Schiit Lyr+ : Impressions Thread
Feb 13, 2024 at 6:37 PM Post #1,231 of 1,381
I see people have mixed opinions on Lyr+ SS mode. I'm looking to have great tube and SS options in my stack, to suit my mood. If I were to get Lyr+ would it be worth also getting a dedicated SS, like an Asgard or Midgard? Or would the SS mode be comparable? Or would you suggest something else entirely? I'm living on a budget and trying not to break the bank, one reason I'm such a fan of Schiit. But I'm accepting suggestions for any stack, as long as each individual component can be had for under $1000 (happy to buy used). Currently planning to put these amps on my Bifrost 2 (I have 2/64 and OG cards). If there's a strong case for a different DAC I would be willing to consider it, but I think it would be tough to beat the price to performance of what I have.

I haven't heard the Midgard but I would say the Lyr+'s SS mode will outdo the Asgard 3 pretty easily. A more apt comparison would be to an equivalently priced $600 SS amp which I don't think the Lyr+'s SS mode will stand up to in most cases.

For you the Lyr+ would work fine, but more than likely you'll be happy enough with tube mode that you won't bother with the (usually inferior sounding) SS mode. The advantage of a hybrid tube approach is that you get a lot of the advantages of SS amps anyway, with the embellishments that tubes provide.
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Feb 13, 2024 at 7:47 PM Post #1,232 of 1,381
I see people have mixed opinions on Lyr+ SS mode. I'm looking to have great tube and SS options in my stack, to suit my mood. If I were to get Lyr+ would it be worth also getting a dedicated SS, like an Asgard or Midgard? Or would the SS mode be comparable? Or would you suggest something else entirely? I'm living on a budget and trying not to break the bank, one reason I'm such a fan of Schiit. But I'm accepting suggestions for any stack, as long as each individual component can be had for under $1000 (happy to buy used). Currently planning to put these amps on my Bifrost 2 (I have 2/64 and OG cards). If there's a strong case for a different DAC I would be willing to consider it, but I think it would be tough to beat the price to performance of what I have.
Lyr+ handily beats my Midgard. It's more of a Solid state amp tonality wise that takes on the attributes of a tube amp. In solid state it's still a great amp but there's really zero reason to use it without a tube. I also don't think there's an upgrade to be had to your 2/64 below $1000.

I've heard great things about the Burson Soloist 3XP which you should be able to find used slightly under or around 1k. If you want to go all tube I've only had experience with the Echo MK2 which you can get used for around the price of a new Lyr+. I prefer SS myself, I think the Lyr+ is the perfect mix
Feb 13, 2024 at 7:51 PM Post #1,233 of 1,381
Bro, I've been looking for a 2/64 for 3 weeks. I knew as soon as I ordered from Schiit one would go on sale somewhere and sure enough there's one available on usaudiomart today 😂
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Feb 13, 2024 at 8:24 PM Post #1,234 of 1,381
Bro, I've been looking for a 2/64 for 3 weeks. I knew as soon as I ordered** from Schiit one would go on sale somewhere and sure enough there's one available on usaudiomart today 😂
** .... as sure as Schiit .... 😯 / 😂 / 🤬 ....
Feb 13, 2024 at 9:40 PM Post #1,235 of 1,381
Feb 14, 2024 at 4:49 PM Post #1,236 of 1,381
Bro, I've been looking for a 2/64 for 3 weeks. I knew as soon as I ordered from Schiit one would go on sale somewhere and sure enough there's one available on usaudiomart today 😂
You should have posted a WTB in classifieds, they go up all the time so you probably would have gotten a hit quick
Feb 14, 2024 at 4:52 PM Post #1,237 of 1,381
You should have posted a WTB in classifieds, they go up all the time so you probably would have gotten a hit quick
I did do that. I also had 3 other websites that I'd check several times a day looking for one. Only hits I got were for the OG Bifrost 2
Feb 15, 2024 at 3:12 PM Post #1,238 of 1,381
Isn't it beautiful 😍
Feb 15, 2024 at 5:09 PM Post #1,241 of 1,381
How does the 2/64 sound paired with the LYR+?
Absolutely incredible. The Lyr+ with the Psvane UK6sn7 is already 3D sounding, the soundstage is larger and spherical. The Bifrost just layers everything better while introducing holographic timbres all around you with incredible imaging. Width, Depth, Height. You feel like you can reach in and grab sounds. Just a smidge of warmth, not overly thick (for my taste) like the original Bifrost 2 was. Thick powerful and textured bass, Sparkly highs which smooth out as the DAC breaks in. Drums are placed based on the layout of the kit so everything has its own spot.

Wavetheory said in his Bifrost 2/64 review that not only was getting a Bifrost 2 a whole different game, but he didn't even realize there was that level of game to be played. He's absolutely correct lol
Feb 17, 2024 at 12:55 PM Post #1,242 of 1,381
I was concerned about the heat the Bifrost 2/64 put out along with the Jot+. Even with space between the two it gets pretty toasty in there so I grabbed a cheap fan off Amazon. I'm aware they're ok with the heat they put out but a bit of peace of mind goes a long a way

Also snagged a pair of the Arya V2. I'm pretty sure the soundstage is going to be insane because the combo already makes my 1990s sound deep and they're by no means a headphone known for its soundstage
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Feb 17, 2024 at 1:23 PM Post #1,243 of 1,381
I was concerned about the heat the Bifrost 2/64 put out along with the Jot+. Even with space between the two it gets pretty toasty in there so I grabbed a cheap fan off Amazon. I'm aware they're ok with the heat they put out but a bit of peace of mind goes a long a way

Also snagged a pair of the Arya V2. I'm pretty sure the soundstage is going to be insane because the combo already makes my 1990s sound deep and they're by no means a headphone known for its soundstage1000002846.jpg

This is wise!
Feb 17, 2024 at 5:25 PM Post #1,244 of 1,381
I was concerned about the heat the Bifrost 2/64 put out along with the Jot+. Even with space between the two it gets pretty toasty in there so I grabbed a cheap fan off Amazon. I'm aware they're ok with the heat they put out but a bit of peace of mind goes a long a way

Also snagged a pair of the Arya V2. I'm pretty sure the soundstage is going to be insane because the combo already makes my 1990s sound deep and they're by no means a headphone known for its soundstage
I have to wonder what your ambient temperature is to make you feel that your Bifrost and Jot are running that warm.

With the 3/4-in spacers that I have between all of my hardware, my Lyr+, Bifrost and Kara all run warm (not the least bit hot) to the touch. And I've had both the Lyr+ and the Bifrost 2/64 for over a year now.

My room is rarely outside the 68F to 70F range.
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Feb 17, 2024 at 11:53 PM Post #1,245 of 1,381
I have to wonder what your ambient temperature is to make you feel that your Bifrost and Jot are running that warm.

With the 3/4-in spacers that I have between all of my hardware, my Lyr+, Bifrost and Kara all run warm (not the least bit hot) to the touch. And I've had both the Lyr+ and the Bifrost 2/64 for over a year now.

My room is rarely outside the 68F to 70F range.
I have my heating set to 73 and that's just a step below warm for me lol. The combination gets real toasty for me, especially in the middle with the heat of the Bifrost rising and the Lyr just being a warm amp in general. The fan works great with the chassis of both now feeling cool to the touch

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