Singxer SA-1 / Balanced Amplifier Fully Discrete Class A - beyond THX 888 ?!
Mar 27, 2024 at 1:24 PM Post #2,536 of 2,613
It's amazing with people's experience in regard to headphone and amplifier synergy. I find the Rebel works great with my hd650 and hd600.
I find the hd600 sounds very mediocre with my singxer being on the thin,dull side. The 650 is ok and my 660s sounds excellent on the sa1.
My only planar is the old hifi man 400i which is absolutely horrible with the Rebel. On the other hand,my focal elex works beautifully with it.
I find the senns have a very smooth silky character on the Rebel with tons of headroom.
Using the singxer se input. But let's not forget the gain is raised to 17 db vs 11db balanced so power is not an issue. A number of reviewers found no difference in power( se vs bal )because of that gain increase.
Your experience with various headphones on the Singxer is actually pretty close to mine. I only recently replaced my long-lost HD 600, but have been surprised to find myself almost never listening to it on the Singxer amp. It also sounds dull and flat to me, and I end up using it more often with just a Mojo 2 connected to my phone. I primarily use a Focal Elex and HE6se v2 with the Singxer.
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Mar 28, 2024 at 1:17 PM Post #2,537 of 2,613
For listeners of HiFiMan HE6se v2 searching for a versatile amplifier, the $600 Singxer SA-1 can fulfill this purpose with compromise at the $600 expenditure that some can live happily with. Instead, I suggest those same listeners of HiFiMan HE6se v2 searching for a versatile amplifier, compromise at a lower budget of $400 for the Schiit Jotunheim 2. Not only would they save $200, they then would have an extremely versatile headphone amplifier that pairs better with the HiFiMan HE6se v2 and offers close to the performance of pairing (both reduced and greater) with a greater percentage of headphones. A better entry cost and often times better pairings.
I think that headphone and IEM listeners that are happy with the Sinxer SA-1 as their one and only main headphone amplifier should remain happy with their purchase. However, those that are purchasing blindly with no experience listening to many amplifiers would be better off with $200 cheaper Schiit Jotunheim 2 unless, they are willing to spend $200 additional for specific benefits of the SA-1 such as producing less heat, IEM performance benefits, and superior preamp switch that cuts off headphone output. $600 and $400 is a big difference for budget minded folk. I think the Jotunheim 2 makes a lot more sense for most of these consumers.

I am very happy with the SA1 so far. I imagine that won't change when my balanced cable arrives.

I had very specific requirements I was looking to meet: 1) Balanced in/out, 2) physical switch on front for changing input (no remote or submenu), 3) plays well with Ares II and Clear OGs. Price wasn't really a factor, though it did help with the gamble of purchasing something without hearing it first. If I didn't like it, I could flip it for not too much of a loss or just hang onto it for future systems.

I have nothing against Schiit. I have a few of their products and live within driving of the Schiitr. I wanted something different and prefer the switchgear of the Singxer. Also, at the time of purchase, the SA1 was only $70 more than the Jotunheim 2 on AliX. Everyone has their own budgetary limitations but, in this game, $70 really isn't very much and I would argue these two units are about the same price.
Mar 28, 2024 at 1:35 PM Post #2,538 of 2,613
Sorry if it’s mentioned already, but how does the new SA-1 V2 compare to the original SA-1?
Mar 28, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #2,539 of 2,613
Sorry if it’s mentioned already, but how does the new SA-1 V2 compare to the original SA-1?
I don't think anybody has listened to both of them side by side.

I posted pictures of the PCBs which are slightly different. Aside from that, output impedence is different on V2 but it looks like they aren't consistent on what they are labeling balanced/SE. Assuming there's a typo.

