Think either one of these offers is worth it?
Jun 19, 2009 at 5:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


New Head-Fier
Jun 16, 2009
I'm planning on buying a used amplifier for a buddy's upcoming birthday.

Check out these two local ads, tell me what you think.

This is a used Yamaha AX-630 selling for $200...

And here is a used Yamaha MX-830 also selling for $200...
Yamaha Power Amplifier Central Ottawa (inside greenbelt), Ottawa

I know these amps are primarily oriented towards speaker listening, buy my buddy has a nice speaker set-up as well as some HD595s.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:01 AM Post #3 of 14
I don't think the integrated preamp features are important to him. I imagine he'll customize the sounds properly through his sound card's software. I think he may also have a decent preamp lying around somewhere....
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:11 AM Post #4 of 14
I would go with the power amp then. Have you looked at Audiogon yet? Does it need to be solid state or can it be a tube amp as well? What kind of speakers are we talkin? Big? Small?

AudiogoN high end audio auctions, classifieds, hifi chat<~~Looks Nice.<~~Another nice one.<~~Get him down on price a bit and,,,<~~Very nice, drool worthy.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:14 AM Post #5 of 14

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would go with the power amp then. Have you looked at Audiogon yet? Does it need to be solid state or can it be a tube amp as well? What kind of speakers are we talkin? Big? Small?

AudiogoN high end audio auctions, classifieds, hifi chat

I have no idea, they're just big-ass vintage speakers with stylin' wood casing. I imagine they require a lot of power (isn't that true for most old massive speakers?), so it looks like you're answering my question quite easily.

I haven't seen that auction place before... local pickup seems cool, though. I wonder how many Ottawa locals are selling over on Audiogon. I'll check it out for sure.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:26 AM Post #6 of 14
Do you think portable headphone amps can provide better sound for exclusively headphone listening than mid-range vintage amps like the ones listed above? Although my buddy would need the power of a bigger amp for his speaker set-up, I've never had the opportunity to listen to a portable headphone amp and am curious is quality portable headphone amps can provide better sound and/or less noise/hissing/buzzing.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:39 AM Post #7 of 14

Originally Posted by kraychik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have no idea, they're just big-ass vintage speakers with stylin' wood casing. I imagine they require a lot of power (isn't that true for most old massive speakers?), so it looks like you're answering my question quite easily.<~~Solid State it is!

I haven't seen that auction place before... local pickup seems cool, though. I wonder how many Ottawa locals are selling over on Audiogon. I'll check it out for sure.


Originally Posted by kraychik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you think portable headphone amps can provide better sound for exclusively headphone listening than mid-range vintage amps like the ones listed above? Although my buddy would need the power of a bigger amp for his speaker set-up, I've never had the opportunity to listen to a portable headphone amp and am curious is quality portable headphone amps can provide better sound and/or less noise/hissing/buzzing.

Some people like Vintage Tubed or not Tubed Receivers for headphones. The amps your looking at don't have a headphone out so no, they would not do the trick for headphones. Some integrated amps might have a headphone jack. In general terms "Yes" a headphone amp will sound better than a jack on a speaker amp. There are exceptions but basically yes. Look for used Headphone amps on Audiogon if you like. As far as Canada goes, just ask the seller if he is willing to ship to Canada.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:45 AM Post #8 of 14

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Some people like Vintage Tubed or not Tubed Receivers for headphones. The amps your looking at don't have a headphone out so no, they would not do the trick for headphones. Some integrated amps might have a headphone jack. In general terms "Yes" a headphone amp will sound better than a jack on a speaker amp. There are exceptions but basically yes. Look for used Headphone amps on Audiogon if you like. As far as Canada goes, just ask the seller if he is willing to ship to Canada.

That's interesting. I think the AX-630 has a headphones output. Check the pic. Isn't the bottom left output on the front panel for headphones?
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #10 of 14
I have had good experience running headphones from the Yamaha Natural Sound Receiver line.
But a lot of this is personal preference.
I have the Yamaha Natural Sound Receiver RX-570.
It sounds great with the K271s and the K501's.
I liked it with the K501's 90% as much the Cayin HA-1A.
Jun 19, 2009 at 6:49 PM Post #12 of 14

Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would not run a PC into a poweramp, I've found soundcards make loud pops which may damage your speakers.

thats what the volume knob is for.


Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also if amps are really old it may need serviced

Not always the case.

also check cannuck audio mart. Maybe a local pickup item will be more available.
take off eh.
Jun 21, 2009 at 7:56 AM Post #14 of 14

Originally Posted by iriverdude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would not run a PC into a poweramp, I've found soundcards make loud pops which may damage your speakers.

Also if amps are really old it may need serviced

I've noticed those pops, actually. But I think it's from sound settings in the operation system when clicking on things rather than pops when actually playing music/movies/etc.

Assuming I go with your advice, it's another shame because my buddy's PC music library is great and would greatly benefit from an amp. I guess I could look for something lighter like a modern used receiver...

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