Watercooler Tour Thread - (New eligible participants welcome PM me for details.) - See second post for active tours.
Aug 31, 2023 at 6:09 PM Post #782 of 1,293
Fat Freq USA tour kit received, 2 IEMs, 2 cables, tips and connectors. Everything looks fine. Where's the participant list for USA Fat Freq, can't find it or is it the Canadian one? Wanted to notify next guy.
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Aug 31, 2023 at 7:06 PM Post #783 of 1,293
Fat Freq USA tour kit received, 2 IEMs, 2 cables, tips and connectors. Everything looks fine. Where's the participant list for USA Fat Freq, can't find it or is it the Canadian one? Wanted to notify next guy.
Believe it's headed to you after me. Really looking forward to them!
Aug 31, 2023 at 8:40 PM Post #785 of 1,293
Maestro SE impressions:

These require a good amount of power, also wish they were vented.
Much more V shaped than I'm used to which is not a bad thing if that's your flavor
Sub bass is everything you could ever want, mid bass is great as well but sub bass is the star and has more quantity here, very impactful
Mids/Vocal are too far back/airy for my liking
Has great decay both in drums and cymbals/high hats
Resolution isn't quite up to the best TOTL sets, separation/bit of bloat is the cause but also that ultra resolved texture isn't quite there(reminds me of how Orpheus smooth out the textures a bit), not to say it's bad because it isn't it's just not to the level of TOTL sets.
Stage tends towards a 3 dimensional circular presentation, some might say holographic. Dimensions are on the more intimate side as opposed to huge or skewed. It's proportional.
Images are not huge but not small likely due to stage size/proximity, don't sound stretched as a result and have good vertical height. It's more airy than I would have imagined and not just in the highs, all over because of this notes may sound a bit light/too airy to some people. It's not the dense thick midrange of the mentor at all.

Overall a very fun monitor, people who like a powerful sub bass, don't mind the V shaped sig will like it just don't expect the absolute pinnacle of resolution and stage properties(separation, dimensions).

LOL just popped in mini set, I like it much better. Vocals aren't as far back, there's more midbass. Still has that overall airy-ness, now having heard both sets I'd say that's their hallmark is the airy sound and of course the bass. It's really similar to the way Orpheus smooths over textures. Guitars have more grit and bite with the smaller set as well. Bit cleaner sound overall, little better separation. Midrange has more resolution likely due to being closer. More texture here. I think the mini is a steal and is technically superior to the Maestro SE whereas the SE will appeal to sub bass lovers who aren't heavily into high level technicals, YMMV.
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Aug 31, 2023 at 9:09 PM Post #786 of 1,293
Fat Freq USA tour kit received, 2 IEMs, 2 cables, tips and connectors. Everything looks fine. Where's the participant list for USA Fat Freq, can't find it or is it the Canadian one? Wanted to notify next guy.
Is a couple pages back.
Sep 1, 2023 at 8:55 AM Post #787 of 1,293
Fat Freq USA tour kit received, 2 IEMs, 2 cables, tips and connectors. Everything looks fine. Where's the participant list for USA Fat Freq, can't find it or is it the Canadian one? Wanted to notify next guy.
Geez. I meant they headed to me after you. Guess I need to proof my posts before I hit reply.
Sep 1, 2023 at 11:08 AM Post #788 of 1,293
Scott Armstead
Spring Hill, TN

I agree to follow the terms of the tour
Tour Participation Rules and Responsibilities

The participant list is organized logistically to minimize shipping costs starting from the West and moving toward the East Coast. The tour will begin with the first in the list for a 7-day audition. Thereafter participants will be responsible to deliver or ship the demo kit to the next participant in the list.

Participant Qualifications

To be eligible for this and potentially other tours (would be great to get an EE EVO tour going up here in the north :D), each participant needs to provide some information to verify identity, contact info, and shipping address:
  1. Government-Issued Photo ID: We need a picture of your driver's license or other qualified ID with photo and that reflects your home/shipping address. Alternative address verification options are available if your ID does not match your current address, just ask for or propose an alternative.

