SMSL SP200 THX AAA 888 Balanced AMP!
Feb 15, 2021 at 4:05 PM Post #1,006 of 1,174
The cable from my dad was not expensive, it was around 22€:relieved:
And if you're happy with it you're happy with it. Everyone has it's own thing and of you like to spend that extra on cables, be 23 euro or 2300 euro then that's totally fine with me. I won't think any less of you, just saying it's not my thing.
Feb 15, 2021 at 4:59 PM Post #1,007 of 1,174
Also, incase it wasn't obvious, my statement was in no means an attack against DMDM. I actually think pretty highly of DMDM, and have enjoyed his posts on this site, I think he's awesome! Also as a point of fact, I've loved the juicy pictures he's posted of his audio gear as well. My statement was purely a state of opinion, based on the available facts that I know, about 420 dollar cables, vs 10 - 20 dollar cables. lol - But for me personally, even if I had 420 dollars to spend, I wouldn't drop that kind of money on a cable.

Now I am actually planning to buy a new computer soon, so I will be dropping some good money on one of those, but thats understandable, its a top end computer, so its gonna cost some money for sure. But even still, I won't be dropping 5 to 8 grand on one like some of the people in the tech world lol. I am basically aiming for a 2500 dollar notebook computer, that will be fast enough to allow me to edit 4K and make that a breeze, and also be able to render 4K resolution in high end games, thats all I need.

Now, next time one of you wants to buy a 10,000 dollar toilet, please come see me, cause I think I will need to tighten some loose screws lol. :joy:
Feb 15, 2021 at 6:15 PM Post #1,009 of 1,174
I can only compare the sp200 to fx audio x6 dac/amp and the biggest difference i find is the soundstage. Wide open almost to the point of distraction. Early Mayer albums sound great that way. Lotnof room between the fills he does. But with jazz ensembles it's too much.
Always thought i want a large soundstage now I'm not so sure.
Feb 15, 2021 at 7:59 PM Post #1,010 of 1,174
I looked up the cost of that cable, you gotta be smoking 420, to spend the 420 on a cable. The whole point of THX certified, is that it means there will be 0 noise floor, thats the whole point of THX, it filters the sound so that its quite. If your homes power is so darn dirty that your hearing noise in everything, then your home needs a power conditioner installed. And to be perfectly honest, if your power is that dirty, you might even have fried components somewhere. Spending 420 on a power cable for the AMP is gonna do nothing but just look good.
I have power conditioners as well. Richard Gray products. A couple of their 600S actually.
I just can't hear differences between cables is all.
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Feb 15, 2021 at 8:00 PM Post #1,011 of 1,174
Also, incase it wasn't obvious, my statement was in no means an attack against DMDM. I actually think pretty highly of DMDM, and have enjoyed his posts on this site, I think he's awesome! Also as a point of fact, I've loved the juicy pictures he's posted of his audio gear as well. My statement was purely a state of opinion, based on the available facts that I know, about 420 dollar cables, vs 10 - 20 dollar cables. lol - But for me personally, even if I had 420 dollars to spend, I wouldn't drop that kind of money on a cable.

Now I am actually planning to buy a new computer soon, so I will be dropping some good money on one of those, but thats understandable, its a top end computer, so its gonna cost some money for sure. But even still, I won't be dropping 5 to 8 grand on one like some of the people in the tech world lol. I am basically aiming for a 2500 dollar notebook computer, that will be fast enough to allow me to edit 4K and make that a breeze, and also be able to render 4K resolution in high end games, thats all I need.

Now, next time one of you wants to buy a 10,000 dollar toilet, please come see me, cause I think I will need to tighten some loose screws lol. :joy:
Nice! I recently bought an Aorus Gigabyte 17G with the 2070S in it. I absolutely love it.
Feb 15, 2021 at 8:45 PM Post #1,012 of 1,174
This is my backup amp that I just keep around for when the need arises. My balanced outputs from the TT2 developed an issue yesterday so I pulled this thing out to run my Susvara and, truth be told, it sounds great with them on high gain - no noise, clean sounding, no indication of running out of juice even at loud volumes. I'm using it as a power amp with the volume turned all the way up on high gain and using my TT2's single ended outs into it. I'm controlling volume from the TT2.
Feb 15, 2021 at 8:52 PM Post #1,013 of 1,174
This is my backup amp that I just keep around for when the need arises. My balanced outputs from the TT2 developed an issue yesterday so I pulled this thing out to run my Susvara and, truth be told, it sounds great with them on high gain - no noise, clean sounding, no indication of running out of juice even at loud volumes. I'm using it as a power amp with the volume turned all the way up on high gain and using my TT2's single ended outs into it. I'm controlling volume from the TT2.
And it runs the TCs extremely well too.
Feb 15, 2021 at 8:57 PM Post #1,014 of 1,174
Nice! I recently bought an Aorus Gigabyte 17G with the 2070S in it. I absolutely love it.

That's what I'm hoping to feel like as well when I buy my new Razor Blade 15 Advanced next month. Comes with a Core I7 8-core 16 thread 10th gen CPU, 16GB of RAM, and a 2080 GPU. I'll be upgrading the memory with 32GB of Corsair Vengeance DDR4 2933 RAM.
Feb 16, 2021 at 2:11 AM Post #1,016 of 1,174
That's what I'm hoping to feel like as well when I buy my new Razor Blade 15 Advanced next month. Comes with a Core I7 8-core 16 thread 10th gen CPU, 16GB of RAM, and a 2080 GPU. I'll be upgrading the memory with 32GB of Corsair Vengeance DDR4 2933 RAM.
Sounds overpriced to me.
Guess it's all fine as long as you're ok with paying the Razor tax.
Possible to get something better for less, or at least something that performs the same but with better build quality.

In your previous post you described a productivity workload. Unless thunderbolt is an absolute must I would suggest looking at a Ryzen based notebook. Mobile Ryzen is mopping the floor with anything Intel has to offer when it comes to multi threaded workloads.

This is all way off topic of course 😉🙄
Feb 16, 2021 at 12:27 PM Post #1,018 of 1,174
Has anybody tried to fix the channel imbalance of the pot?

The only way to fix that, that I am aware of, is to replace the POT with a high quality Alps POT. But you have to know what to buy, have a soldering kit, and knowledge on how to desolder the old POT off the board, and solder the new one on. Not an easy or simple task for most people, and certainly not something I was willing to do, while my unit is still under warranty. Another thing you can do to correct for imbalance, is whatever your source material is coming from, weather that be computer, phone whatever, have an app that allows you to just change the balance, about the easiest thing you can do at this point.
Feb 16, 2021 at 6:48 PM Post #1,019 of 1,174
Do you EQ at all. I can't seem to get any magic out of HD6xx no matter what i tried. (Mids are nice but ...

No i don't EQ at all. But i did find that most cans, including the HD6xx, sound better on high-gain on the SP200 (if you haven't already tried this). I doubt the SMSL M8A DAC with cheap brand-less linear PSU in my chain makes much difference to the overall sound.

But with this crazy hobby of ours, a lot of it is down to personal preferences. One person's meat is another person's poison.
Feb 16, 2021 at 7:03 PM Post #1,020 of 1,174
Any of you guys pair the SP200 with the Audeze LCD-2 Rev 2 ? (non fazor), how does they sound compared to the HA-160DS ?

My friend offered me his Burson HA-160DS for the same price as the SP200 so i'm really in a tight spot rn.

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