Would you guys kill me if.....
May 13, 2008 at 5:26 PM Post #31 of 45
To go back to the original query, DX1000s are terrific phones and well worth a listen. I drive mine now with a MAD HD200 w/ blend control, and they really sing with tubes IMO. After reading this thread I took one for the team and plugged mine directly into my 5.5 iPod and then my MacBook. Result: decent but fairly muddy sound with little of the DX1000 magic I get with my HD200 or even my Duet -- which does a very credible job with these phones, and has a great DAC to boot.

So no, I wouldn't kill you for using these phones unamped, but I would, at the very least, roll my eyes skyward.


EDIT: Given that you're a Stax lover after some decent bass, I'd say the Victors would be a better match than the stock Denons, since they're substantially airier and more relaxed with I think a far more articulate and impactful bass. I've not heard modd'd Denons of any flavour.
May 13, 2008 at 7:30 PM Post #32 of 45
orkney...thanks for the informative response.

By Duet, are you talking about the Apogee Duet? Apogee Duet | Sweetwater.com

Oh....I just looked at your sig, I guess so.

You think the Duet would be better than the xCanV8? The firewire interface intrigues me.

How do the JVC's compare with the Edition 9s and Denons in general and on soundstage? Since you sold your Edition 9s, I assume you like the JVCs more (?).
May 14, 2008 at 5:13 AM Post #33 of 45

Originally Posted by Czilla9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow...Cecela, why the vitriol! I've been a Head-Fi member since before you were born!....

No criticism at all just me having some fun, I thought it was obvious.

BTW, Orkney has written a detailed comparison between the phones in question.
May 14, 2008 at 5:46 AM Post #34 of 45

Originally Posted by Czilla9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Claus: I'm guessing the DAC in the V8 is still better than the Macbook's, right?

I will have to pass on that one, but i guess that it is equal to a decent soundcard, It also got line in and when I connect my Ipod it gets more "clear" in the sound but also loose some bass...
The DAC has a very smooth sound compared to the other playes I have lying around Ipod, DVDplayer, Meizu and pc soundcard (realtek onboard)..
I also have a Zero DAC on the way, I listen to one at our danish head-fi meet and absolutely loved it, and it is only a third in price (in Denmark) around 200 $..
I will get back to you when I have tried to hook the Zero up with the line-in on the xcan, but it may take a week or two (danish customs are very slow)....
BTW I have been looking at the JVCs and if you want to get rid of it send me a PM
May 14, 2008 at 9:21 AM Post #35 of 45
Claus...I don't own the JVC's...yet

Cecala, what amp/DAC combo would you suggest with the DX1000? Tube or SS? Also I did a search of threads started by orkney and I failed to find his comparison.

EDIT: Did markl ever post a review of these in Positive Feedback? I've been scouring the internet looking for reviews. His mini-review made me drool.
May 14, 2008 at 10:19 AM Post #36 of 45
I have the Headroom Desktop Max module + Max Dac with stepped option in my system. This combination was arrived at after some very extensive reading on this forum and with many Pms with owners. Although tubes as offered by some have the opinion that it removes the so called honkyness that these phones generate with the added bonus of offering a very lush midrange. From my setup I have only encountered it once, BTW it is very benign and nothing to worry about. The Headroom amp has bass control and power like no tomorrow, very impressive on the JVCs. Hope this helps.

For links try here:
May 14, 2008 at 12:16 PM Post #37 of 45

Originally Posted by Czilla9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been a Head-Fi member since before you were born!

I think the OP deserves a little bit of respect based on his impressively ancient join date, but I wouldn't mind reading more about the Porsche and the other "funny" suggestions.

The closed Stax 4070 might be ideal for the OP. Closed, isolating, detailed and clear-sounding with excellent bass. You'll need an amp, though. And a good source, hopefully one much better than a MacBook headphone out.

Dynamic high-end closed headphones that I also like include the R10, W5000, W11JPN and L3000. But none of these isolate as well as the 4070, and they all also need an amp.
May 14, 2008 at 9:07 PM Post #39 of 45

Originally Posted by Czilla9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
orkney...thanks for the informative response.

