The Official Sony MDR-Z1R Flagship Headphone Thread (Live From IFA 2016)
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Mar 4, 2017 at 7:39 PM Post #7,846 of 11,341
 EDIT: And is it just me, or has there been a weird vibe in the last few pages of this thread? Seems more antagonistic suddenly. Not directed at you specifically, but in general

You're right, that is my fault. I brought money up; and that has ruffled some feathers. I'll leave the thread and we can just drop the whole thing.
Nobody ever wins internet forum arguments anyway. 
Mar 4, 2017 at 7:42 PM Post #7,847 of 11,341
You're right, that is my fault. I brought money up; and that has ruffled some feathers. I'll leave the thread and we can just drop the whole thing.
Nobody ever wins internet forum arguments anyway. 

True, people rarely change their views, but it was good that the discussion remained cordial and didn't digress into name calling and insults. No need to leave the thread, you are welcome here, this is your community as much as mine so you should feel welcome anywhere in head-fi.
Mar 4, 2017 at 7:43 PM Post #7,848 of 11,341
For those who were discussing the HD800 for gaming, I have heard from more than a few that the HD700 is awesome for gaming and as you know used can be had for an absolute steal of a price, even new sometimes the price is very reasonable.
Mar 4, 2017 at 7:46 PM Post #7,849 of 11,341
So... by the same token, if people continue to pirate music (been going on for at least 50 years, almost 20 on the internet)  there will never be any good music ever produced again ? 

Or, better example, if we stop purchasing from boutique hi-fi stores at retail and instead use the free market that so many people who are pro business seem to want to defend, then there will no longer be any nice equipment made by manufacturers since the boutique stores went out of business ?

I think you can see this logic does not hold up.

Well, regarding your first point, I think it's rather obvious that since music started being defused electronically the quantity of good expensive productions and whole concept LPs got dramatically reduced.

Regarding your second point, that's more complicated, but for sure if we all find "best deals" on the net, we won't have the chance of demoing several high end phones physically at a high if store in the future. I think ethics is as important in buying decisions as it is in selling.

As far as leaving the thread, you shouldnt, it always good to have a lively but respectful discussion
Mar 4, 2017 at 7:47 PM Post #7,850 of 11,341
There's still a ton of money being invested in movie production. Unfortunately most of that seems to be going to special effects as opposed to inspired screenwriters. Hence, the sea of dreck we wade through.

My take on the bargain-hunting debate: If I visit a retail location to audition gear and receive quality service, I will always reward the retailer with the sale. I value such venues and want to do my part in keeping them open going forward.

Mar 4, 2017 at 8:06 PM Post #7,851 of 11,341
You must make a boat load of money, I'm jealous!


Back when I was 24 I had crazy large disposable income with my first real career job as I was still as frugal as any freshman.
Haven't had that much disposable income since even though my salary keeps going up.
Wife, kid, house, cars, maybe another kid on the way, money just goes.
My toy budget is gone for the year, but I'm happy with my Z1R toy.
Now I just have to make speaker taps to my home stereo and see if more power helps the Z1R sound even better.
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:07 PM Post #7,852 of 11,341
Man music is a great hobby to get toys in, it's kinda therapy in a way.
You must make a boat load of money, I'm jealous!


Back when I was 24 I had crazy large disposable income with my first real career job as I was still as frugal as any freshman.
Haven't had that much disposable income since even though my salary keeps going up.
Wife, kid, house, cars, maybe another kid on the way, money just goes.
My toy budget is gone for the year, but I'm happy with my Z1R toy.
Now I just have to make speaker taps to my home stereo and see if more power helps the Z1R sound even better.
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:11 PM Post #7,853 of 11,341
  You must make a boat load of money, I'm jealous!


Back when I was 24 I had crazy large disposable income with my first real career job as I was still as frugal as any freshman.
Haven't had that much disposable income since even though my salary keeps going up.
Wife, kid, house, cars, maybe another kid on the way, money just goes.
My toy budget is gone for the year, but I'm happy with my Z1R toy.
Now I just have to make speaker taps to my home stereo and see if more power helps the Z1R sound even better.

Yes I use speaker taps with all my headphones, although as I type I'm using a Mojo with the Z1R. I think the quality of the power matters most so if you have a nice speaker amplifier the Z1R will benefit to an extent anyway.
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:25 PM Post #7,854 of 11,341
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:44 PM Post #7,855 of 11,341
The robin hood of Head-Fi ??? I quite like the sound of that.

I suspect that those who run Head-Fi and merchants in allegiance to "King John" won't tho. 

While I empathize with your position, it is a dog eat dog world, especially when companies want to charge the "King's Ransoms" we see today for in demand gear.

At long last we are finally in an age where the humble peasant, aka buyer,  has some power. And it's about time I say ! 

The flip side is that resale values are less, perhaps. But that's just a fact in the globalized market we're in these days anyway, whether I pay full retail or not for an "experience" really doesn't matter does it ??
That is a position now isn't it. You care about you. Because of my chosen profession it's my job to care about everyone that requests my help. There will always be those that hunt the deal in fact in most cases just for that purpose, hunting the deal. More often than not they don't care about what it is they're hunting as much as they just love the hunt.

It's all good until you get stung. As the Raven knows not all things shiny taste good. :thumbsup_tone1:
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 4, 2017 at 8:51 PM Post #7,856 of 11,341
I am still loving the HD800S.  Like you, paid $1200.  It's not going anywhere.  Neither is the Z1R.  There's room for both.  Not sure which one I would dump if I had to make a choice.  I understand a lot of people dislike the HD800 but I definitely have the opposite response, it triggers an enjoyable experience every time.  With the right amps there is plenty of bass for my needs.  I get it though.  The HD600 is an emotionless headphone for me.  Other people love them.  I owned them a couple times. 
  I loved the 800S personally. It is certainly different from the Z1R, but in it's own way just as intriguing I think. I mildly boosted up the lower bass on the 800S and was pretty happy with it. If you like your sound fast and tight, I thought the 800S delivered quite well and I was pleasantly surprised that the treble wasn't anywhere near as sharp as I thought it might have been. There is a quality about the sound of the 800S that I could never really articulate, but it most certainly was enjoyable. I paid at the time $1200US shipped for an as new 800S and I felt the value was certainly full for the money paid.

Mar 4, 2017 at 9:32 PM Post #7,858 of 11,341
That is a position now isn't it. You care about you. Because of my chosen profession it's my job to care about everyone that requests my help. There will always be those that hunt the deal in fact in most cases just for that purpose, hunting the deal. More often than not they don't care about what it is they're hunting as much as they just love the hunt.

It's all good until you get stung. As the Raven knows not all things shiny taste good. :thumbsup_tone1:

you're a retailer and he's a consumer. the self-interest is mutual. there is no high moral ground up for grabs here. and i doubt that your cautionary tale will cause him to change his buying habits if they've all been positive.
Mar 4, 2017 at 10:18 PM Post #7,859 of 11,341
Hopefully we can escape the dreaded downward spiral of pricing ethics. The last time it really blew chunks. It is an interesting, and easy to be passionate about topic, but not a fruitful one.
Mar 4, 2017 at 11:22 PM Post #7,860 of 11,341
you're a retailer and he's a consumer. the self-interest is mutual. there is no high moral ground up for grabs here. and i doubt that your cautionary tale will cause him to change his buying habits if they've all been positive.
Your perception of me is very wrong. You have your own agenda and I know exactly what it is.
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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