sr60 good with classical!!!!!!!
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


100+ Head-Fier
Nov 22, 2006
i sounds wrong, but let me explain. i use(d) me grados only with rock and jazz, simply 'cause they rock (and 'jazz' i guess).

to listen to classical i use Foobar2000 with the Bauer Binaural crossfeed and Convolver EQ'd specifically for the Sony V6, which i did very carefully using RoomEQWizard, and plugged in to a CMoy. very neutral and very sweet sounding if you ask me.

but the other day i was away from the computer, so i used my Sony D777 with the CMoy and the SR-60. almost as a joke. i thought "oh, well, let's see how horribly colored this is". inserted a Telarc CD of Donanyi and the Cleveland Orchestra playing the Eroica. fifty minutes later, I'm sold on the grados as an awesome classical can.

i mean, they're colored, no argument there. but the dynamics, the ambience, the presence and countless little things i can't quite explain. i've been to my good share of live orchestral concerts in great acoustic environments, and i wasn't disappointed by the inexpensive, lowly sr60.
BTW, i don't know how much it matters that i blu-tackd the back metal thing and modded the comfies with five holes, one in the center and four around.

but anyway, there it is. who's gonna flame me????
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:15 PM Post #2 of 15
no ones gonna flame you, the opinion is that grados are bad for classical compared to other cans. my grados sound better for classical then my telephone, but compared to my AKGs, Sennheisers, or Stax, its a bit embarrassing for the americans. check out some other headphones and report back.

edit: everyones aloud to have an opinion, thats what a forum is, that is just mine
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:23 PM Post #3 of 15
Like Dutchess of York just said, sure Grados get the job done, but compared to other 'phones that are arguably more naturally suited for that genre (esp. the Sennheisers and some AKG), it just doesn't sound as...fulfilling.

Matter of opinion though, of course. But I never heard any member saying that he/she ultimately preffered a Grado to other companies for Jazz or Classical.
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:25 PM Post #4 of 15
i should say that i'm saving up for an HD600/650 and expect it to blow my mind in comparison. i was just pleasantly surprised by how good the grados DID sound, especially since it's a head-fi custom now to say they SUCK at classical.
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:27 PM Post #5 of 15

Originally Posted by radiohlite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
i should say that i'm saving up for an HD600/650 and expect it to blow my mind in comparison. i was just pleasantly surprised by how good the grados DID sound, especially since it's a head-fi custom now to say they SUCK at classical.

I guess I'll be the investigator and ask "What other phones have you heard besides the SR 60?"
Mar 8, 2009 at 9:44 PM Post #6 of 15

Originally Posted by Dutchess of York /img/forum/go_quote.gif
my grados sound better for classical then my telephone

omg thats hilarious

Anyway, my RS1 sounds excellent with chamber music and other more close and upfront classical music. I prefer stax most of the times though, but thats just because the LNS is just so #$^&#$ good, in my o so humble opinion... LNS!!!!
Mar 8, 2009 at 10:36 PM Post #8 of 15
I think the that for small ensemble string driven classical Grados are about as good as any in their range. I think they lose out to some of the bigger soundstage 'phones for really big orchestral pieces though. They also have some issues if you have a lot of instruments whose tonality are right around and on their upper midrange peak, so that instruments that should be at equal volumes aren't and certain instruments sound slightly off.
Mar 8, 2009 at 10:37 PM Post #9 of 15

Originally Posted by myk7000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
people exaggerate saying that grados suck for classical. I personally think my rs-1 does excellent for classical, especially at lower volumes.

Yup. I've never thought much of the "headphone X for genre Y" argument. The only thing that matters for me is whether or not I'm enjoying what I hear.
Mar 8, 2009 at 10:48 PM Post #10 of 15
^ confusing.. I like what I hear with my LNS for classical, I like what I hear with my RS1 for rock, I like what I hear with my Pro900 for electronical, I like what I hear with my ......
Mar 8, 2009 at 11:11 PM Post #11 of 15

Originally Posted by Dutchess of York /img/forum/go_quote.gif
no ones gonna flame you, the opinion is that grados are bad for classical compared to other cans. my grados sound better for classical then my telephone, but compared to my AKGs, Sennheisers, or Stax, its a bit embarrassing for the americans. check out some other headphones and report back.

edit: everyones aloud to have an opinion, thats what a forum is, that is just mine

Mar 10, 2009 at 5:30 AM Post #12 of 15
I feel the SR60 is just fine for classical, but for large symphony orchestras, the DT 770 Pro/80 generally edges it out on account of the better bass. On the other hand, if I'm using my Sansa instead of the E-MU 0404 USB, the Grado is more satisfying, as it doesn't need as much power.
Mar 10, 2009 at 6:06 AM Post #13 of 15
The only headphones that do classical better than the RS1 are the GS1000, K1000, R10, and the HE90 for me.

Nothing else has the texture in good recordings as a nice old RS1. I listen to some on the go though with the SR60, though... it's got similar characteristics. Not sure whether or not I like it with classical because it reminds me of the RS1...
Mar 10, 2009 at 12:38 PM Post #14 of 15
My listening is 100% classical and I was very happy with my SR80 for years. I definitely prefer the DT990 ('05) I use now (because of its soundstage and deeper bass), but I could certainly go back to the SR80 without major trauma if I had to.
Mar 10, 2009 at 12:55 PM Post #15 of 15

Originally Posted by fjrabon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think the that for small ensemble string driven classical Grados are about as good as any in their range.

X2....Grado SR60's really do small string ensembles well imo.

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