By Duet, are you talking about the Apogee Duet? Apogee Duet | Sweetwater.com

Oh....I just looked at your sig, I guess so.

You think the Duet would be better than the xCanV8? The firewire interface intrigues me.

How do the JVC's compare with the Edition 9s and Denons in general and on soundstage? Since you sold your Edition 9s, I assume you like the JVCs more (?).


I've not tried the X-CAN v8, so can't really compare to the Duet, but the Duet has an excellent DAC section and a decent headphone out that works well with low-impedance phones (RS1, D5000, DX1000) and does a good job with my Senns as well. As a "placeholder" amp I think it's a good choice and I prefer the DAC section to the CI and MF DACs I auditioned with my MacBook -- very clean and detailed sound with no added warmth or etching. It works seamlessly with OSX.

I loved the Edition 9s but had two problems with them; one was sonic, which I could forgive, and the second was their (for me) serious discomfort which I just couldn't get past. I work with phones on about 6 hours a day now and the Ed 9s, even with the various mods and gentle headband stretching, just didn't cut it for me. In some ways their sound is unmatched by any headphone I've tried (speed, bass slam, dynamic swing) but as a package I prefer the DX1000, which is a greatly under-rated phone, I think. It has great bass, genuinely superb transparency, airy highs and rich mids (via tubes) plus a very high level of musical involvement that reminds me of the Ed 9s and which, for me, the D5000 just doesn't have. I listen to the Dx1000s though tubes but even from the Duet I just don't experience those "honky" mids that some have reported. There are other phones (Ed 9s, RS1s) that can seem more immediate but make no mistake, properly set up and with a wide range of music these JVCs are thrilling -- and yet, I can listen through them for hours.

Final thought: until recently I owned a pair of Martin-Logan Vantages and had to downsize to first Spendors and now Paradigm S2 v2s. The Logans were remarkable in many ways but most of all in this: they gave you EVERYTHING on the record without ever breaking a sweat; nothing seemed forward or spotlit and yet you realized that you were hearing all of a track. The S2s are terrific small speakers, with a tweeter to die for, but they simply lack the overall coherence and ease of the far pricier Logans. Like the Logans, the DX1000s offer a large, very relaxed and very detailed presentation, fully the equal of the usual suspects (DT880 600 etc.) which I've owned. But nothing is thrust forward; it's all cut from the same cloth. I appreciate this, but I suspect it makes these a little less immediately striking than some of its competitors. Having wibbled on and on, there's lots to like in the D5000s, and certainly the Ed 9s, and the W5000s seem like terrific phones also. In the right system any of these might suit you down to the ground.


May 14, 2008 at 9:48 PM Post #40 of 45
Thanks....it looks like a Duet and DX1000 may be in my future. I like the Duet's stealthy design....as a working college student I think I'd be hazed if someone saw tubes in my room, or the dorky Stax system

Thanks for the effort orkney! I could use the Duet's DAC with my Stax Classic System when I get back home...I may just sell my SACD player (I don't have any non-duel layer SACDs).

I assume you have it connected via FireWire? Is there any software I need to install and settings I should mess with?

Part of the reason JVC's intrigue me is that few people have 'em. It could be a collector's item. It seems like everyone and their mum is getting the Edition 9.

FYI, I wasn't being too serious with my pulling age with Cecala. The evil smilie did not work
. I'm glad I'm "ancient".
May 15, 2008 at 1:43 PM Post #41 of 45

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
IMO Cecela shows an impressive knowledge in writing and Porches, if he is only 6 years old


Originally Posted by Czilla9000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
FYI, I wasn't being too serious with my pulling age with Cecala. The evil smilie did not work
. I'm glad I'm "ancient".

I'm a little confused, how is it I'm 6 years old? I checked my OP and it contains my correct age to the day!
May 15, 2008 at 2:24 PM Post #42 of 45

Originally Posted by Cecala /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm a little confused, how is it I'm 6 years old? I checked my OP and it contains my correct age to the day!

I was just making fun........
You know if the OP has been a headfier before you was born........
May 15, 2008 at 2:51 PM Post #43 of 45

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was just making fun........
You know if the OP has been a headfier before you was born........

I see now, I was under the impression that in anger he unrealistically magnified his standing in this forum.

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