tweak your floors!?!
Oct 14, 2001 at 5:06 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Curator of the Headphone Lust Museum
Jun 22, 2001
This won't work for a headphone system, but it's just too wacky not to post here :


Audio Carpet of Italy has introduced a line of "audiophile" floor coverings that, while looking like conventional carpet, feature an internal structure made of materials especially designed for "the highest sound and vibration absorbency power known today". After installing an Audio Carpet, claimed sonic improvement include enhanced clarity of detail, transparency and sound staging. Different top layer fabrics from the Missoni collection provide many different color and pattern choices. A line of standing and wall-hanging sound panels is also available.
Oct 14, 2001 at 5:57 AM Post #2 of 6
it's an interesting concept, especially if they took the time to actually look at what frequencies are being absorbed and can tune that to a specific room (the website is more than a little vague about it). have any idea what they cost?
Oct 14, 2001 at 2:30 PM Post #4 of 6
Eh, I still don't find that anywhere near as far-fetched as the "amber" tweak. It's pretty-much accepted in speaker-land that room treatments can be extremely beneficial, and I don't see why the floor would be any different, especially for the low frequencies.
Oct 14, 2001 at 5:07 PM Post #5 of 6
Yeah room treatments would help... not sure if that audiophile carpet would but room treatments would...

Look at headroom's site for their thing on those weird tubes. If headroom posted it, I believe it...
Oct 14, 2001 at 8:14 PM Post #6 of 6

Yeah room treatments would help... not sure if that audiophile carpet would but room treatments would...

yeah, i was thinking the same thing. treating the floor between the speakers and the listener is a given (at least with carpet or a rug if hardwood floors), as it's a reflection point - unless of course one prefers the sound of it untreated. my issue with the product is whether "audiophile carpet", which implies expensive
,is really anything more than a relabeled rug.

if it has the same applied theory as say, acoustic tile, then it may be worth it to obsessive compulsive (read: most) audiophiles. but i don't really see how it's thick enough to be enginered to absorb frequencies with any superiority. the website's lack of a real explanation kind of puts me off.

of course, we could just call the place, but it's a lot easier to sit and throw theories around. call me lazy, and i'm not in the market for treatments outside of diy anyway.


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