I posted this on the initial meet thread as well, but someone left their tripod in the room.
The club is currently holding it, so you'll need to get in touch with them.
Jan 20, 2013 at 9:27 PM Post #15 of 140
I posted this on the initial meet thread as well, but someone left their tripod in the room.
The club is currently holding it, so you'll need to get in touch with them.

Yeah, thats me. Any chance you have contact info?

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