Their site says the following:

Low-Z: .7ohm (SE), 1.4ohm (balanced)
High-Z: 10.7ohm(SE), 11.4ohm (balanced)

Low-Z: 1.1ohm (SE), .25ohm (balanced)
High-Z: 11ohm (SE), 10ohm (balanced)

It also says:

'The PCB walkline was optimized, the direct flow deviation design of the line was adjusted, and the DC performance was improved.'
Mar 28, 2024 at 6:33 PM Post #2,540 of 2,613
I don't think anybody has listened to both of them side by side.

I posted pictures of the PCBs which are slightly different. Aside from that, output impedence is different on V2 but it looks like they aren't consistent on what they are labeling balanced/SE. Assuming there's a typo.

Their site says the following:

Low-Z: .7ohm (SE), 1.4ohm (balanced)
High-Z: 10.7ohm(SE), 11.4ohm (balanced)

Low-Z: 1.1ohm (SE), .25ohm (balanced)
High-Z: 11ohm (SE), 10ohm (balanced)

It also says:

'The PCB walkline was optimized, the direct flow deviation design of the line was adjusted, and the DC performance was improved.'
Looks like just some very minor refinements. Maybe motivated by changes in internal component availability/pricing rather than anything to do with sound quality improvements. Probably nothing that would be audible.
Mar 29, 2024 at 10:44 AM Post #2,541 of 2,613
A few other observations from the first week with the unit.

Temperature: It runs very cool. Regardless of the headphones or gain used on my m902, the unit would run very warm. The Singxer runs barely over ambient temp.

High-z/Low-z: There is a difference between high and low with the 55ohm Clears (low is better). I hear no difference between high-z and low-z with 250ohm DT770s or 300ohm HD580s. I didn't try in high gain. Flipping the unit over to switch is a bridge too far. I can't imagine that woud make a difference, though.

It doesn't get along with Shure SE535: I have a pair of these IEMs (36ohm) and thought I'd try them with the amp just to see how it sounded. The answer is...terrible. I could hear the instruments fine but vocals sounded like they were recorded in cave next door to the studio. I thought the Shures were broken so I tested them with my iphone 15 pro with a USB-C dongle. They were fine. I'm not sure (ha!) why it sounds so bad. Nobody is going to buy this amp to listen to 535s but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Mar 30, 2024 at 3:14 PM Post #2,542 of 2,613
I feel like through this forum and news lately this amp is making a bit of a comeback since audio devices tend to fade into the background over time. Cameron on the headphone show live YouTube video just suggested people get the SA-1 if they want to get a reasonably priced headphone amp and update things like their headphones before considering going beyond it. Nice that this amp got a moment years later like that. Anyways, loving this amp. I always get the itch to try other things. But part of me thinks this amp is ideal for non colorized but enjoyable sound in a decent price range when you got good synergy. Unless you need more power for very demanding and probably expensive headphones.

I really suggest anyone looking for amps under 1k to watch the headphone show recent video on the Midgard too. I believe he suggests for certain headphones the Midgard might actually be preferable to the SA-1. So I thought that was pretty cool that it’s another argument for synergy matters and you don’t need to spend a lot for goodness.
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Mar 30, 2024 at 3:41 PM Post #2,543 of 2,613
I feel like through this forum and news lately this amp is making a bit of a comeback since audio devices tend to fade into the background over time. Cameron on the headphone show live YouTube video just suggested people get the SA-1 if they want to get a reasonably priced headphone amp and update things like their headphones before considering going beyond it. Nice that this amp got a moment years later like that. Anyways, loving this amp. I always get the itch to try other things. But part of me thinks this amp is ideal for non colorized but enjoyable sound in a decent price range when you got good synergy. Unless you need more power for very demanding and probably expensive headphones.

