Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 9, 2022 at 4:23 PM Post #100,861 of 155,217
How would you feel if the states merged and became just Carolina? Personally, I don't see the point of North anything if it doesn't snow there....

Oct 9, 2022 at 4:24 PM Post #100,862 of 155,217
Oct 9, 2022 at 4:25 PM Post #100,863 of 155,217
How would you feel if the states merged and became just Carolina? Personally, I don't see the point of North anything if it doesn't snow there....
OK, let's merge the Carolinas. For convenience' sake.

But why stop there? Let's merge all the southern states from Louisiana to NC into one single state, they're similar-ish enough in culture anyway. We can do the same with New England, the West Coast, the Midwest, and the mountain states.*
Texas remains separate, they're — uhm… — a bit "special."

Come to think of it, why even bother with states at all? We're already one nation, we speak the same language (if you "squint" your ears hard enough), let's just get rid of that whole state nonsense altogether and save us a bunch of paperwork every year with all those extra tax forms and elections and all that stuff.

Nations? Why do they exist again? Aren't we all just humans anyway? No more tariffs! No more wars!

OK, now that I've created world-peace, what's next? Ah, figuring out who's right: Solid state or tubes… Now THERE's a challenge! 🤣

* Edit: Yes, I forgot about Alaska and Hawaii. Ooops… 😬
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Oct 9, 2022 at 4:26 PM Post #100,864 of 155,217
Oct 9, 2022 at 4:31 PM Post #100,865 of 155,217
OK, let's merge the Carolinas. For convenience' sake.

But why stop there? Let's merge all the southern states from Louisiana to NC into one single state, they're similar-ish enough in culture anyway. We can do the same with New England, the West Coast, the Midwest, and the mountain states. Texas remains separate, they're — uhm… — a bit "special."

Come to think of it, why even bother with states at all? We're already one nation, we speak the same language (if you "squint" your ears hard enough), let's just get rid of that whole state nonsense altogether and save us a bunch of paperwork every year with all those extra tax forms and elections and all that stuff.

Nations? Why do they exist again? Aren't we all just humans anyway? No more tariffs! No more wars!

OK, now that I've created world-peace, what's next? Ah, figuring out who's right: Solid state or tubes… Now THERE's a challenge! 🤣
"... imagine all the sauces,🎶 🎵... they can be tasty if you try 🎶... no South Carolina below us 🎶 above our meat smokers only sky 🎶..." :L3000: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Oct 9, 2022 at 4:34 PM Post #100,866 of 155,217
Surprised you didn't mention El Yucateco verde. Or the brown if your not afraid of heights. Both outstanding.

I live way up north, close to Canada.

I am not familiar with the brand you
mentioned, ill have to check it out.

Edit - upon review I had this, this summer at some mexican restaurant in/near Eagan MN, and it saved my powdered eggs at the hotel.

Good stuff if you like heat. Was borderline too hot for me. Beer with breakfast kind of weekend, so it worked out.
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Oct 9, 2022 at 4:51 PM Post #100,867 of 155,217
Oct 9, 2022 at 4:52 PM Post #100,868 of 155,217
OK, let's merge the Carolinas. For convenience' sake.

But why stop there? Let's merge all the southern states from Louisiana to NC into one single state, they're similar-ish enough in culture anyway. We can do the same with New England, the West Coast, the Midwest, and the mountain states.*
Texas remains separate, they're — uhm… — a bit "special."
Texas would be cool with this.
We've been trying to secede thumping our chests about secession for years now.

I found plenty of other info stating vinyl record sales are increasing as are CD sales.

Maybe vinyl is not dead after all.:) CD sales are also increasing recently.
FWIW, the used CD market is phenomenal right now. Many good deals to be had without really trying. :beerchug:
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Oct 9, 2022 at 4:57 PM Post #100,869 of 155,217
Texas would be cool with this.
We've been trying to secede thumping our chests about secession for years now.
So do some parts of California. I say: let them have it. They obviously won't listen to neither historic evidence nor to reason, so learning the hard way that they're far better off as part of a large union instead of on their own might be the only thing that works for those folks.
Oct 9, 2022 at 5:41 PM Post #100,870 of 155,217
As others have said before me: If you don't want to mess with tubes, get a Freya S.


