Recommendations for buy headphone
Apr 12, 2017 at 7:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Apr 12, 2017
hi guys... first of all i wanna say sorry for my weak english language.... :D
i wanna buy a headphone and im very very confounded which model is better for me...
i listen to almost every genre of music.... but most of all i listen to the electronic and house music... psytrance...psybient... like shpongle and rock music of course like pink floyd...
Sound-isolating and Sound quality and clarity is to importent for me.... i wanna hear every sound of music very clear and obvious... after that i wanna good base... not very very pounder base but i want a satisfying base... and satisfying volume of course....
my player is iphone 6s
so witch model do you offer for me? :
Firs of all between these two :
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
V-Moda XS
And Then
Between theese :
Audio-Technica ATH-MSR7 BK
V-MODA Crossfade M-100
Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
Sennheiser HD7 DJ
By the way... i cant speak english very well but i understand it perfect, so you can explain to me every thing you want
thank you...thank you....thank you
Apr 13, 2017 at 10:39 AM Post #2 of 6
First off I do NOT recommend M50x for any use at all. They are harsh, cold and don't have any soundstage. The M40x however is less money and has a better sound if you want Audio Technica. As for the V-MODA, I can't say. I have only ever heard one V-moda headphone and did not like it. 
I personally would get the HD7 DJ. (Im a huge Sennheiser fan and they also would provide everything your asking for) 
Apr 22, 2017 at 7:30 PM Post #4 of 6
thanks buddy
so i think HD8 DJ is better than HD7 and if i buy, i choose HD8
but is this model apart from electronica and psybient genre,,, good for rock music like pink floyd and other rock band?
does it have a good sound-isolating , sound quality , soundstage and sound clarity??
first of all im buying headphone for shponge band... this is psybient music and have a very very small and tiny sound in their music and i wanna hear all of them so clear.... for example one sound in their music is coming from background of music and getting louder and closer sec to sec.... this is to importent for me....
And what about these headphone:
Sennheiser MOMENTUM Over Ear M2
Beyerdynamic Custom One PRO PLUS
R they good for me?
Apr 22, 2017 at 7:32 PM Post #5 of 6
  First off I do NOT recommend M50x for any use at all. They are harsh, cold and don't have any soundstage. The M40x however is less money and has a better sound if you want Audio Technica. As for the V-MODA, I can't say. I have only ever heard one V-moda headphone and did not like it. 
I personally would get the HD7 DJ. (Im a huge Sennheiser fan and they also would provide everything your asking for) 

thanks buddy
so i think HD8 DJ is better than HD7 and if i buy, i choose HD8
but is this model apart from electronica and psybient genre,,, good for rock music like pink floyd and other rock band?
does it have a good sound-isolating , sound quality , soundstage and sound clarity??
first of all im buying headphone for shponge band... this is psybient music and have a very very small and tiny sound in their music and i wanna hear all of them so clear.... for example one sound in their music is coming from background of music and getting louder and closer sec to sec.... this is to importent for me....
And what about these headphone:
Sennheiser MOMENTUM Over Ear M2
Beyerdynamic Custom One PRO PLUS
R they good for me?
Apr 23, 2017 at 5:27 AM Post #6 of 6
The VModas are distorted in the mids but have great bass. The Sennheisers here are very punchy and nice with their bass but it's also an unbalanced headphone. The M50x's are an okay choice for beginners, the quality isn't too bad and the bass is tight and clean for it's price. In comparison to the others, it has the least 'juice' to it.
The MSR7's are the ones I'd recommend at first glance, but they can get a bit harsh (in return for it's extreme clarity, clean-ness, and detail), but for your taste I'd say dive for the VModa M-100.

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