which one first amp or amp/dac combo?
Mar 24, 2007 at 6:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Jul 29, 2004
Hey there gurus...

Question for yas... i have an intel imac and a pair of hd580's coming in...

i'm having the most difficult time deciding whether i should get a dac/amp combo or an amp connected to the imac's line out which i know sucks... and then get the dac later...

here's the budget:

amp/dac combo: 400-450.
amp: 300 give or take 50
dac: 200-250

if i get the amp first then i wont be getting the dac for a while as in atleast a few months... now if i get a dac... i dont really have an amp to go with it and that would be bad for volume control.

if i get the amp/dac combo... which part should be better? the amp or dac? keep this in mind because even if i get the combo... the weaker side will eventually be replaced with a superior part.

my current possible choices:
amp/dac combo: zhaolu w/ discreet amp or corda aria
amp: corda arietta; gilmore lite
dac: zhaolu; diyeden great march; microDAC (a little pushing it).

ideas greatly appreciated...
Mar 24, 2007 at 6:58 AM Post #2 of 12
I'll go ahead and chime in with a Presonus Central Station recommendation. Uncle Erik suggested it for me and I've been plenty happy with it. It has more than enough power for my K701's(I haven't made it to 12 o'clock with any source). I'm slowing upgrading my system in a direction I think I'd like. I still plan on using the CS' headphone amp for K701's, HD595's, and coming to me as soon as I send out the money order are some HF-1's
. Good luck with your decision.
Mar 24, 2007 at 7:17 AM Post #3 of 12

Originally Posted by polishpower /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll go ahead and chime in with a Presonus Central Station recommendation. Uncle Erik suggested it for me and I've been plenty happy with it. It has more than enough power for my K701's(I haven't made it to 12 o'clock with any source). I'm slowing upgrading my system in a direction I think I'd like. I still plan on using the CS' headphone amp for K701's, HD595's, and coming to me as soon as I send out the money order are some HF-1's
. Good luck with your decision.

Agreed.. Theres a huge review thread here..Just use the search function.. the PC is truly a swiss army knife, audiophile on a budget, but still wants a taste of the good life, wet dream
Mar 24, 2007 at 7:34 AM Post #4 of 12
where would you suggest getting the PC? The manufacturer site says its almost $700. Saw some other third party sites for $500 but i dont know which are reliable. Input on that would be nice...

Also, which part of the PC shines best?... if i were to do that and wanted to upgrade... what component would i be looking at?

More suggestions welcomed. Thanks
Mar 24, 2007 at 7:43 AM Post #5 of 12

Originally Posted by setasai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
where would you suggest getting the PC? The manufacturer site says its almost $700. Saw some other third party sites for $500 but i dont know which are reliable. Input on that would be nice...

Also, which part of the PC shines best?... if i were to do that and wanted to upgrade... what component would i be looking at?

More suggestions welcomed. Thanks

You can get it new for 370.00..Don't remember the name of the website, but it's in the long PC thread..Just do a search & it will come up..
Mar 24, 2007 at 8:03 AM Post #6 of 12
sweet cool... i'll hunt for it...

Whats the strongest part of the PC then?... the DAC? i'd imagine...
Mar 24, 2007 at 8:45 AM Post #7 of 12
ok i searched through both PC review threads and other places and can only find the cheapest place is ebay for $400 and everywhere else new for $500.

if you know of somewhere else with a better deal let me know...

btw... omg that thing is shexy... :)
Mar 24, 2007 at 7:11 PM Post #8 of 12
I believe it was either Moon Audio or Northern Sound and Light that had that deal or maybe another vendor... I'm not entirely sure as I picked mine up used. Either way I think that deal was only until they ran out, so I'm not sure if or when it ended. Good luck!
Mar 24, 2007 at 10:00 PM Post #9 of 12
hmmm dont see it anywhere... anyway... are there any more suggestions i should consider?

It looks good but it jsut seems kind of crazy with all those extra connections and such... and how well does that amp pair with the senns?
Mar 25, 2007 at 8:51 AM Post #10 of 12
my zhaolu discrete headamp pairs wonderfully with the HD600. gives it loadsa details (veil? what veil?? hehe) and a very rich full sound. does the same for the koss ksc75 too. great bang for the buck!

caveat: maynot be that synergistic with other cans though as the zhaolu tend to be forward and brightish. i know that the AT W5k does better with other amps but YMMV.
Mar 26, 2007 at 8:30 PM Post #11 of 12
I've found the station's amp to be pretty neutral, doesn't add much coloration(if anything, small amount of warmth added), so if you're not happy with your headphone's sound, or want to add something to it, the CS may not be for you. I've always felt my 595's were somewhat lacking in the bass dept., and the amp doesn't change that. It does "tighten" it up however.
Mar 28, 2007 at 4:33 AM Post #12 of 12
well i'll find out when the PC arrives in about a week... ordered from Northern Sound and Light for about 400 after shipping... pretty good deal if u ask me...

will report back. so far loving the HD580's out of headphone jack of Cowon A2. I'm actually quite surprised at how good it sounds without an amp... i wonder if i'll actually be able to hear the difference... i sure hope so.

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