The Official Sony MDR-Z1R Flagship Headphone Thread (Live From IFA 2016)
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Mar 2, 2017 at 7:39 AM Post #7,546 of 11,341
I typically listen rather loud and not surprisingly something like an elevated bass response is more apparent when you push it. And yes, I also agree with you that the sound signature is indeed volume inducing and I mean that in a positive way. For me, and I may have said this recently in the thread and if so, forgive the repetition, but I would much rather have too much quality bass than too little as it is rather easy to do a cut with good results than to add bass, which in my experience is more difficult to do well.

It is very hard to get bass and clarity right the z1r does it very well.
Mar 2, 2017 at 8:39 AM Post #7,547 of 11,341
I agree it definitely when the volume for me is pushed enough has an amazing bass response you can feel although I don't know if I should be listening to music that loud the sound is so non fatiguing that I keep pushing the volume max to levels one should probably not push. Oh an it's amazing how freaking light these headphones are.

I share that same issue with good sound. Push it to the limit lol 
Mar 2, 2017 at 8:44 AM Post #7,548 of 11,341
the th900 has prodigous bass and excellent clarity for a closed can thanks to its recessed mids i suspect
Mar 2, 2017 at 9:37 AM Post #7,549 of 11,341
Hiiiiii !!!!! I have an questions about sony mdr z1r !!! I have recently used sony mdr xb950bt and now am buying sony mdr z1r!!! They have an heavy bass like xb950bt ???? Am actually big fan of heavy bass !!! Plzzzz just tell me actually sony mdrz1r have high bass performance than mdr xb950bt ??? and does they do bass like subwoofer ????Thanks but reply me because am buying the z1r
Mar 2, 2017 at 9:38 AM Post #7,550 of 11,341
I do enjoy listen to this with Z1R


Mar 2, 2017 at 10:20 AM Post #7,551 of 11,341
It is very hard to get bass and clarity right the z1r does it very well.

This, exactly this.
  I share that same issue with good sound. Push it to the limit lol 

With eq, these can produce a perceptionally flat response to 20Hz, can't quite match the SZ2000 14Hz, but the SZ2K can't do bass clarity like this, just power.
I listen to music pretty loud, eq is necessary to not get high spikes in the frequency response that would damage my hearing.
the th900 has prodigous bass and excellent clarity for a closed can thanks to its recessed mids i suspect

You may notice the bass more because of that, but good quality bass requires a capable headphone transducer. There is no getting around that, no amount of eq can fix poor bass response.
Hiiiiii !!!!! I have an questions about sony mdr z1r !!! I have recently used sony mdr xb950bt and now am buying sony mdr z1r!!! They have an heavy bass like xb950bt ???? Am actually big fan of heavy bass !!! Plzzzz just tell me actually sony mdrz1r have high bass performance than mdr xb950bt ??? and does they do bass like subwoofer ????Thanks but reply me because am buying the z1r

I personally have not heard the xb950bt, but I have and heard many others and would be surprised if any headphone in sony's lineup has as much bass as the Z1R and it is accurate too.
  I do enjoy listen to this with Z1R


3 hours?.... sounds good 30min in so far.
So coming up on two weeks in, I have to share this feeling of audio bliss that I can not say I have ever had with a headphone after two weeks.
Everything about this phone is great. I wonder when the honeymoon phase will wear off?
I'll have to wait longer before I can give an unbiased review...
Mar 2, 2017 at 10:38 AM Post #7,552 of 11,341
Not to get too far OT, but I thought the Ayre sold for around $1800, well above his price target. I had the occasion to listen to it at an audio salon some months ago and found it to be a competent, neutral SS amp, but with no better sonics (IMHO) than my Benchmark DAC2, and significantly fewer inputs/features. It also runs very hot, even more so than the Benchmark. As always, YMMV.

Definitely YMMV because I sold my DAC2 when it compared pretty poorly to Wyred4Sound DAC section, nevermind vs. Yggy. In my short estimation, Codex soundly beats W4S, which I still have. Again, I share your sentiment that all these audio preferences are subjective, so the usual caveats apply! =)
Was referring to used price, which tends to be around $1200-1300.
Mar 2, 2017 at 11:00 AM Post #7,554 of 11,341
Plzzzz anyone tell me does sony mdr z1r is will do sound like subwoofer bass or same bass perfomance like sony mder xb950bt ?????am going to buy mdr z1r !!!!

I am not sure what you want to hear.   I don't know of any high quality headphone that does "sub-woofer" bass.   If you want that you can save a ton of money and get those skull crushing bass things or whatever they are called. 
Mar 2, 2017 at 11:05 AM Post #7,555 of 11,341
Hiiiiii !!!!! I have an questions about sony mdr z1r !!! I have recently used sony mdr xb950bt and now am buying sony mdr z1r!!! They have an heavy bass like xb950bt ???? Am actually big fan of heavy bass !!! Plzzzz just tell me actually sony mdrz1r have high bass performance than mdr xb950bt ??? and does they do bass like subwoofer ????Thanks but reply me because am buying the z1r
But can you tell does they do same bass perfomance like sony extra bass mdrxb950 ????
Mar 2, 2017 at 11:13 AM Post #7,556 of 11,341
Post a picture up if you get a chance brother.