  2. Mobile number: I would like to verify your phone number as a route of alternate contact. A quick text message exchange will suffice.

  3. Email Address: We will be managing the tours through email which requires an email that you can respond to within 24 hours.

  4. Employment Verification or Equivalent: We need simplified employment verification such as employer name, address, and phone - or an alternative if not employed as a backup to verify identity. This info will remain private and will not be used except for emergencies.

  5. Social Media Profile: We need a link to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram profile or equivalent alternative as additional ID verification.
This information must be emailed to jeffrey.rocks.well@gmail.com before your name will be added to the participant list. Those with less than two years of Head-Fi membership and under 300 posts may be subject to additional verification. This verification process makes you eligible for all other tours that I may have the fortune of running.

Information Security: All personal information will be safeguarded by @Rockwell75 and will be deleted by request after the tour or by withdrawing from the tour. The information is stored on my personal computer is will not be shared with anyone. This information will be used to confirm your shipping address during the tour before shipping as mentioned in the responsibility section below.

Individual Responsibilities

Participants must understand and agree to these responsibilities listed below as well as take them seriously. Those that do not follow through with the agreed-upon responsibilities can be blacklisted from all future tours. Please do not sign up for the tour if you feel there is any reason that you cannot live up to this commitment.
  • Communicate: Those in the tour will be expected to be reasonably available to communicate in tour proceedings. Phone, PMs, and email should be responded to within 24 hours maximum. Failure to do so may negate your eligibility and potentially blacklist you from future tours.

  • Protect: Participants are responsible for the value of the kit while in their care and will be expected to reimburse the manufacturer for any losses due to participant negligence. The kits should be handled with care and protected from theft. Each participant is responsible for the kit from signed receipt to signed receipt. While the manufacturer accepts responsibility in the case of shipper losses if you ship signature required, participants are still responsible for managing the shipper loss process to its conclusion until the proceedings are concluded. Providing tracking information and following the rules is critical in determining where your responsibility stops.

  • Impressions/Review (Optional): While optional, to keep things interesting on the tour, any impressions or insight that you can post in the dedicated Vision Ears thread or the Fir Audio Thread would be greatly appreciated. Full reviews are even more appreciated.

  • Participation Rules:Each participant is expected to follow the rules listed below:
    • 1) At Receipt of Tour Kit: We immediately need to know that the tour kit was received in good condition to release the last participant from responsibility.
      • Confirm Receipt within 24 Hours: Please post confirmation of tour kit receipt and its condition on the tour thread within 24 hours so each party knows that the transfer is complete and so we can track the progress of the tour.

      • PM Next 2 Participants: Please PM @Rockwell75 and the next two participants in the participant's list (POST 2) and confirm readiness and to request their address. Please request their full name, mailing address, and phone number for the shipper. I will confirm their address is verified before shipping. The second person provides a backup in case the next participant is unavailable. Priority goes to the tour order as long as they reply within 24 to 48 hours.

      • Address Verification: Please wait to ship until I verify the shipping address by responding to the provided address that we are verified and good to go.

      • Be Ready to Ship on Day 8: It is also your responsibility to ensure that you have shipped the kit to the next participant on the 8th day, so please be diligent in contacting and communicating with the next participants. Please never send a kit to a participant that has not responded even if you have their address from a prior tour.
    • 2) Dealing with Logistics Issues:Most problems should be handled directly between participants as shown below, but I am available if needed more complex issues:
      • Communication Issues: If your PM to the next two participants does not receive a response within 24 to 48 hours, please reach out to the next two in the participant list to keep moving through your options. Please keep moving down the list every 24 hours thereafter to ensure you have a response and are able to ship on day 8. If you are at risk for going past day 8, please contact me for assistance.