I really suggest anyone looking for amps under 1k to watch the headphone show recent video on the Midgard too. I believe he suggests for certain headphones the Midgard might actually be preferable to the SA-1. So I thought that was pretty cool that it’s another argument for synergy matters and you don’t need to spend a lot for goodness.
Fyi Great with Neumann ndh30
Mar 30, 2024 at 3:47 PM Post #2,544 of 2,613
Anyways, loving this amp. I always get the itch to try other things. But part of me thinks this amp is ideal for non colorized but enjoyable sound in a decent price range when you got good synergy. Unless you need more power for very demanding and probably expensive headphones.
Pretty much. The only limitations I’ve found so far are that it’s not a great match for my sensitive IEMs (cooks the midrange) nor a good match for my HD 600 (sounds dull), but great with everything else I’ve used it with, even my demanding HE6se v2. Don’t feel much need to upgrade. Maybe just flesh out my options with other amp topologies (OTL, class A, etc).
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Mar 30, 2024 at 4:40 PM Post #2,545 of 2,613
I feel like through this forum and news lately this amp is making a bit of a comeback since audio devices tend to fade into the background over time. Cameron on the headphone show live YouTube video just suggested people get the SA-1 if they want to get a reasonably priced headphone amp and update things like their headphones before considering going beyond it. Nice that this amp got a moment years later like that. Anyways, loving this amp. I always get the itch to try other things. But part of me thinks this amp is ideal for non colorized but enjoyable sound in a decent price range when you got good synergy. Unless you need more power for very demanding and probably expensive headphones.

I really suggest anyone looking for amps under 1k to watch the headphone show recent video on the Midgard too. I believe he suggests for certain headphones the Midgard might actually be preferable to the SA-1. So I thought that was pretty cool that it’s another argument for synergy matters and you don’t need to spend a lot for goodness.
I had looked hard at this amp a few years ago, but didn't bite. I wanted to try some full on tube amps and I did.
I have sold one tube amp and am debating on selling the other one and might end up grabbing this amp in the end.
Never say never. :smile:
Mar 30, 2024 at 5:09 PM Post #2,546 of 2,613
Pretty much. The only limitations I’ve found so far are that it’s not a great match for my sensitive IEMs (cooks the midrange) nor a good match for my HD 600 (sounds dull), but great with everything else I’ve used it with, even my demanding HE6se v2. Don’t feel much need to upgrade. Maybe just flesh out my options with other amp topologies (OTL, class A, etc).
Well that’s cool because that’s exactly what the headphone show video said about the hd600 I believe so maybe there is something to it.
Mar 30, 2024 at 11:07 PM Post #2,547 of 2,613
Just out of curiosity, how many people here are long time owners?

I almost bought a used one more than once over the last few years, but I was always leery due to the red light of death.
I hate that a lot of the Chinese amps only have a one year warranty. I know they are trying to hit price points, but I do wonder how long some will last.

Anyway, anybody here going on four years of ownership?
Mar 31, 2024 at 7:46 PM Post #2,548 of 2,613
Just out of curiosity, how many people here are long time owners?

I almost bought a used one more than once over the last few years, but I was always leery due to the red light of death.
I hate that a lot of the Chinese amps only have a one year warranty. I know they are trying to hit price points, but I do wonder how long some will last.

Anyway, anybody here going on four years of ownership?
I still have mine. It was on my desk until two weeks ago (still works fine) when I refreshed my desktop setup with gear I haven’t used in awhile. Not picture are liquid platinum, A90, and basX-100 that I use to drive mainly Arya v2, HE6v2, and Elex. I recently picked up a HEKse and hence the refresh to try with my mid-tier gear.

I’ve had my SA-1 since 4/2021 so basically 3 years. The earliest post in this thread is from 1/2021 so depending on when the SA-1 was first available, the cohort of ppl who have owned this for 4 years may not exist.

I still like the SA-1 and appreciate it for what it is - a versatile amp that produces a clean sound that’s not fatiguing with good bass. I think someone mentioned it earlier that this amp doesn’t add much color and just lets your headphones do their thing and I completely agree. Is it my favorite amp pairing to drive the HE6? Of course not - I like my Master19 or the Soloist in power amp mode better. But I use it to drive my HD6xx, Elex, and few others that have their own character. Furthermore, SA-1 is definitely capable of revealing what the HE6 can do and it doesn’t double as a furnace while doing it.