If your budget allows, I'd like you to consider a Freya+ with a set of LISST.
Well, since LISST is solid state, you won't have to mess with tubes. But at the same time, you keep the door open for a bit of tubey fun down road if you ever change your mind on the whole no-messing-with-triodes-thing. But even if you end up never changing your mind on that, Freya+ with LISST still sounds considerably better to my ears than a Freya S, so your money would most assuredly not be wasted on this somewhat more pricier option.

And for what it's worth: Forget about Freya N altogether. Sure, 9-pin tubes can be sourced easier these days, but they don't sound nearly as good as 6SN7s. I find most of them a bit anemic, thinner in their sound, when compared to even some of the more mediocre 6SN7s. Subjective, sure, but what isn't in this fine hobby of ours. 😇 And unless you find two pairs of noval LISST somewhere, which isn't exactly easy, you'd have to deal with an awkward setup of socket risers and converters to get octal LISSTs to work with the Freya N. So, if you opt for a tubed Freya, go +, not N.

Freya N and Freya+ are essentially the same thing, just with different tube sockets. Freya N takes 9-pin ("noval", hence the "N") tubes, and Freya+ takes 8-pin ("octal") tubes. Noval tubes are smaller and ever so slightly easier and a little cheaper to source, but that might not be the case forever. As far as sound goes, The Freyas + and N sound pretty much the same, since they're essentially the same thing electrically. Any difference that you might get in sound comes from the tubes you put in them, which is why I personally prefer the + over the N, because I prefer the sound of most octal tubes. The only 9-pin tube I actually really love is the Genalex Gold Lion E88CC — but it's Russian, and the few that are left in stocks outside of Russia have gone up in price to a point where the sound may no longer really justify the cost.

@EMINENT Also, both Freya+ & FreyaN have built-in solid state (compound differential buffer) modes — no tubes or LISST needed. AFAIK, Original Freya should not be operated without tubes present.
Oct 9, 2022 at 5:49 PM Post #100,872 of 155,217

Hmmm, this isn't working for me. It's no secret that I love me some LISST, but this doesn't blow my skirt up. Like, at all. The highs become way too sharp, and that lush low end that Folkvangr can deliver under the right circumstances has mostly disappeared. The mids are fine, though—if you like to have your ears be lashed with them like the nasty little gimps that they are.


LISST doesn't really seem to jive with Folkvangr.

Schocker, I know.

It's back to the Gold Lions for me, and pronto.

(And yes, my Folkvangr is dusty. No need to rub it in. It's almond harvest season in my neck of the woods. Because the only thing that's more awesome than living in a dustbowl is living in a dustbowl while close to a million trees that haven't seen a drop of rain in eight months get the living bejeezus shaken out of them. 😷)
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Oct 9, 2022 at 5:49 PM Post #100,873 of 155,217

@EMINENT Also, both Freya+ & FreyaN have built-in solid state (compound differential buffer) modes — no tubes or LISST needed. AFAIK, Original Freya should not be operated without tubes present.
I want the octal tube sound so the closest I came to solid state, on purpose ,were the LISST devices. I owned an original then the +😉
Oct 9, 2022 at 7:13 PM Post #100,874 of 155,217
hmmmm - wondering what others feel is best debut album? That would be very high on my list along with Chicago Transit Authority

@StimpyWan beat me to King Crimson.

Does it count if the discography has only one listing? :laughing:

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Oct 9, 2022 at 7:14 PM Post #100,875 of 155,217
For everyone who cares about such things, here's the Schiit Sine Update, hoovering up some of the popular topics last 8 months since the last update :relaxed:

V7 Change Log 2022-10-10
Added : Evs
Added : Hot Sauce
Added : Craft Beer
Added : Whisk(e)ys
Added : Opine/Complain/Lament thread's length and generally off-topic nature
Added : Defend/Validate/Cheer the thread's community, fun, gregarious and prolific nature
Added : Debut Albums
Updated : Moved some elements to make room

Schiit Sine v7 2022-10-10.png

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