The Official Sony MDR-Z1R Flagship Headphone Thread (Live From IFA 2016)
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Mar 3, 2017 at 3:48 PM Post #7,711 of 11,341
Oh, for the days of a Stomberg-Carlson console tube radio in the living room! Fullrange and hi-fidelity! Just not stereo, and definitely not a portable rig.
I think it's great to have so many toys available in this day and age. Enjoy them all.
Happy World Hearing Day, or whatever it is!

What the hell is Happy World Hearing Day ? 
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:02 PM Post #7,712 of 11,341
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:04 PM Post #7,713 of 11,341
  A day where you hear things and be happy.

Hmm. i'm only happy for short spurts. Then i get bored. And wan't more of whatever i'm listening to. ON something better, More grand.
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:05 PM Post #7,714 of 11,341
You're a contributor, not one who lives under a bridge...

Thanks, although when I was young there were some excessive drinking stories where I did spend quite a bit of time under a bridge ....
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:09 PM Post #7,715 of 11,341
  Thanks, although when I was young there were some excessive drinking stories where I did spend quite a bit of time under a bridge ....

I'm glad you recovered you're senses and left that bridge alone lol. 
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:09 PM Post #7,716 of 11,341
  Definitely dude. We are given choices in life for a reason. Would like to avoid the communist approach to things as much as possible. It's not 1979

Did you mean 1984 or was that just a random year?
Back to the Z1R, Bush - Deconstructed is rockin' my nogin'.
Especially the track Mouth(The Stingray Mix) - blowing my ears (+12db at 27Hz)
Can't go wrong with the lyric 'have some more bass' at 1:51 of the album.
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:12 PM Post #7,717 of 11,341
Did you mean 1984 or was that just a random year?
Back to the Z1R, Bush - Deconstructed is rockin' my nogin'.
Especially the track Mouth(The Stingray Mix) - blowing my ears (+12db at 27Hz)
Can't go wrong with the lyric 'have some more bass' at 1:51 of the album.

Just a random number. I wasn't even alive in neither of those dates. But my parents dealt with communism as they we're growing up. 
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:28 PM Post #7,718 of 11,341
I was and my folks had to deal with communism too. Though somehow my dad was able to run some discos back in the late 60s. I still have a pair of Koss phones from back then.
1984 is in reference to the book. A classic that all should read, especially in today's connected world, but I digress.
So how 'bout that Z1R? Still lovin' it?
I finally made the balanced 16awg with xlr terminator and am using it in balanced mode with the PHA3. So far I've lowered the bass to just +12db from +16. Somehow feels more dynamic, but that may be my imagination. The bass boost may be from the better control of the amp in balanced mode.
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:34 PM Post #7,719 of 11,341
  I was and my folks had to deal with communism too. Though somehow my dad was able to run some discos back in the late 60s. I still have a pair of Koss phones from back then.
1984 is in reference to the book. A classic that all should read, especially in today's connected world, but I digress.
So how 'bout that Z1R? Still lovin' it?
I finally made the balanced 16awg with xlr terminator and am using it in balanced mode with the PHA3. So far I've lowered the bass to just +12db from +16. Somehow feels more dynamic, but that may be my imagination. The bass boost may be from the better control of the amp in balanced mode.

I still love it. But now i want the Utopia. I'm just crazy with audio. Idk how to describe my addiction. I don't think it's possible to get medicated. My father and mother had something that was used for Disco back in Poland. It was built right next to the house. And he also had some real loud headphones my mother said. They use to tickle her ear drums lol. Have no idea what it was.
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:40 PM Post #7,720 of 11,341
I'm pretty sure everyone wants the utopia. Does it make sense to pay 4,000 dollars for it when new headphones are going to displace it in the next 5 years ? Probably not. I can't justify spending that kind of dough on an amp, let alone a pair of dynamic headphones. 
Mar 3, 2017 at 4:46 PM Post #7,721 of 11,341
  I'm pretty sure everyone wants the utopia. Does it make sense to pay 4,000 dollars for it when new headphones are going to displace it in the next 5 years ? Probably not. I can't justify spending that kind of dough on an amp, let alone a pair of dynamic headphones. 

I don't imagine it. I just do it ( Like NIKE ) and go with it. And not look back. lol I don't value money. To me they are fun coupons. 
Mar 3, 2017 at 5:06 PM Post #7,723 of 11,341
Has anyone else noticed that the review units of the z1r have more of a darker headband? Lol I wonder if the not for sale units have a bit of a different shade of black on the leather headband it looks.. Blacker.
Mar 3, 2017 at 5:26 PM Post #7,725 of 11,341
I would first concentrate on a very high quality DAC and amplifier (unless you already have these) before branching out into additional headphones, especially expensive ones. If the Z1R sounds good, then you have chosen the right headphone, a major accomplishment.
Now the amp and dac are the all-important upgrades.
A good place to start reading off the top of my head is the excellent Life After Yggy thread by Torq.
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