vintage marantz receiver ST170AV
Mar 25, 2007 at 12:09 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


New Head-Fier
Jul 29, 2004
not sure if this is the right place for this...

has anyone heard of the marantz ST170AV receiver.. i've aquired it from my uncle who bought it wayyy long ago with some huge speakers that sit to about my waist from the floor...

anyway... i have an imac which is connected the receiver. Would it be useful to get a zhaolu dac or any dac to go between the two and then use the headphone out of the marantz?

I searched google for this model receiver and came up with almost nothing.

Other option is buy an entirely new amp/dac or amp and then upgrade dac later.

Willing to spend about $700 total but will only spend at most $350 at this moment and the rest later.


Mar 26, 2007 at 3:59 PM Post #2 of 5

Originally Posted by setasai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
not sure if this is the right place for this...

has anyone heard of the marantz ST170AV receiver.. i've aquired it from my uncle who bought it wayyy long ago with some huge speakers that sit to about my waist from the floor...

anyway... i have an imac which is connected the receiver. Would it be useful to get a zhaolu dac or any dac to go between the two and then use the headphone out of the marantz?

I searched google for this model receiver and came up with almost nothing.

Other option is buy an entirely new amp/dac or amp and then upgrade dac later.

Willing to spend about $700 total but will only spend at most $350 at this moment and the rest later.



A unit same as you have sold recently on ebay for $30.

If I was asked to grade this bottle of wine, I would say it pours nice.
Mar 27, 2007 at 1:38 AM Post #3 of 5
lol does that mean you'd expect it to sound decent?

My HD580's just came in today and i plugged it into that reciever... sounds pretty good to me but it has a slight hiss in the background... not sure where that's coming from... but its not bad... Will probably get a Presonus Central station to double as my amp and dac from the imac...
Mar 27, 2007 at 3:22 PM Post #4 of 5

Originally Posted by setasai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lol does that mean you'd expect it to sound decent?

My HD580's just came in today and i plugged it into that reciever... sounds pretty good to me but it has a slight hiss in the background... not sure where that's coming from... but its not bad... Will probably get a Presonus Central station to double as my amp and dac from the imac...

That Marantz unit was not one of Marantz's proudest moments and is not worth fixing if you cannot do it yourself.

You can get older good stuff cheap:

$45 + Shipping
Mar 27, 2007 at 11:58 PM Post #5 of 5
heh naw... i'd much rather not touch it... i really didnt expect much from it and to tell u the truth i'm kind of glad its not super amazing cuz i think its super uggggggllly...

Anyways... i'm just gonna listen to it for another week until my Presonus Central Station gets here... atleast then i'll be able to appreciate the PC and hopefully be able to tell the difference...

U think its gonna be a huge difference? or just a so so difference?

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