I think when people say that the SA-1 is too polite or boring, I believe it’s due to the way the SA-1 presents the music. Whereas the Master19 or Liquid platinum sound more engaging due to the sound being more in your face, the SA-1 produces a smoother sound that’s pushed farther out. This coupled with less bass slam (but still good amount) would definitely make someone think that SA-1 is too boring or soft. Some tracks with Aryav2 sound artificially large but some well recorded tracks sound “proper” and sublime.

Just my 2 cents.

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Mar 31, 2024 at 8:37 PM Post #2,549 of 2,613
I still have mine. It was on my desk until two weeks ago (still works fine) when I refreshed my desktop setup with gear I haven’t used in awhile. Not picture are liquid platinum, A90, and basX-100 that I use to drive mainly Arya v2, HE6v2, and Elex. I recently picked up a HEKse and hence the refresh to try with my mid-tier gear.

I’ve had my SA-1 since 4/2021 so basically 3 years. The earliest post in this thread is from 1/2021 so depending on when the SA-1 was first available, the cohort of ppl who have owned this for 4 years may not exist.

I still like the SA-1 and appreciate it for what it is - a versatile amp that produces a clean sound that’s not fatiguing with good bass. I think someone mentioned it earlier that this amp doesn’t add much color and just lets your headphones do their thing and I completely agree. Is it my favorite amp pairing to drive the HE6? Of course not - I like my Master19 or the Soloist in power amp mode better. But I use it to drive my HD6xx, Elex, and few others that have their own character. Furthermore, SA-1 is definitely capable of revealing what the HE6 can do and it doesn’t double as a furnace while doing it.

I think when people say that the SA-1 is too polite or boring, I believe it’s due to the way the SA-1 presents the music. Whereas the Master19 or Liquid platinum sound more engaging due to the sound being more in your face, the SA-1 produces a smoother sound that’s pushed farther out. This coupled with less bass slam (but still good amount) would definitely make someone think that SA-1 is too boring or soft. Some tracks with Aryav2 sound artificially large but some well recorded tracks sound “proper” and sublime.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks for the feedback. I guess the longest owners are going to be three years.

Have you ever had the red light come on and stay on for a bit?

I used to have the LP for quite a while, but sold it a year or two ago. The gain was just too high for me.

I would like to use this amp with the Focal Clear's, Senn HD660S2's, Grado GH2's, HiFiman Arya's, CFA Cascades, iBasso SR2's, FiiO FT5's and Focal Radiance's.
Almost all are Very easy to drive and I would like to have lots of space to play with the volume dial.
Mar 31, 2024 at 8:55 PM Post #2,550 of 2,613
Thanks for the feedback. I guess the longest owners are going to be three years.

Have you ever had the red light come on and stay on for a bit?

I used to have the LP for quite a while, but sold it a year or two ago. The gain was just too high for me.

I would like to use this amp with the Focal Clear's, Senn HD660S2's, Grado GH2's, HiFiman Arya's, CFA Cascades, iBasso SR2's, FiiO FT5's and Focal Radiance's.
Almost all are Very easy to drive and I would like to have lots of space to play with the volume dial.
Fortunately, I never saw any red light come on my SA-1 (knocks on wood) but my anecdote won’t mean much.

I know what you mean about the LP - it could’ve really used a gain switch. I really like the sound it makes with my Arya but I can’t use it with my Ares II dac because there’s some channel imbalance at around 9:30, which is my preferred listening volume. Moving past 9:30 resolves the imbalance but then it’s too loud. Rme is a good alternative since I can control the volume (unlike Ares II) but I’ve grown to realize I prefer the r2r sound.

As for volume play with your headphones, I’m sure you’ll be fine. I only stay in low gain on SA-1 (sounds tighter to my ears) and never felt the need to go higher. I’m at 3:30-4 on the HE6v2, around 2 for Arya, and 11-12 (I think) for the Elex. Can’t remember for HD6xx. I have a hearing of a late forties male. Ymmv and all that.

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