      • Switching Participant Order: You are free to swap places in the tour order yourselves to accommodate schedules. However, you must communicate and get permission from all those affected to ensure it is not creating an issue for someone else and post the switches to the thread for transparency. An alternative for anyone is to have me move you to the bottom of the list if the timing is bad.

      • Dropping out of the Tour: If your availability to participate changes, please post a drop request in the tour thread for visibility before your turn to avoid any confusion.

      • Complex Issues: If needed, you can always reach me directly at my email me at jeffrey.rocks.well@gmail.com to resolve any issues.

      • Kit Problems: For lost or broken tour kit items, please reach out to me at jeffrey.rocks.well@gmail.com to resolve any issues.
    • 3) Ship on Day 8:
      • Verified Recipient: It is your responsibility to verify the recipient's readiness and their address with me before shipping. If you sense any issues, please contact me before shipping.

      • Verified Address: It is important to make sure that you only mail to the verified address unless the two of you get an exception from me first.

      • Signature Required: You must ship signature required (or insured) to avoid the responsibility of shipper mishaps. The manufacturer will assume responsibility if you follow the rules.

      • Shipper Confirmation #: You must provide the recipient and me with the confirmation number by PM or email within 24 hours of shipping. This will allow us to follow the progress and for the recipient to plan the receipt of the package since a signature is required.
    • 4) Responsibility Ends on Receipt Post: Your responsibility ends when the recipient posts their receipt of the tour kit in good condition on the tour thread. It is important to make sure the recipient makes that post to pass on the responsibility. If the kit is lost by the shipper, we still need your participation as the shipper's customer to manage the package search though you are not responsible for the value assuming you shipped "signature required".
Tour Signup

This is an open tour which we expect to support all requests to participate. To make this possible, we are requiring complete contact info upfront. So, to sign up for this tour you will need to do two things:
  1. Post: Please post your name, city, and Province only in this thread – no personal address in the public forum – and then declare that you agree to follow the terms of the tour.

  2. Email: Please email your complete contact info as detailed below to my personal email - jeffrey.rocks.well@gmail.com
    • Head-Fi Name: Please remember to include your Head-Fi alias so that I can match your email to your Head-Fi identity.

    • Subject Line Format: (HeadFi Name) - (Your Name) - (Tour Name)

    • Contact Verification Info:
      • Government-Issued Photo ID: We need a picture of your driver's license or other qualified ID with photo and that reflects your home/shipping address (License # does not need to be visible). Alternative address verification options are available if ID does not match current address, just ask or propose.

      • Phone Number: I will verify info via text

      • Email Address: We will be managing the tours through email which requires an email that you can respond to within 24 hours.

      • Employment Verification or Equivalent: We need simplified employment verification such as employer name, address, and phone or alternative if not employed as a backup to verify identity. This info will remain private and will not be used except for emergencies.

      • Social Media Profile: We need a link to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram profile or equivalent alternative as additional ID verification.
That's it for now-- all info can be sent to me via email.
Scott Armstead
Spring Hill, TN

I agree to follow the terms of the tour
Sep 5, 2023 at 7:57 AM Post #789 of 1,293
Rockwell, I'd like to sign up for the Annihilator tour please.
Sep 5, 2023 at 12:59 PM Post #790 of 1,293
Rockwell, I'd like to sign up for the Annihilator tour please.
I think you're good...he's said we'll be on all lists and should just opt out when our turn comes if we want to skip a particular iem tour.
Sep 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM Post #792 of 1,293
FatFreq USA kit received today.
Sep 13, 2023 at 6:15 PM Post #793 of 1,293
What is the aftermarket cable with the FatFreq kit (blue with interchangeable plugs)? Seems like I saw it mentioned previously but can't find anything on the thread.
Sep 22, 2023 at 1:51 PM Post #795 of 1,293
Diva and Supermoon received from @stacey. Will need to look at the updated list on who’s next; if that person is gonna be at SoCal CanJam, with that happening next week that could be the perfect place to transition package to them that way instead of mailing out.

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