Rockin Alternative To Hd600s?
Mar 16, 2016 at 1:14 PM Post #16 of 19
Well you mentioned "classic" rock & metal earlier, which I'd assumed meant 60s to 80s rock & 80s metal. Didn't think you meant anything more modern like death metal until you linked that YouTube vid.
But that doesn't change my recommendation all that much. Although I wasn't familiar with Parasite Inc, I listen to quite a bit of metal too, most of it relatively modern (post-2000, but I also listen to a handful of bands from the 90s) and I've found the R70x to play everything very well, from In Flames, Megadeth, and Machine Head, to more modern bands like Periphery, Trivium, and Keep of Kalessin. It's certainly articulate enough for fast metal, as well as electronica which is another big genre for me.
That said, this line in one of your other posts: "wondering if theres anything else I should consider that will smack me around a bit when I want to get my metal on" makes me unsure that you'd completely like the R70x. Although it is more upfront- and impolite-sounding than the the HD600, there are two headphones I think of more, considering that line and your music preferences—either the Audio-Technica MSR7 (which is far and away one of the best headphones I've heard for fast metal), or the Audio-Technica AD2000 (unfortunately out of production). In fact, I listened to that YouTube vid on my AD2000 just now and it was as awesome as I thought it would be, it was just pure viciousness and shredded that track like the monster it is.
I think you'd love either the MSR7 or AD2000 for metal specifically—it doesn't even matter which one you get because they're equally capable with metal, but if you can find a used AD2000 you should snap that up because it's so unique. The only "problem" with the MSR7 and AD2000 is that neither have a lot of mid-bass, but don't let that stop you. Both of them are perfectly capable of tearing into metal music and figuratively throwing it at your face.
As far as that line you quoted, I definitely disagree with it in two aspects: (1) I previously owned both the T1 and HD800 and thought both of them sounded slow, the T1 moreso than the HD800, and (2) The R70x is perfectly fine for fast music, and metal in particular. Not that many "reviewers" on Head-Fi actually listen to contemporary metal either, and I do, so you and I have that in common.
Btw to quote your post #1 again:
"So I need something around the same price of HD600s that pair well with my WA2 amp" > this could be the R70x
"Are easy to drive and dont require an amp" > this could be either the MSR7 or AD2000

Thank you for the well thought out post....

I referenced Parasite Inc as it represents well the speed threshold of my musical tastes.I like faster bands,like Arch Enemy,for example,but not much I have gets much faster.

i like progmetal(Opeth,Agalloch,etc...which I love on my 99.00 Grado 80e),but I guess the benchmark bands I should reference are The Ramones and Motorhead.

I literally own 34 Motorhead CDs,and if youre familar with their sound,they IMO dont do well with a refined headphone,same with The Ramones.
When I throw on "No Sleep Til Hammersmith" my Grado 80Es come the closest to having me in that hall in 1980....its not perfect,hence my wanting to trade out my HD600s.
I want to have my bones jarred,my skull pummeled,my teeth get my point.

If I had oodles of disposable income Id have a Motorhead headphone,a Judas Priest Headphone,a Pink Floyd headphone,a Kreator headphone,a Queen headphone....etc....but since Im not rich I have to try and find an aggresive,fast phone for metal and a classic rock headphone...Im pretty happy with my T1s for classic rock,now for that metal phone...the search is on

I will check out your recommendations.

Much appreciated
Mar 16, 2016 at 8:43 PM Post #17 of 19
damn man,read some on all 3 headphones you mentioned....

Now I really want to get a pair AD2000s....

Mar 16, 2016 at 11:21 PM Post #18 of 19
Well,as luck would have it an original pair of AD2000s popped up today from S.Korea....and I jumped on them,for a very good price.

These headphones seem to be polarizing from what Ive read,so Im hoping I will fall into the "love it" category!

Thanks for all the replies and to Asr for recommending them.
Mar 17, 2016 at 2:01 AM Post #19 of 19
I think fast and slow are two of the most tricky words around.  
Can you explain what fast mean to you in objective terms?
(Frequency Response, Harmonic Distortion, other kind of distortion, CSD, ... )
If not, can you at least expand your take on those concepts (fast/slow)?
I appreciate the clarification.

I meant nothing objective by "slow".
But in subjective terms, I've found that a lot of headphones don't really accurately convey a sense of speed in fast music or fast sequences in music. Specifically, as the thread starter mentioned, in metal music (as one example, it's not necessarily limited to just metal) where there's a "speedrun" (i.e., really fast drumming, or a fast bass guitar run). The HD800 might have a measurably fast impulse response, but I tried that headphone out of a variety of amps and never heard it sound "agile" with an ability to not only cleanly separate one note from the next in a fast sequence of notes, but also give each note its own individual kinetic energy. The Audio-Technica AD2000 is the only dynamic headphone I've heard that can do that (to categorically exclude planar magnetic and electrostatic headphones).
Well,as luck would have it an original pair of AD2000s popped up today from S.Korea....and I jumped on them,for a very good price.
These headphones seem to be polarizing from what Ive read,so Im hoping I will fall into the "love it" category!

Thanks for all the replies and to Asr for recommending them.

Yup they're definitely polarizing, but I have a feeling that you might like 'em considering your complaints with the HD600. I'd be surprised if you don't end up liking the AD2K....

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