Recent content by MasterChief
  1. MasterChief

    Looking for some new earbuds (NOT etys)

    Just got my ex71's from ecost(wow fast) it only took 3 days shipped by ground. P.S I love the isolation so much.
  2. MasterChief

    Looking for some new earbuds (NOT etys)

    Well, i guess you can wait and see if i get mine, or just get the mx400s-they should be fine. I was about to order 400's but i wanted the isolation from the 71's.
  3. MasterChief

    Looking for some new earbuds (NOT etys) $30 shipped ex71, i just ordered mine
  4. MasterChief

    Some great prices (IHP-120 and more)

    Well if you are sure it is a rip off than everyone stay away from it!
  5. MasterChief

    Some great prices (IHP-120 and more)

    ^^ jeez man, I know that it seems like the site is a little shady, and it is. But just because i registered today doesn't mean it is my website and I am trying to rip all of you off. I am 14 years old and am just trying to see if your guys think the site is good or not.
  6. MasterChief

    Some great prices (IHP-120 and more)

    I found some great prices for these mp3 players, and had to share them with you guys. But the question is, is this site very trustworthy? *edit*link removed