Nov 13, 2023 at 8:37 AM Post #1,171 of 3,565
I hear without TT on.
No music signal offers these transients, good microphones go far beyond the human hearing range, but the upper cut-off frequency is cut off below half of the digital sampling frequency - studios and mixing consoles usually only use 96 kHz, above that only in exceptional cases - that means 48 kHz is already cut off, probably the roll-off starts at just above 20 kHz. Also avoids unwanted HF interference.
I believe the TTT “feature” on The Score is about slew rate, which is V/us. So it’s more likely to be gimmick as this is beyond the limit of human hearing.
No matter if the amp sounds superbly, if TTT is mostly a gimmick (as it seems to be so far) then this is not a good way to start a product series. Surely I am speculating now, but from a consumer's perspective I feel I have to state that I only like very sirius companies.
Nov 13, 2023 at 8:57 AM Post #1,172 of 3,565
K872 is like a suction cup, almost completely airtight
There is that, but as I needed a closed back during Covid with more bodies at home, went for the K872, was actually surprised how similar overall they are to its open back partner, so not a big compromise.
But with regards to suction, my LCD-2 were the worst, felt a few times I was going to suck out my ear drum. :triportsad:
Nov 13, 2023 at 9:23 AM Post #1,173 of 3,565
How is the leakage tolerance on this? Any measurements? I want to know if they're friendly with glasses.

People who wear glasses don't need to worry 👍

Nov 13, 2023 at 11:29 AM Post #1,176 of 3,565
thank you for your purchase 😂
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Nov 13, 2023 at 11:29 PM Post #1,180 of 3,565
Nov 18, 2023 at 10:30 AM Post #1,183 of 3,565
Was at the „Finest Audio Show Vienna“ today: Heard the Composer. Nomax and Bernie didn't promise too much. Everything is just right, as long as you value clarity. Enough bass available here! Treble is wonderful, no problem even at high volume, which is important for me because when I listen, I usually hear louder. Very transparent in the middle frequencies. The stage is big enough for me. Sits comfortably on the ears. Light in the hand. Great construct and nice looking. What more do you want? Oh, yes, the necessary money to buy that thing :wink:
Nov 18, 2023 at 10:48 AM Post #1,185 of 3,565
Was at the „Finest Audio Show Vienna“ today: Heard the Composer. Nomax and Bernie didn't promise too much. Everything is just right, as long as you value clarity. Enough bass available here! Treble is wonderful, no problem even at high volume, which is important for me because when I listen, I usually hear louder. Very transparent in the middle frequencies. The stage is big enough for me. Sits comfortably on the ears. Light in the hand. Great construct and nice looking. What more do you want? Oh, yes, the necessary money to buy that thing :wink:
Haven't "we" (I'm the third in this group) promised too much?
Composer is a headphone that you can't go past without hearing - and is an additional benchmark. :heart_eyes:

From a well-informed source - the delivery of the first cargo has already started. Of course, it may take some time until the goods arrive at the dealer.
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