Sold: Upgraded ! 2022 WM1Z M2 pure gold balanced out**
Listing ID: 37830 Views: 1947
3,099.00 USD
Excellent/Like new
Ships to
  1. United States of America
Or Best Offer! Thank you

Hello, for this listing, I am selling an excellent like new WM1Z M2 with Pure gold wires on balanced out port.

The mod, including 99.999% pure gold solid wire of 24AWG for balanced output (This is completely pure gold wires through and through and not gold plating). The 3.5mm output is still stock Kimber cables, so you can enjoy both SE/Balanced with each having different signatures. The solder used is Mundorf Supreme solder with gold contents. The price reflects a used condition and gold wires pricing as parts only

The player is Japan domestic version. The warranty is not longer valid, but Sony will still service it at parts, labors, shipping at your own costs

Disclaimer: I am fully compliant to Head fi rules and regulations. However, Due to the new PayPal complication, I prefer PayPal FF. If you would like to pay with regular PayPal, you can do so. Trust will work both ways, and so I reserve all the rights to refuse your offers due to too many “Buyer protections scams”. I rather discount to a fellow enthusiast than paying $ for unrelated folks. If you are not comfortable with my listing, please ignore it. Price is with or best offer. I will ship within USA by usps priority and no extra insurances.

Conditions: excellent like new with no visible scratches or dents. It will comes with glass protector pre applied professionally (almost zero dirt or air trapped). It also comes with clear TPU case. The player will be factory reset before shipping out. The hours played is about 50 hours on 3.5mm side and 450 hours on 4.4mm side. It comes with stock box and related accessories (Japan version doesn’t come with stock leather case, hence TPU clear case come with it)

New improvement additionally further lower the power supply ESR and increased the capacitances with internal wires being pure silver Goldplated Litz wires , UKW nichicon

Listed by: Whitigir (23)
Listed: 2022-12-12
Last edited: 2023-04-13
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Headphoneus Supremus
Hardcore Head-Fi'er
Watercooler Travel Team
What are the benefits of the modification made to this DAP?


1000+ Head-Fier
This the newest model they released?
I can’t keep tack with Sony’s naming


Headphoneus Supremus
Someone will be very happy. I own a 1AM2 with similar mod and it already exceed stock 1ZM2 by a good bit.


Member of the Trade: Portable Modder
People have kept on asking me what the improved characteristics are. There are a superior senses of positioning cues, the layering, the projected reverberation, the room acoustics that contributes toward the instruments as the artists intended, the more extended highs with sparkling textures, the denser timbres body but yet so well controlled, the blacker background that makes everything pops out much better. All of this can simply be observed when you have a stock player next to it, also can be observed from SE vs Balanced under a much more observable manner than stock unit and between Balanced vs SE