Oh neat!

NO fakes here at MTME!! Ha (not that I think anyone would try to fake one). But cool little fact about them.

I also wanted to post this pic as a side note since I was inspecting the headphones and box....

I love being able to know exactly how the headphone is balanced on my dome. I'm not OCD about a lot of things but I do like when both sides are even.
Mar 2, 2017 at 12:00 PM Post #7,557 of 11,341
I got my TA-ZH1ES yesterday and my response is not quite at the same level of yours, but I did find that this amp/DAC combo does add a bit more warmth, mid-bass and low end weight than is presented by say the iFi iDSD BL.  I think many people who want more low end weight will love the Sony TA-ZH1ES and maybe they will not mind the additional warmth.  I am not a big fan of mid-bass so I could also be somewhat sensitive to it as well, but definitely not to the same degree as you.  My only point of reference would be something like the ASG2.0.  Really good IEM, but the mid-bass was too much.  I am enjoying the ASG2.5 much more.  
TA-ZH1ES has no doubt a better DAC section than the iDSD.  Better instrument separation, resolution, wider soundstage and a deeper black black ground.  Timbre is pretty good too.  It's more laid back than the iDSD, meaning the TA-Z is like listening a couple rows back vs iDSD which would place you closer to the musicians.  Essentially, the mids are more forward using the iDSD.  What I dig about the iDSD is the drier presentation, which lends to a more transparent presentation and complements well the Z1R warmth.  As you can tell, I'm somebody in camp Grado and HD800 adjusting to other gear.  I'm not giving up.  I actually like the Z1R, esp. with iDSD.  
Next, on Day 2, the goal will be to try other headphones with TA-Z and other inputs into it.  Often I have been pleasantly surprised by coaxial input over USB.  I am currently using the Sony Kimber cable, unbalanced.  In the end, I believe my brain will adjust to the Z1R + TA-Z.  If not, I will trade it for a solid state amp that is more neutral.  I think that is my overall liking, Z1R + neutral amp.  There is also EQ.  I'm using Amarra 4 right now.  Maybe a quick tweak will get me right where I want to be.  The Z1R will appeal to a lot of people and some people like myself will be more picky about amp pairings.               
I finally got to hear these this past Saturday at The Source AV and I was really hoping I would fall in love with them.  But unfortunately, I have to say I was a little disappointed.
While just about everything about them sounded great, after listening to a few different tracks, I quickly began to realize that they simply had too much mid-bass (@100-200Hz) for me to enjoy, which caused them to sound overly thick and borderline muddy on all the music that I listened to with them.  I was using the Sony TA-ZH1ES with a balanced Axios Kimber Kable, so it wasn't the gear.  While overall, they are a very good sounding headphone, I guess I'm just more sensitive to the sound of an elevated mid-bass region than I had previously thought.  So, ultimately I'd have to say that they just aren't for me (which really bums me out, cuz I'm a big Sony fanboy 
)  But I still want to hear them again with some different gear, just to make sure my own first impression of them was accurate.
While I realize that it has been quite the lovefest here for them, I gotta call 'em like I hear 'em, and unfortunately for me, the Z1R just isn't my cup of tea (at least with the gear that I heard them with).

Mar 2, 2017 at 12:10 PM Post #7,558 of 11,341
Well I'm going to give the Z1R one more go before it goes back.

I've tried so many headphones recently my brain hurts and I've decided they all have flaws - even the mighty Utopia - so it's a case of which do I like the most for the money and it would be remiss if me to not give the Sony's a last chance.

I do so want to like them as closed backs would suit domestically so much better.

Wish me luck!!
Mar 2, 2017 at 12:53 PM Post #7,560 of 11,341
This, exactly this.
With eq, these can produce a perceptionally flat response to 20Hz, can't quite match the SZ2000 14Hz, but the SZ2K can't do bass clarity like this, just power.
I listen to music pretty loud, eq is necessary to not get high spikes in the frequency response that would damage my hearing.
You may notice the bass more because of that, but good quality bass requires a capable headphone transducer. There is no getting around that, no amount of eq can fix poor bass response.
I personally have not heard the xb950bt, but I have and heard many others and would be surprised if any headphone in sony's lineup has as much bass as the Z1R and it is accurate too.
3 hours?.... sounds good 30min in so far.
So coming up on two weeks in, I have to share this feeling of audio bliss that I can not say I have ever had with a headphone after two weeks.
Everything about this phone is great. I wonder when the honeymoon phase will wear off?
I'll have to wait longer before I can give an unbiased review...

I bought the xb950bt a while back and it wasn't bad for the price. Strong bass, But muddy and all over the place. Sometimes the bass got so strong it distorted the rest of the spectrum. 
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