With the perreaux DAC on hold, do I go an Emu 1212m, or AV710-->Piccolo?
Jun 7, 2004 at 2:00 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Aug 21, 2003
Hey all,

A month or so ago, I decided to resist the temptation of the EMU 1212M for the greater prize of the upcoming Perreaux SXD-1 USB DAC, with perreaux dangling the carrot of a June release date. Sadly, word from Perreaux is that the project has had to take a back seat to other works, and they are at best hoping to have it by this christmas... leaving me at the mercy of my Creative soundcards (Audigy 2 NX USB and SB Live 5.1 DE).

I'm still very keen on the perreaux, and will look at getting it when it is finally released, but now the US~$300 question is: what will give me the best value (and sweetest sound!) out of:
  1. a US$190 EMU 1212M on it's own, or
  2. a US$24 Chaintech AV-710 (for it's solid digital output) via a generic optical cable to a US$240 AOS Piccolo DAC?

The price difference is close enough to make it a pretty minor issue.

I know I'm not the first person to ask this question, but there hasn't been much response in past so I figure it's worth trying again.The 1212M is pretty well known around here, while the Piccolo is more of an unkown quantity. Everything I've heard about the Piccolo has been extremely positive, but details have been very sparse. I know next to nothing about it's sound signature.

The amp I'm using is a well spec'd PPA, through MS-2's and ER-4P/S (with a view to getting within next few months either a UE-5C, RS-1, or HD-650, with the Stax 3030 the dark horse). As my amp/phones are very detailed, and can be a little fatiguing at times (I regret nothing!!), I'd really appreciate a smooth (yet still very detailed) and musical source.

Anyone going to bite?
Jun 7, 2004 at 2:54 PM Post #2 of 5
E-MU uses better DAC chip, it's the Crystal's flagship in fact, while Piccolo uses low-power not-the-best-in-line Burr Brown DAC.. analog section is no doubt better in Piccolo.. but with E-MU you got impressive jitter specs on your side that average quality digital output of Chaintech together with S/PDIF receiver in Piccolo simply can't rival.. for the additional $100 or so on top of the E-MU's price you can get it modded by someone expirienced and that will raise the card even closer to heaven
Jun 9, 2004 at 2:48 PM Post #3 of 5
papa_snap, sorry for jacking up your thread but i thought this question might pertain both of us.

hi glassman,
i was on the same boat as papa_snap, until i got me a EMU-1212M from a local place yesterday. do you think its worth extra $240 to get me a Piccolo DAC? sure it has some more uses other than just improving the sound from the sound card; however, i do not have any other digital sources, nor i plan to get one in any near future. would i be better off have someone mod my card at a decent price?
Jun 9, 2004 at 4:08 PM Post #4 of 5
MikoLayer, though I bet the Piccolo is a nice DAC, I doubt that it is better sounding than the EMU (stock or modded), due to my experiences with several other, more expensive DAC's, namely the smART DI/O, Muse2, and Grace 901's DAC, all which could not live up to the former soundcard king, the RME, let alone the EMU. I could be wrong since I've not heard the Piccolo, but again I doubt it. I think a DAC would have to be pretty darned expensive to better the EMU's output.
Jun 9, 2004 at 4:34 PM Post #5 of 5

i have followed your posts with extensive modding experiences, which makes me believe your words without an ounce of doubt. plus general consensus rated piccolo somewhere in between art di/o and more expensive ones like muse or grace901.

looks like i am gonna have to cancel my order after all

now all i need is someone to mod this beauty a step closer to heaven

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